M Mr _ 2 Tomorrow (Sitturday) marks the boginaing of another year wtth thme Downtown Farmeris Mur- ket. WlItm this in mind, 1 would like tu, point out a few tags tu, the citizens la opdg on Main Street between James and-Martin an the days of the Market. Durl.8 the euIt qmoeing hours precding thme Market, uny vehicles found parked os Main Street in this ares wlll be towed away ai the OwNner's expense. This action is provided for i~ Town of Milton By-La: 014-92. As a result 1 would iait dme resideats In titis vue tuot go leave their cars purked on main Street overnight on Flday mtlghts. Mso 1 wauld ask these reiidents terakc respouîibility for <heit pesta ai visitors. ma Mi past there have been problei with cyclii,, skateboarders and rouler- itent durin Uie market 1 would rmind everyone tmat Milton #y-Law 01984-1 prohibiti any bicycle (orne. Iwo, or thre wheeis) trou beinton any Town side- da obtiain e By- law rokits nyroitika- in.blrlng or stue- bainon an y rosdwsgy in Mlease, everyone, obiervi = h8restrictionsan e' th annes Maike a Plc gobc MOONU9HT eJ s-m tage. wi porto '0C.s by Audru 'rdith Dancers, "Th Canada Goose* à pli prosented by the Mort Street Sohool and th Bishop Reding Bénd. Live Music on the SIre In udos th.en Clo fU Bordprcross and Doti Codraw B&Ou. ibis Is the boginnlng of the Iuan Hope.t ses you thoel leT ANNUALý DO*NTQWN BEDRACE .IUE 301 HlNoNm Fa Off RAINBOW TAXI LTD. *Afrpst Uped"a *Flot Raé. Avullale *u PU."P Avk 875-3016 oy BILL MATHERS ty MEN'S WÉAR,. in 202'Main Street E878-5397 Bn11 Matber Mus VAir.. ly a mens wear Sgb= belons IlfoMesy Dantu s tCanisse theue, esi n hua in the. past. ~.Square, has moved tuo 262 The stoe houri are Mon.- GMain Street. Bill bau been Wbd. 9-&, Thon. 9-9j.rl. 9- fdoing business in Down- 7 and -Sut. 8-5 during th e nown Mulon for the psu 3- Market. Market Speclals Vf2 yeui and Invites every- wiIi be featured every body tu vusit his new imm. Saaday, mwain. As you walk through thme Quairy. Service and front doom you are immmcdi-, Competitive Priclns will ately iurrounded by a feel- keep you coming back fér ing of tradition and suai! ail your clothiqg require- towi service monts Diu Mather's Men': Wear otfr somethins for eVery- E URS onc Inini saabs $0 oumewew ut very compeitive pulceg. ]ti hne inchide Colouri by Alexander Jullan; casual wearby ant den *,by Hathawuy; muita by Cawwry Squire; Cambridje; Saville Row, plus made ta messure. As an added service to the. comntuniry outîlde aiter- adons wl! bie acp Biii is very excited about bis rnov Io thme Main Stet aid hie feis duat fldn- 8 76 2 0 2~e mR 1W. fil il t. MESAGEFROMK TE VILLAGE CÔNSTABLE