Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1992, p. 6

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W. OPINIOÔN - ar-m Lhae 921-3837 Avn »m IW Alu* bqo 5 PUi - M7-4943 pu emum C-aiu mm"u ow&Aàm A& C OàUhfid Advmiah: 875-3300 ' e55W # ~ ~ AM Fma piua. f<m.i 11e 1811s Oliver Pub&h OM@m. rss ory NsU 01mw AiUà,jOwaiaest %bd*,&*iIe 7wer w a lF'lmm Nell Oiver -m lunw Tb"l Bl. ais La- T.r Maser Oic M . sa abe pte n lmbh Mostion blu. inw le W m o Tib Cdu Prwimga aua mp @d.a&Muim.é Heyfolks,9 live a littie feelfree to mess it up s i 1 rocycle, amd l'il bel >esa do son. Prm wM* 111 pruepu. 1 ple My MWqqe nSdly m t camer. dose aid wush li cm beloe plaig dhm aside, sud 1 even pas Chase dihigi b.ed on IuckauÀaiI Howesir. ad1 dits do-gcodar ma is lemima to a vea, wile. peobleim: asorbait quala. Livngues have emud moc ha Dit atm lily. pded eerwhcen aie hffl cf whai wa Once.i MMerr fl rfs.abo, juadi, »M an d ruai, now we have i a&U mmd we've ccovlaid oarslves dut itmîn car bun hmem ic keep disi suf. We adl live i u0*, iqua& You bmw, the Bi (il of dlhty dlihes, die pile cf maipqm wailig le ha recycle&.end a pile or cloai cans wamiW for die unelm Subuai sjualor es. toin ai dit=. reielmdp IDm di sie f lbe Imem Md the anmebe lre dm go cira Si uq. Ssbuu1 sludSa fua people Lc (se die du ule 0( dur aiuas. WMlevel of etrort t aresy *a maaisesse Yotr eda"e virmassn ID m -ieoi vSli1 Wbc mli.. ta reqlar Io faite duta Ismel su de aicwe mi noum? Caoqmy m b rdi à bodmr. 11.1g Who youre waMhmgs tv Md evesa dit comecIl h hoing. look uuuaad yDU. emalm lb leml (if mm- adl dcimi yomw level of maburmaai qi.mla. If yca Nswe sup tidy livlngqau0s Oser you're 1 -obumy me maece.uly baIdw 11KV, liale pisaure agasu lb *eour levri cf houarliali clesainetis. A blond of robe claio it wcg lruiaienit ua "a dm lim 20 Masses éo duo. ibua la buem. no muaow cie pmmeotial miiUU live, it SIlO reqmama diens 20 tatoiues su ou Bei mi btedmer es&l sa arrie la otiteswod, On Ver f metsomhin 1992 e Pets worth their 16 Pbagmie qPkisse a p M mmr if hl eass mar? SOurdu. Shb"h h be ma y? ,tdmby u ' 'Cie lme d " cm ah'e** of meadiq *fi ou " isi oc" ita in 4w ye of ft behaldei. l'al Moa aas.Ig.ad __ pdiy le- bacit m lb neai k-8u. ' dhm sm~ mmii. auy be phéail mars. hWghy bY à*i "*keMpqs aicnrdig w mina die cmhk cula, fer du puichaise mqr bsye A comonta mha.qlm. acrm lb baud ia du aiydma *Wa (ar cumt b wS v. souit1. If1 à ws. "ly wa.dd le b. &Wu away? - 1M lia gM rOs. 8l rW< My rmly -1C lkm wi l ki dM aiM of lb -b- S. piM la.y tif mm fron "Pree s hio Haiom" begbd. MiY e- CWm m Abyymmia M&. ym 1 di pey fer ibM but lby m m mm ea or bokud-ah *» my of ** pidrsmra arp"eo darw&h Fme of Pas, . 0wmmÉ* l a rqune b Pu9a .~ 6idmr ocomy ee bue ad-- dtu" Auep REAUME t die homse and offce. Clo may maunes do yau inme omarflowhg my;>àq mube etbd off« «Drugs can g~et addicts off druors ciuag wo ha mvacom? Con we cim ai aildima? Cm we realy Loué; iycorstckluemy?Vfyousud du- helpaun lcalW or a "Cack" uwe? iae ulh meabawlb mae f apomalaal Education buai bren veay effecmive.~ 1 3 live i.ts donme fiance ia lb luggas Pornm Iimamy Md coueIllivmai' w~ 'sq U l4cy. 1 sm bmw people vlAà bhm e ub (**I-I SUY No") hamm'g wOeW bu u PSYCHOLOGY lba re in ar Io have mme sm ui n oeil IN THE '90S there. Cm"n was 43 yeus aid aid &lcohcllMer______________ lim., & nue ham bsweoe 'a pi= for busludmy aiag lbe raumis si demslrmcasmo S omerlhim mid smmw ing in ici placs' a it cenres Alcooilcs Anio>iaiomu. anI psychc- houw dm1 vitd lb u@mnau in his life du hapy caoon cf haqiiag lbae muelul shaqs lbrqy. ha eamed ai cipw'lÙD-Wa drIu id" îtpucily "drome him le drink". Eigher trcil- nghm at car rmpmlpu am diose dhu have juit biiù pogm lu J0uiii HIlkii Uailmi- mena aione. usmaaly Cails Desoxifymng maim- lm d"r mieuamne.. mly a dmoa fun£i aay. sicy. direcieil by psycliolcgiit George DIgClOw. one. gcig mlmraudm lbapy cf wlmhdawal. Pezsua.ly. I mlle du à 8"e-aldy am"ad wu "'veai à dnmu, diolrram (alai kacwii ai nt u»Waly le salhicien unies, we a&W wao'wcdful miamneaiu oaaim d lbe hi An avs), which ai anake huai vi0keauY meach du.n h»u mo hiaidleieu d b"eak i liauehald 24 bours. àu w ole .No m (aueamimg, vmmIhnt' imarmais of bemm) If insu dy su hplSi. w mhxeil wimh sicimol. Oaw (ond cui ju how Sanie people appose lb r aisding d4 howeve, il i of th Um àporwpse Cr Powul de effom Wa - one- 'an dinmc n a dro addictio. Yet there ore ed nak hU" is iig 4l"flfrh me ymie& Il daougi dswxllation. y. 0,'acc"a gniacco dyaig by V~OYlai Y-Ui "a fcrjmdgw4 Arma deto, le bep. a praa. of bdevlou vmaum,'dmby omaccom e b 'o uie awdl -os due b.-i Io kuqu myabaimpk lc modancain. mc meacl hian go roahace imui poM.." amd mliy auai quckly'-m of ai,. IPl. micas. avolil plaies ni pe du O hÉve lin lbe ly aller lbe chance of gtlzng palace.. ln Tincn -us ln't on dhe top.cf lbheq co latnivalveil drillaing en mhbien um hou w cm leli b0 woà on more pemuoent 11e- aime Of coure l'm m advacinag dliii- cope with ,r in -or adapulme ways. He bmialmaige. -ie. »d W4 gemraw arhdais uta 1 aade n it bhmi Wu adrink in two yew. on lb aiive ile, dim aiona dut it is a mayinyg usau f uwmq lbe bubtal Wilcmt 110h lb eqn &M lbe bdmwkw "magcph%al uan . ddm a Wr camat Juil Pll. HW Ue. Ueae s 0 10 wwy nclficso, G" woeJd prbably OUIlle.m rsy on die pH tu duos de lb fu r us; about a ple of masuqoas de cou ar dhly laéotlimTe ding phlm Mm T lbfd aieud.l wlécu langui.t boiou clainge, i will dlii. but *sbrpy UqU enmro»mc0iMY Off, (dL and &"m Dequsme. .1m." dm lb «t- wei n4in godwhatever i&eir cosi "»Luoo ohme f huacalogicdil i chlo lite pluace l dus m 1oey bud a cil cal oM iUm hla - uar - ofmi ul d- Ciaot my im in Vbecmm. Sbs'd pols be. eid aims. Wih M11 su . lin MW. re- w9f papy bee plnnig ilformm e -~ byheh laten uaih*g aclmer draii uda boay, wu *eba Asmm laied. &Z dut m b muil for adme hindi c(f d.iam. mi. o~r.au ae ashrL i asIi Z îmere m avmerai creamie wayl Io tue &Wug aiM lbe clram ess e rehlsd, 1 msd. l ta euiea. Anmabu he effece of cia- PIETS mmpIIzzimu. wimy dis Nud W o'pya la iamt, uiiamsi ldii -ANDYO .,mai11 ui a ms-l puppuales. îh e- " ad àmoby dleur drining. A wo mlhid rph o he, pay Md noem dwi @pgmahim a ib% Mm (saler) ding for pbw&P-P ïodiff W# m cient «Mya of the %une ï Pma. i mam las WC plamrd En*eit euhoi ae.ec m euli, bus wllh leve " aaom aeasinti Of pousmla pu- HeaumSccsy liai aipu .la diths. Tien. a pient cm ha ~aahy weaied oa*.g qwicMIa dwe ie a mipdnfé Ca l'd like éo tiit du respiUUlble owmdbrip d bdgts ups'à b&y~ pobrues. wel.- Ai iper D . 10 d u ie nelb ts aMMpm la Mûsh Colusibi but l'il hmv * A mhkdj tpp au milbse cf "amous, a&MM.'$ ruspoaihihl in laUdiet du _p baik qp my wulhaldiohlag «hiU wlmkh prevsai lb abusoil dru& (ront hving ihs adapte. lt, M. MMu bc lb Md wMI MW Gar hdui 0 lain. Wbel d-r - <5- 11111 MW sfam. A ding calied Nalrexm ma g« illa "m&g Pt'saahhum).dm rwiflylpuaMIW. brus SUd a "wmuler drus" bSumise il OS, aaug cm isanso, pompe eue Or lime calmera wilm mc0 P 010c - aia- prev.a dit euaphie and phmytca depeni- $Waq elmuémapa le aiy pet but a feu so- ibis un"bi mc lime 815 - prua fa-s. My cme Med by aUMMn. mm W04 led itming ons lb domed ser fois doaMlu pivip 10 be holding A o.ih - , -aiu inc lave &dix halp 1111s UVp - m iu"a ss a besser thés wriglln hm buta o in bar nul. a pulics mimnil lb agony cf waidrmwal. du«.. *%* wMu a doea rWlm" iso old m. ai' Flarxqgaii Car exmaple. helpas àpilm enm Amàes Pulu hi du cf mI§Wq Pmro r khq far gesa»I am aid photocopiau of dep éving wldadwi. p.rd ami e mu Pmu aison; caIso a ar.au Ai iak ai amay amd. remeuh iedira- him m aid wks h1m&. il mad IDw le. w rd asélg mis *mm). "Wr'. pris Io qF dua <n amr a vaidal «101i l isms- ahspm phlnupbr. A hum ol i h. luw abwkbà svymiui.» mm of dos addictia. Du in al cassa. Bsy MR, mi110a 1111 mu b- PU pSM b Isis Oe et 80 *0 A"u bort aid gimma auq ff bu sraliu ià lo pY5,oaviq.11 00,041 )m. on os amPm mai ms oam ui.emisup y Pi a * lse o dum i & yu~ lb*N " ai m .1 oclyfi Imm~ ~ d ai. MoY 011ë Pu lam 11111111rt~ «- &W é » Mu- thd bBBW4 «im --* sse.bo dI ls id h m w

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