MItown. eM"Ity Corp So~d Mm hoffmsine.1983 22 OMt"l St. &KMt 878-236 Executlve distykaate et this addeu. superbl appolntd with may.quelity lutursuand fkIdtrom top to too&Wud n Out&ide. Cali Katrlna for your 2-storçy townhousê &fers 3 bod- ronm. Bkoi omw &iew.o ln kitchon upgrmclsd broàdloom, use cfPDOGadw- i roccot, omto SChOols, Go Train. CalI today for your appolntmaent to vpw.' -im ~ . aM *K LAWRENCE TM n iweig VUI884 w à., MI. I ùI "-ibrIu MM Ilgw in"«*t.m.ho Just L sted -*End unit, nicelyldeooriteci, nmw wifldo ,s (rebat@ to npw owner, ,acntral air, upgra<isd klt0hen, 4-2 baths,ý garag6é Ack for WCELL NT LCATI N - This I ovely raissd ,bungalow ls iocatod on a iquiet 2ýurt,3bdros new br adcorn, centrai air an cvac, flOa 0k kito4elr, fireplýce, pool and more. j sis.uss ~.10S0 Lon on oomw V4 mdti". mhon oN ard wgvh lïm melnnoN haid aid issw.Nu McSb:y MaY WnWWM inln gk on; pgrmdd roëmuli &W Me a Vimy kWp "ms ter b.dfoom. for more detalis cml Gal* u78M..¶m0 T40 sq. fIl. 1 bedraom condlo &part- = ;iIn prosllglaus Complex *11 h InorPool, fitmss <cern and amuna. AMJUn .133,50. Cali Gary today for Your PoroMi %iowlrg. .CIAMPAOKE Lo" I3 boÈeom ~ImpI sluid ln DM*e Mem and fes.wfn meal ! ing 19roundc pool, sunidéci off s<flod ropfy.eau Gary for your = =bIa omoton. Rsduwod Io