Twln brotlièr, Jonathon (centre) end Richard Turner would ralier bat ln clain but they were recefhly ani honte aller à messies outbreek et tou e chool. Tltir nmilte Mawdone Turner of Gowland Crobani refueed vesnclate f or lit boys, wiig en&*ety t@emrrlly carnet attatiil aciool. Six-year-olds bannedfrom scho.0l 'front No VACCINES on page 1 should ciller bic alkîwcd in schol or an a*nlauvc î>'v- Thie vaccinationi, whicit alto hclps protect childrcn tcmt of educatioi - suci at a tutot' - tliouId lbc fromn diphLuirila.imumps. polio, ruhela and it4nusu. n providcd by lte govecnnmcnl. 95 per' cent çlToeljvc, scys lte niclicai olficci of healili Dave Liau, lte Haioit Boaird of Edlucation's tupersn. Mrs. Turner saysi site believes thte risks of vaccines tendent 'of school% ini th region's nortit, said te outweigh te benteflits. Rcearch lias indicail tai chilren*s renicoval front Samt Sherrau is pari ani puMce children cao develop p;4tlerns as scvere as brin of Mr..Twmtr's decisiro to dcny the vaccination. dantage afierrecMng ten. "She hmaàacoic."ite sad. 1f sixtefuses, wedon't Site aif ler liualsnd Ken ame wiUing t Waie te risk have unyakutiatve «crin o! education avaiLable)." of caposmg teir chidren to mihies,' whicli Mis. Tttere is no provision in lte Educatieon Act witich Turner says mmy vaccinaied chikireit contcu. Sttes an allern"ve tai of educaion musa be provi~ Becam site pays laiej, Mm. Turner says lier citikiren in Mrs. :urnwr*s situaion. ~IC OMI Exiimss mi< 09mOpen Sundsay Noorft ta dp.m 'ais KiCK OFF TO [:ISUMMER SPECIAL 15/OP Any in store bazebali, hi*key, fitball or basketball .st. We'1ýpay the P.S.T. and GST YaJ s«i 3dmO~ I " WeUlpay the PS.T and G.S.T. YO S