Sign languagd immersio à course offereoi ai E. C. Drwj Spuosl saiSk op à5 nws eoMMalO. sl lite dual' luiy l1 17. lise Cam"a Hmls, Society offeng an auclnpou A Sevc n Fauer à E seck, 99vlidmpassts mIlk bc ai Thse papan il Minadd bofuiglslvins contact 'ai Us em oannty in iseir wuo WAi fer 'eaiva cý>o-s fries er seâAmtlmoîuf a dent pensan. Eseis corse is n Level I pi grail $90. plus $55 l'oc atoiai $95 in Use Lae-] 2 pagaun plus $7 for muiohal. Canadin Heming Sacicty (ramnio untul lisse 12. duruing busisea ioua 9 a. s105 pin.. TIse office is loaied ai 303 Paista Rood, Susse 201, us Miss &Anyon 'ails sani gWng siss avised 10 cal attend 1o sel up an ap posaesit foc a liu laqsuell a a«me=nI 10 du ie the level m 'asicis on riera. Tisoe is a $5 tee l'oc die ssur mnt. payable nt ie cie of Mia For mmc lafonsuatson, caIl i Casadia Hemiq. Sociedy a 89& 7667(vo) ce1961760(TD). on tse By-La'as, msy do se Dcwns ai 8782133 durasg 0 $igned: J.M. L»dwiLis, FREÉ BAR-B-Q SATURDAY, MAY lemv TWIS~ ON DYFEATURES FOR HOME, FARM 3... ChATS Fm TuI LOUG WUKUN FUEL F0 $12.9 *18.96 onverting frorr Ch'JoU.AMr one of the lea 4.4ma W Fmaiaav4 reduce energy $1Le*18.95 can yield aver twice as hlghas ON DAY FATU CALI US eauaisà AJW Ho en APPLE PIE 0 ICE CREAM $2.29 SI .19/per cone SOUTHVI EW &IIFu&U'Y" PLAZA lui 32 Steele s A , ýcW ycosiacng dmc Soecreary Treasuce Roy ,WC hours. Roy E. Downs, Directce $eczeluy.Tcessum deh<yof May, 1991 3 FUELS & COMMERlCIL NEEDS R THOUG HT"1 1011 to Naturel Gs is st effective ways ta costs. Conservation .age rates of return li converting. FOR DETAILS. .Pureflam a huaUn ou M MWn ta eho uwwkonmn Io k yW ho»o. Comfort la Our busknes 78-6380 re., Unit 15, Milton PUBLIC NOTICE OF RATE INCRtEASE Md Milton Evergreen Cemetery 13 RATES: Parnai la the new Ccmeteriea Act aid Regulation pro. clise nlit o. AMi lait 1992, MUio E 0 keen Cescier ind *necessary 10 incluase lms prices of moUs inlerment nigsm (fornierly, * c. known as gave purclmus) and cUler services. effeccivin Monday, un u neW1C111992. 10 Itretrigis prices wiIi bc increaains apprOximately 8% on tsai L- d .Aypre-nerd micn Laking place prier Io lune lis wll be proessed ai etidm prearsu raies. ths Neintermn vights chr geffective June 1. wilj bc: Adult Graves$SM Cremtation Graves $275 Infant Graves $175 Child Grave $4M S Clusier gardais $200 surcharge 5 INTFRMENTS: Ail fe.s remain dhe sanie. 'ats the addition of a ne'a ,Iper iniermcnt licencing c. Tis (e 'ajîl bc rensitted te the c -"*lvncc of Ontario te assisi in covering lise cost of adnisiering lise w new Act and Regutations. Tiss fer is also effective un lune Ist, 1992. 4 MONUMENT LEVY: Afier June I51M. a ara lcvy on monumunt and -msrker isallationsv<Xill be inivàduced. t0 coniply wath new legision uncorpari.d in thc AcLi e ($50 fers .at niakcr; $100 f'oc à mnall is monument-, S200 foc luc mbonuments) 'aull bc addcd Io ail (oundajisn charges and installahion fes. This Icvy will bc dcposiied in the *Cenicîcry's Cire and Maintcanace Fund, to finanéce future repaira of' m nale monuments. *YLAWS., This notice il also te alvise tisat à nra bock o'Cemtey By.Ls us bcing draumed. to mcclUs dmsm and conditions as mei out in thse naew Ceccery Ac ansd Regulations. sali 'aill be l'orardcd t0 lihe * Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commeccial Relations, Cemiiic Reputation Bvsseh~ fors -al~u. An.... ....- . - Breakfast bucks Hat»nSpwtmm'$Cbbonmepb»obdup@4dm--dm for fail. pu 01010 of brealdmie, proisescil IMM à fou fw à bwt=m ' - by &*@rW IlIffl reaulied In à dw"m. 1111114hers RS Oudeon (loft) wW ilion Cm"n 1;ý. #» @M en MW 2. «