1 **MILTON** FR1. MAY 15ff -ro SATr. If AY 2àm BUCKIE RODEO waulday, May 161" * 44 ONLY 39Lin 3CIub ofMilton) The world's only toy horse rodeo. Girls and boys ages 3 and up. Giye your best holler n' hoot and ride'eui cowby in Centre Court + *10 Ald«4 PM** Every chlld Muo ch@llenges the broncs and bulis wiIl recblve a prize and will have a chance ta WIN a Family Pass to the Stampedeand a ride in the Celebrlty ChuckçwagOfl Race. * STAMPEDE orAIL May 9U M.Aay MIDay St - a2l 4If you7' hankerin' for the "'best dealTs in-town, then * * * * * * * LMV PONT RIDES' IIDà%Y Mi 1ST» (hn e evein M¶RAY Mi IOTH 10 AM - 4 PMd rnte Mipon Mai Paddn Lot *200eoh mosey on down to. Milton Mai. Our stores are roundin up the best deals for you Saturday. FINIP THE NEEDLE IN THE HAYSTACK 1FRIDAY, MAY l5th and TW ESDAYe MAY 1Mt 1, 7:00 , 9:00 PM. Flnd Ue hMi @W you MOul Win à pris Of a 9M cerhfom, Omufly nf Niton mi mwrL But ms initg e *, e011,30 nouds $0 yo u e f t %dm -q FVlGfl UM - M -m" bu . - eo 55 -Ontarlo St S. * v 'b, 1