LIFE-STYLE No7eEBooK Sack o the 'SOs: Bàitp Redinsga pauent ausocion is he"dng bock to te '5S titis Saguïday Witen t group, wîli preserit oui for duce. Ernninomcnt wll be provei by Tlse Clan- of *59 asti tlse w-iIl bc pines for hk kcsi 'scos- turne. dom pin-es taxsi sVoit porus Ticket price includes a lighi ffii Tise winning ticket for a $5.fXJt raffle pnhn will bc dran Usat night. TiketS aie available front association tmentki by catting 878-3336. 878-4368 or 878-1892 ai a cou of $20 for singles ant $35 pet couple. Doses aosen a 8p m PlaYlng Tàg; The annual c.i day funti-raier for thse Lesuiemia Recarch Fusd s, Satiu-day, )unse 13. Voluniccr% wili ke sasig for doutis at vatais locations auad ton Englih Clamasl. avisst claties for secosdary studetits imd dulia for Essglhsh as a second lsgluage ne tMi; oflered Ltus surmmer keginosng JuIy 6. Tie Malton Board of Edsacatio pxsvmdes thse course as Rymeon Public Scitool, Barlingim. anti General Wlfe Higs ScIsool, fflvtile. An artîvity fec of $15 w-il kc charged. Cali Doeotity Whiteley for trosan: informaution ai 878-1240. KOaleY t0 Speek: Oies Ieaiey. knon-n as tisn cmt -iil kc un Amoni on Frstiay ta %Peak about goveimnsent corruption. %is eveist wiIi kc kiti ai ste Actos Curling Club ai 7:30 p.m. Tis Clîrtmaisor Nîbblee atit muscias >îm Hagast -iil etiona. Ticketat arm imited asti cost $18 exch. To mv.ierv tickets oeil John Shatiboi. 853-1779 ar Jao ICcywn-ot. 854-0235. VacCins Clinici: Haillon Regiomal leati Depaneseni offens ntontiily catS. munîîy immunization chties tis second Taesday 0< every nminh in nonjs Mison, Clinues allensmue mmnhly betmeen Mil- to anti Georgeton-n. Milton clinicu wn-f bc ad tie Mo Deromet office. 251 Main St. on Aug. Il and evaoy rn-o mondi after tia Fronts 330 Y)u 7 p.m. FaS aototmrents oeil 878-7261. N»w Art RuiAs: Thse Harrop Rea- ULaM aid Gallery %n caue the n-ork 0< "mga Trisit Roumbrse for one week begnnmng Sutttay. June 14. Har tie- relaqe Nursery RAOSmi n-iil ke aati- able. TIbe "si wîil kc on bondi Iron 12 noons tas 4 p.m. on tisefinal dey of tise show, Suusdy. June 21. Puircvitiaca maie turing t weok wiii alto kc peraomt. Lzed tsy it arst. Dman tickets fur a frated vemson of her new releise wili ke ml witit procSds in tie Eptiepey fteaouc Fsid o<Cusai CÎIHA ami Cboahl: Golf. prizes aond Nosd for lit Causuu Mental Heait Associamtin wii ail ke part 0 tise 4mls anual CMHA Golf Ciausa Ca,. ,idle Golf Mid Counley Club un Tuesdy. Juts 16. Golf aind dossier cou $90 aMW donner oniy comoua $45. Ciial rocopea s a vaoiat". To find oui; mms cail the Hillto oaeh0CNM ai 843 W'hat a 159LARGE 3 ITEM PIZA $011 INQIRNCMINDS WANT TO KNOW 875-0045 j FAST, FREE DELIVERY NOWOPUN 0UKM Ille ---- --------