PRESTIOGE I i.â FlmI 2.9s aouwm milompg. fun, svc,100% fklanoin. 3.0 gApprox.l1000 q. new' bhàài4 Excug<u Uhqf.hIhJ mil 10on. *~5T LYEb RUIMAX FOR ON£. R" RU/MXD -O RE/MAX FOR SALE - RFUAX 804. I ~ -L M ~ MIftow"e ReafY Corp Sold nm &fflsCe 1983 22 Ontailo St Sout 878-2366 QUIET COURT LOCATION Cali mue today to vlew this lovely 3+ bedroom ramsed.bungako. New oak kitchen, upgradecl broadloo m, central air and vac., fIopIaoe, pool and more. Ask for @Sheryl'878-2365. ARE YOU THINKING QP'MOVlNG? THEN PLEASE CALL ME TOOAY FOR A ffO OBUGIAiloN PRESURE FREE E VALUATION 0F YOIJR HOME SHERYL GRAY 878-2365, .1 - I 11801111 WgB nMg tcknoun ivMl U enuite bah arxJ w*c.& jdmsetp; gun- house kitcheri wlth wWkout ta doçk; brlghl, dimoy ving rmr aid dhnng rm;~ fliy mcm Wlh "Plçace: rrla 11=r Iai.siy; roc mcom wtt fimç,Iace anld wet bar; dern or extra bedroom; Wdskq»d IDpwbctbi. Cal toda Jr >YXEaPçchinwit Io ýÀw. WILSON DRIVE $131,.0. Inlse MCo rri, large eat.ln kitche (Çad$d tràioorn. use cf POO and rOc. en*e dmose oIs.Go Trat. CI byiq.;,oè,#yuit ta Asw. MAURICE . MILJOUR lu MUNT MmELgOU RANCH Cro ONDTON mao Supor 2.§Mto. wlth a lou r."a «V ,g. 9 kW w* . w-.' Edk larud poulsoi fo w oe m g i n in von, % WUmkq-fin FOR SALE 8USft, aky &#u oM 0 oni mp ogi E~ MilliEon i" . on us O0 11q *db$1741M Uof usm ~wsoIbn .n 4bew . 4.8 mu. MMi only * ?1.4 m o m ý., . ý -- -MWRMMM ,