NOGUSYA Fun LAm um!M=*OWA MaOlOn r 1111. IdI a M oab.. $&g p ~ UfoekIMu. o Muln m. A. Us M ma '= ORO ce9,0 07W faim g Di mF 70 suWv UMM MaI U I **. LI A m Puéus, A amm itu s - k2g om 'ai fi"uwb s~ - ~ 0f 0NFC Fm J td.~ps M d -wu -bi INIduir 11115» %Wbw kos n R. y 2"Iigi oomp.miv. m - wuu a-m NI«e pio . i.osWd oduml Am = - - - NII Iulle la =wtI hm CoJfM"M" 1 NDUSTRIAIJCOMMERCIAL DIVSION =878-7777 Mlltowne -Reaty. CoirpJ Soid mmr hSaoSc 198 .22 Ontarlo St South 8784366 Cm ~ ~ 13 SO eSMi~ CW~~&o kt.M1m0 amouram ~La.. sitas Red ,VACAM LMN 2+ co 01 vmUaid d~ .1w rmsne o vuIelC l wl wu,0 on V.Corne Mi Cls to Stras »0. mwaAnaN aMO qA 0W 1,05 .q.A I~f U~ paO ~ M ~ig g~. km M mou,. raiL mM w ~ai.uhIoed f. For Mm. i *iU.~fi FaiPq. ~ 84,11VI1IL wff a CALS. PAUL ami~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mi &W. .im..CL.00? k m5m aftai. cd km Te. uSo 828-1030 UPONADES ALORE To own paur omn hom@ Wllhout brmklng the budgeL Cdl me today to soe how mal your monthly paymenta can b. $111.900. - gin m bxllc mo go fr"i. tMi meN la dfloed et $11= 0xiyrn r1 In this' i bedroo(m Mobile. Home. You con kgep th@ current lieae r round Il to your own Wbl. Elierwl, herws a goet wey b beetIe hlgh coot of ronhina. $40000 g - - I SHERYL NEIGHBOURHOoD CONSCIOUS? Thon you'Il love this 3+ bedroomn home sltpated on a quiet court. Many upgrades such as nsw Oak kitchen à bath. centrai air and vac, pool and fireplace $0 89,9o cali. Sheryl Gray 878- 2365. ARE YOU THINKINO 0F MOVIN? THEN PLEASE CALL ME TODAY FOR A NO OBUGATION PRESSURE FREE E VALUATION OF YOUR HOME SHERYL GRAY 878-2365 7IeDý e7À r, r r OFF À Àp