Néw karate school locatio&'has a 'smart 'qpening Ab"r Q0 Davm ea C"s wen a. i w>. Sfa k lauts.u Ains Laciqulla sid a m. ci!uMd à.a du Cdp sid Mua.» Sqirnbl Kauu sabooi Élis *owg Ae bd bak wts b b«oa. lavdm affila uts mo 0 ya - so ivisioTny bo Sdoal Rs. MM wboë fam Chue~c ma Mem owuu &0amk cb wboe i d abM »W0 MnD- lm loatin vafety laN aa Ota ri o lm kuahlISpap A mlu beliva pho bu ea iusadi MM ua 00111 fo gai 1&u lo besgd Nbà Saut rsim Noeibale.aam 1 vr 1a. pfe Hued ow. fdie aobW Toeoa:zu ta Ms abou 2W.imul raMde Sotenam fy Sla o d lmak Wua' mrL u& _____________________________________________________________ .,. ,w îal~d -aiW mv adUiZmb le - ofe Im ue o o.Maison du à oitive Paa UR GREAT AM1àý AMMIL UT Ri ON WW. to SWt., Moy " 13th le 1109M 1992 1 Pham MrO Brown bon Alvn Luong(at dno a arri kick wIIh hinhuasr AM. Lelupema. et urd se dMian Iaailo on ens PERSPECITVE, Wasn't everyo ne a. teenager ? "I don't know whsi's die massif wulh kids todsy." Every day phrases like dits Iolbow tuoengrs around. Teenagers aie conssusUy lalued as dîvrespectful, shop-lifing, dug- addictcd reliefs, who don't cae abouti anymne but dbcmselvcs. If there is a rock iLiraun sbroug a wmndow or $20 gone missing dicre s no douât about it,it must have bren a teenager. I (lsid it Irusitating la bc caiegorizell because of my ailea uà Woy slob. Although thcte ceruminly arc teenagers who sb*pifl jad wbo spray- paint profanity oni wal>.. mont ampr-y rpctal tere who work just as bord or bar- der thon &dults. MNuy teaesgo to school ahl day. tdma go= w ai a part-trne job, wlue IeY do slave 2.rk fur minimail psy. on top of SisaL. a teenager coi beloag tu twtt or three sports teama. the oc"oo boad an4t die student courieil. Someuluere In theRe teenager lit mn bomNeWork, AVR $2 tsousework nd babysimg yougoe 20r kIcwn mw mi If yo* waît tg taa gio oci 2-YTW tT- lYb 29ý9 universsty s'as a gond io 10 do urne volunice work as weil. SornSeons agle douint chsange what kirid of persanudm ia It as mmn Litirtenagers gei i nietraîn afc - cidents dmia alier groupie a( peaple sMudma tise cmnnu e anocu tenagers Wos. Houiever tlis domai mcm (ias teenagr are bal people. lliey un ycung ne ines- penienced. juin as every admi once There arm Saun people Who have sirn vaidit ted dimam mm people Who ddit case about aoyau or anytLiing. Il Ms"b no dilffèenuce M I if tuy am 16 or42. S V Kids "ady am no boiter md fa Qsde h ge.1/* 50. sper 1 wctu dmn kis 20 yeua Np lley Sue " Rn3.9 4 « n.1 suil late to hmv fiam uy aS moke tnttea but hay wI aIl Po go b~c bib sSomai of* So rS o e . mil bae 8an doos. md pasdMu" and Sc.inis. Mm M wul sàqgfr 10 fail apaiutena à la bahg m of thme world une ge t1 Monday -f la 10 Sf1i 00 Un ImneuD ome lagm gvugi I. - 9 p.in, Satug*oy Bu3O &mn. - 9 P.M. 197 eu .