*OPINION 8732341 IlR 1 lm Mm An. l Ttoo Uni 821-3937 8 " fax - 37-493 ~ - i~~ml L'lamuld Adv.uiin: 873-330 j. iim , nOn . o lun Oliver Pgumslrer 0iaI Nigl 0Il * Ai.ptqWiiw î f V&W-a'Li muuiin é~loas iW A&a"l.we fie Tludp.*m 10 f MM d 9 The Cela Prié ienum . iq eàaioM A Park that's the real thing mc sel;off bouMn for ie Grecn Cathcal. A long ai diflicul Jocuncy Iay ahad. Of mighcy Mmne lic Green Camra rites only slightly abow f Uic murnnding Cilysespe, but unmiuamble. L="si i a aute af Mmed aid ilys *iCII hmi bec. bout mi OPmW. isdifficult 0rud. flic " ct glapi oeJik cilie isamas ai- aiays bcois. Frm t musuela apirolc. ides- tilyi muhiip nec abmsc. "i for thic rai- hiq. vibo lu qicm luBing aicoait ère On duts plimagc boaicver. ais ncarcd Uic 1 cclm Man <«an a ,stcly consikdcd lagneLa i uuil oight, dal co*ccd thc lhilsaed place. es aie approau l ae coddi cimly mbal ceri dmffyhg je ad b - jouoa<aIiUicIFENWAY PARK wu -J ou os site upe levai buade behiu hompnc, aie lai rcod l'he Orvn lme un dey. es dit puasse of as amm Aîtcls, as mecd tic aid bickyot It m&"l 1810L ghiag peal . ç a cam. i coaisai , o pulgima Onc i- "d, aie aidcrd op die rn. aih au heada boacd audfcrecie te the plac. ad au kd',cit à& a lmcilud mo f 0 wondcr. lmail " Iind Ib is; aiao dus compares Io caamq a iMdlu ror dic risa hm. lum acs of lacr, of waimfrr. ad of Jay in co-cxiimtt alOà du paitieul pucel Md ornii ta umUllt able In My a0i" huum eidcavar. ocly rnb tiret dc as a chU., duti you enier i milan. la amnpentle go ciuriq lb. Oircn cube"ra. As die top of dic Uap, rMin Yom cycs. ml you cai't hclp but amile. A Vin dut lhe (MWlc dlmcaiiou, dmc Groen Maonser iuscwqs 'hWl m NOi a Uic iky'. ai Uic Deewas Uicoucvca h iH lita yau it amc. lhbon laiW - aaiben aid the gacai puai pats. Redl pua Cis ml ii Ye . a~ dm on icl..but 14cll zc ai ,lqulcvc, à novice. flic Ail is flot even ofcr 0 roulfg-hausil *ith dhiu dop" .1bimIfrntmàlady ihaechusibd odIo kwte die caetuy dcpulMe a- algI ouecny liaie 0<hs cycilis Ucle mua -amui. His aie wu kmmasd by dic kmvWpcg thnt mea î«jiry wu I00 pet C cavoiidable, ci dmo ani ui lbi l ai d " hob pae> fcUy »Wuuc I mayhif "I waI you ma'. lb. emba "cumc4" la dIbiic unai a hW mutehl but a i. e alinammif Jolly Mcpmruuim ie .may clinta wu pu- 9kwambg la a Pamof 0< cnhy404i-Uidd aib au mÉlq OMa Ch a cuL. llà oadmbm Iomm0icli.eW bisi pas <«aigU. casai icte Wadisa '- ly oni lb masm e yol. I 1 hein -Iud of mnqln0 do.lgoetoulh a- - ;w la Ô elil hmh" li acidi My le, au mas Uic aIh,16ILe by "411 *MIMM 1M o Wd Oit Ille us* ta qkd l M REAUI wM aiua IlSw et Mc > gly aiti 1 ex- rcdiveis doller in lmu mhccena. 1 lad wo leul 1cr W posait alcn iwad ftc suie. Shc Uic m thenioz on mne pcaUtxso site c to When behaviour affets attento By Uic end o ditp tew nc ofsii tsainti mce- mli mbmd iapaUa i An enhlivn e bme a n of time fajUifid. Chili paYd*iLagy .-. aid aic chlà. M"l l'hi -oI. aWho - die n"in.a cou- èrc indkg is uh p tu 20 pet cne of whlc- fuma jn bar ris Md<.~' baudet- ae diilus am big Idicil ex ADO - ig ai feu. raier ai~~da Wbm»il p M ia idelicit "diartu F'Miu PSYCHOLOGY Iwo. k OuI lb lie Bd Çlane "lt him-b dffiky icueuja (m aiN pq n E '90S in am deMg di evn Ur :Wng aiséci. lesguhof m scwdiflch. bornqgor repmt<i __________ 51w ~ ~ ~~w cdudli a1gaIu test of the tala. AIbahum, puisai kicsudia Myi mca Wsidful as fld ses U 1 buIna '.c go in0 ku ame Md out Udm adme". At ADD ai adme chUche. duni bec play. but Doggns e n ai r" imiiit ini Uic ciglldi. bis Irbail. -esa b. flue & tlde ailé -m he ADO ehll bua dlfficuty couiadâs hk *2.000 Meier il. aLI a à omer of mii iiUiahic ai MdeUNs escidas. le0 adi lUit à wicty level i. # d iashgs quicuil or calmim Karperi ofilie Oren Ccal. Moi liste mnauebIlle UcMa"ei. down aIda at -nc tiens. lic City o< 90m.l is k* aiywhler tigc. flic preblain is me really ao mml anc of ChilàM ih ADO mauuY h bc huvla Iii i ltU beeauc au en"11 li de'iamtiaab ms ae mcd we thi lut nodier pabkm mi adi. la MMI mim inc=b,,s vuaid oau Mai11 Amerkca hoe. Ia je&te o nbc a l of;,pedqin i- adu l s te dimpmiebcluviow dm a marclau miw. of Cid aid Sw. ai bimy let~5ii ai caiicimW4k on Wbi aii mon dfmgltai i ADO. A chMid ai oana- aid or archtecure. I bu beucsatdIe -' pw-Lt Pa-adr4iteik or don't hicave " I becp lis Imid wo lleaf. maIl W. Adicas 0Aaoeic mhaicias caitequac (We -a bc laved dime and ton lacid, daea't âmie w hi pucma Boston lhm iay major Cultuelwaaitumu« qumky aid eaaly. or clac WCe imkpamt 1 or meanIera or aiho tons cff i duIalèrn disse' aid .9 Wug emmbet of mijor usiversâtici It hl5t). tmu au çommWy aimae w dic mentiai of Mm> upor Mu w qw«q f ,gO. naui. A -CMan conspoinn of ADO in iapuLvity tmler, aid puais. For iis rmm mai' lb.e bedwemal Celmica. Mickey B"n aid - P.0t idf-MlUM. ai sabulily 10 wait; nom quesiona ailelle dicte àa aiy dOliec b. bambaI RaU Sm. &Hi have dccp histories, Lhinfkngit à pruabica bellote aisaiesmng; taiecs be4lvmoo prablenu aid ADO. aide end faiamical campatn arà my"jqe ýCassfY WIailodali hia sicm 10 difftwi Caiccrs &u i ADO anialy ocrer betacen dut eracuus men Mim. .t oys. acivm or people. six aid ntsce yens of all. limes. ne the ealy lb. chS Cagomema b" .ora dOS. spcl A prablens (cxc)io> a i ty Ici is Uic aclical yens, ailes probim of &mm be- placs aIent hape, layaltf dextre aid effort, Uiird coispaiaim of ADO. Probbem kn wdmity conme pmuiiuy euides - a child muet oaa conleac job magi. wbet= i dmu W x- levi - a ie caly evidiesi ailes «mscw or sit s. a de& for ainexaisdcd pericd. uiiy or perm or te O= is vol Ipe demnanil pi"c an Uic child. Studies bice folcai alin k s kl miy ig ou irivity Mon of1 pu'j PMamuni no difféences in dmc civy leicla of and in aime plice for a ale, ohssenad site on do ' l y n f dit is unIum canmaiik boys dm irls, b% prospect o a b--,, pay sessio a <act dm fi gr hoI.n hv bceve as aumrageaily nai cai. Sliéml you i te hm bu iidana delim ~ diaigtoid- (fii w0 maie quiclY enauh aoue Of Uic aiy. tu dl I.hod end adolemne; anty 25 pet PETS yon My croupgc allly the awrs aie.. cm ai dime chiUres m opua o ir in 'Lm AND YOU remi pbiînuod i.Y C Ppei adw till e U do not fait adi during dec ___________________ maile bauvcly mi ay 'H "Ils hWi' ltM". idalcm yens - Uicy mypcdy du pory et mc'h Upalwca ofaoùlm ly is uidog aieam.l" eninuol icaack DmlaaOaM Dme. aid, uic luddet ncict IMMu 10* MenI" IkiscIf, MI w0 play ùi33h necded le bcopd b, pecea Mid am gesdy. himere la wi eas Mi of 0 ii miut- mat of»c considfs I0o bcggre aid QWml pu faint scralI. Myfjigly la dam edier dma "OutIl"m hok. la right aioykgt. filei dure kmcml. icy MuI rilk-whoe dim. Ton romSlll Aieodi duclh du av i ai m lets "8Peuply mu" aiUMYaWdUg ne yamiY au ho l1tuidis ipdl ntlae. ADII childave bihm faaid le PU M y on *à d q% leWa ie. dMu Ob1 you mi dma. Niaà ud 10 lq knm umdely tem cacqaim md , aar1, - saga- a do& Yom m a*laW 0bliel tbeu a cmy (9wdosgpah), mi be ai lhoaiw liMe ailm te. mmi eam cdvy (@& pa. abers e cIlaid madik diu bcd, pmmetmi iaay tona lwinaw4 w 11 due, PMU à" do#:, pi- Thie dacerd mi m yaiouic 'ey a4lm a my, y inme glas> Au a neuh ohu cd* *0 M u RW Ioe Memigorahy yow do& g. hm hL Ne weà ton', eaW -nmr a w lene mnmàmi t *b.enb*s.yuu VA 0uglY Pu a MM es you de.Gsi " OIM vs(ànby #kM bum muwadW ami impu duI IdI or M*l hMoà yen md yen comrle.a Pm am duuUë M aa 68 MW M@g (àq %wl en pàbha.s, aid hm muewtodu (aurlvi a I.& ouk a IIluv peu a asaged. IMali 0 oUiW dibm =5U W.5 du e Ill bu àIc buU5 a mV ilit yw dog. bf aill ,eac. Be. e un i lb bSs o* mlyl m <mI. yu «M b56 WA fadub ffql lcm * cur P*É «iADa cbl *à@ in k %uwbISs kamea Ium, emlas'yoyen a ii ois lasb NM laMgacmalla Oa ADO l"181 youduda vu. alieréui Ma Yo e ieiw m lascdmissi0 o ve la e anIlsuMwgoiu<" -ai W& d Yo emaà = MWbU i dIadym 9yukMMopw) hbaiereuh or amo a nidy aa w=msleàdgug 4 me dmÏa wpm ý n ~ M. III Pm4Me a YM dg =leel vury selli e* iteaoiflàb lacem a'nam i"