f BOx 34&, 191 " Str* E, ss I Mihme LAÇT4NO 51l b is s d s Tarais as 821-3837 Fu - M7-4943 i*,i b«l,= - J .sia ied x 0duu 75-3300W bh.meus.lii i I an Oliver @MMshe Off 'M m&A IW% Ney Oliver £*.iMnDwtm * M.16AbfsdMW~ Test Case Offictaa .fq -«« »=. ima 1s » a Ta. cotas P,.ddn. isa. àà @- d 1. -e"*m LOOKiNG BACK MJre control needed The best thang shoat could happens to the Hilton Regional Police Service, as ils now called, would bc for it to corne under more direct conamil by Oueted officiais. duat la, Hilton regkona counicillors. Wé realize somne people arc dcad set agaunst titis, wîth what they honesty sec as extremnely valid rescrvations. One of thora is Oskvjlle counscillor Fred Oliver, a formier dcpuay police chief and police comanussioner. Mr. Oliver feurs more direct conarol over police operatians .-by47Midciant would lead to an increased ulsk of political inter- ferencèFa'u<at is now a largely autorsnous force. He recendy saidi such was thc case about 40 years agp in Ontario. whea politiins dld have more say and sway in police matura. Prenty thc police chief and his close subordisnates uin the day-to- day opetrMions 1)f thc foM., under tie supervision of what la, in Halon at Iat, a five-member civillan police ser- vices bard. It ia the civilisai bourd sisa by land large bas Uic major Say in jl police opération& and only two of ils miembers are clccted - wugame the twvo regional councillors on thc pansel. Thse odher tbrce arems (Wa apoitd. Mâft's not to dimnish dmc latter's roles or efforts, aoi hdoca mcen they aren't as directly'accountable Io t P lop e as thc two politiclans are. P The push in govcrrnment at ai levels la toward incred public accountability. As a malter of fact, politicians in Hilon have for som tdm been pressing for mor authority over One police. It appears to be a trend acroas Ontario. A praincîally appointedt commosittc bas been touning vaulous towns and cilics A Secjing; input for prapésed changes. Hopia l's prabably truc, as Oakvillc Mayor Afin Mulvale reccntly coa -sugested, lite even if politicians do gain more of à moie in ai a MAlt police miatters tlilr banda will still bc sied on a number ofoAm- mid elle portant issues. That's because the province, wisely, ha& already Opato indicated il laîsno plans to allow politiciens to tAnker with R*w wai are siveemclsaential police expenditures. ' hed serve ut terewil be omearmwhcre the politicai process, the MiltWC analy demnocratlc prois corms anm to the forts. and ,g ail ditioii,t to the good. - u Mils We have been lmpresscd wlth many of thc Initiatives under- Wiký À taken by Hitons Roglonai Police - their promissent place in cînsuc fa, race relations evolution and puis toward cacnmnlty policing et home a are two exemples tUit conte wo mid. These changea have icithaut in corne froni dmc top of the.force, fian Chlef Jarms Harding, discoyr and are ta bc applauded.ûn But we aiso know bhat Ouilf Hasdhlg et timtes struggles wlthah mmn du poli" cal me dma la, probably unfauly. foroeds upei hlm. hsp. OnIy Hes has clashes! wlth alected officiaIs. He huas ataini been LI confronaaonaj lnscadés oconunlsng. Comnpulsa Thi isw ic xpctc anUi poic buineswhee onfTm las ona Mi 71hi leto c exocid i dm olie bsines, her conro U th event tation ncesarly formsa abig part ofth Uick Wtend coin- psoled ic preautse uRIaly smaiii devisnc fron hlgh sandrs. * dim pry. Many of dic sallus atributes that cn niaise a person an ex- LincolnA cellent police officer are labilities in tie polic" arena. 1he Dasier awo dicuurii OU OpensUons are aImait mautually exclusive. Good police afficam diclp cIewcue plans andrve loima PUD defNed goal. yr In polidca agendas change, prlorisées evoive, consultaus la nearly impossible and, in a dcmacriy et lisest, any bunt ofMr ..hlcrail mfaangentuiuaHy drawo howls of demin froin appodsln pou"tca goupa, tiskfhly. les mikie so eut police aucu ofamy moan; Inéo polities to a lage degrese. us' fot wubcnr they belaisg. And people currenuly mh tios 's ustjou d that r UIOIT i OICI mI dan*t hlave mmu onsso over die *r« poiepul sue, bçalgdng Se, de Im=o dm. politcal aid police cupsose dlismd, des bostons............ * Ignis MiIlet. haisisut , ti. htsftak i a My sf0 Isss " e ohidraln eta ls fie Mlaien bhlacs od.styasa oe= alstOserg Sulcyght)ass Mler efflOusonc us e pSn on)fwbmc=w M Cïsmn, rW emn LuDevn. The hltgrsa GES 0FTHE PAST Vear Ago cOflpuit syssrmasnuager s MiIoEI District fai ses wcu bolng malle the wsg. ia a vy ÇWd by àalrept duat Crltlzel sillonnions onuth delention cenare. Nioni Rldgiw wu r« téhsanlyocmwho hastb.csn cd"aca of et tha ua un Ycaath Çenare a holdln wyauu Who Msin trouble wIi ltas b,. Mis. ssld the ailier six lactatiun of a cansmlsc ilOn WOcr cf a in4wl Opinion regwdlnt tie ia centre - dhtIl was in "very Pm cati- ucEi Macturalty and in ternms cf .n ur ims second major hous: lire inaine deys lofta venue fanhly homelesa. Meulbons of die Pu- iily, Wio livcd h i bOume for20 yuWenstc sUame of dmc 2:45 arn. blane, but socaped Jury. A nelghboa hcald àa ex cplosionaSaid is m ofteboue slagal<d In Mbiaes. OHéloncgnai Poilc ei maswos lea- le files. Mille Fiscinat>, 52, wu sokýen by neiglbaurs midia motorsisi who séoppsdl w Uic front cf ldhO bou ct ei miL Semai o( Uic donation Io dic leson Centre #eMW"tc a Uie larnzica Sizul wu siamer- bock borner and al orgauta;couldl sy wus nt vey ucli. flhc disner miel dance us. x aise $Io=00. Maore abu Sm people aaindeds Icuassder, amd Jleancr comail OrneraI Key 20 Yearsî Ago Prom the dune 14,1972 issue U liarseuxnin for municipl rojects touslliag S1,1411.161 Wons acccpid by Mition Couacil, sub>cct wo ssqaae proinlcIa ipprovais. hie major projct wu tlac malin la Uic Iowa*& sewape otilltent plans. whsich wu beini; tabelled a mater polhilton cSurd plut. fli tendeIr Of K. Hl. Preston Conatîkun Lid. cf Wcon WUs aPPrcVc On eCOMaacdaaln of LIN: caginrers Dessian. Hoanad Assciâtses, UJ Vilocy milcs4st machins Uic pinnucle afier six Yen cf chtY alaea*n watt Wrned ini à hissr sle in dUi o massi. 0<- of die Opaimiat Club of Mîtaoa. la dis m«se Ofa à ew houri, flac day.s actsa receapts acaillins $1.222 werc mioen somne aime carly ln Uic ec. niass, <rm undler Uie eyes of dic remnila organier mali buyers. flic dicft mccked methei of hwd work and psepuila bY Uic Optimis Club &M otier voluntecr 50 Years Ago ?mm nthie Jun il, 1943 issus UJ MillOn. l WUa clainei, hald acm of Uic mon beSai-. ful ai but k*0 emin in dmUi province. Thec cmldii Woau 0 Uic céeler OMarg White. QJ Sige Stiavllc flic lants uec rata a tota of S950 for apemütns sAcs uhines Q JOh loa. Irvhag Of SODOM isse an Esquesing Tolwnship brauglat a br-acla cf i Cherry avu w Uic CiaPion Office. l mau led wih frait, nod anco B Y STEVE NEASE