*O UR READERS WRITEý How muche waa our tractor? in ugo 4M I, lm issuae rTk CA.sdsam Ileews m ats and miel. regu .ng d Ont"l Agiieultia Mummsu rocont pur- lm aclulallion or dit p=c or rual hiory l indSed animhportait dm e thed collection si due The Mushaun lma beconie a major ouemuttractiait ai s boirIg on excellent MWa for ehduetns mcccl 1e =s bw«n iappiidut dut euralo "w"ul m ditelose bow mues cash due Museum a sont for tlie aitique machine, butL ha did Say hri u àkt of mony." I wu ai espensive pu sem." ho suld.. Curatô er Lodwitli sliould bc awe tht tsattitude of tecrecy ua mo acceptable ta due ownea of the Agricultural Museum, namely the cîtizoits af Ontario. For ta inaiy yeasa suc=f4e govemuents lhave allowed runslay mnaxcounitablo spending by *ch agcncmos» as Otmario Itydro andl aliecrs untit WCe have toe Massive dept aur future generahons watt ita- W&'ve note becs praesctl th .yem anotiter budget tas ing aur in- cones cvns furaher. t don't thinI l'm atonc in askêng abat tc people wltu puy theIls bct. madc awaee .< bot Our a dotlars sam being spena. M. Mcafomen R R 3 Milon Canada needa leadership De lEdtr: As Canada turclies tawaed its 125a1s ainivorsary as a nation, il ap- poes in ho taking on aise Wipo a Ipa. lanatie aMyltit witt te ini- Doos aiy ane of us have a clcse ides or usdcrstaiding of wli* is gaing ce itn aur fair laid or where e am holdng? 1 thuatk nat. No cee mm taIo i central. atoe elght liad 4ooogt wem ta hutt whât du lofa huRla ap ta,mndovoe our judiciaey aaoms tahob ln à quan- For Mothèr: Ask for the F7IY Spring Garden Bouquet *Fragrant blooms ln an exquis3ee hand-pairded porcelain keepsake Suadav May Io-s «87 Laurier Afe., m 49 -878-2881* 'n. - I. TNP 9EN44 2SrPD! 1 Mn amormmMemorIes of onc leIM4~ Mt "p0. your -àt Dm Essor. aid woek yow ph.". kl w. sal Antciiotla( <uSanryi arn« Sta sa advice l., aid il 9 iii %a 1O m R""la lIn lxua.ai 1eoro bi. iBIde Mpg of any sucl loge by 0mw d I l. S0 w c *iOI J -194:7 Mie olbu ta-cableo ades uta m ma hp WS la long Smbau hema-, glaa_ fIa. cee perlh ta 11ioilioe-MB, adie I'Vo bac. ignabout A us (Oth.ie) Molii the fonce, ambnle front oui pt<i àj IMi playgmoad a&mm is ,o hu Iat d cli into miollie. or jut minable ununlal- I rai m lhw>mum ace dot playgPod. aWý tigiW o aia ot quesions of con shirt rollod-up pMitsWaidmin shoot. dm cersi. ocliobegivingibapWolfheatb ktadic 'flly only mcc ta, bo capable et o<due im mjuutbu.'4 imposmnt mors and mo taxso cem Mr. Potterco principal wiltb. ion Hie mtanu "mdde l"wi inim Afl'a Weil at fair' Ypa licid segmenit of sacicty. Dow Eler.n as.aned wus 1 reaize dix mach of do wordma in w urid aitoul mhiosÇ wu ta play in.' alm in à mnxodup moen, but dut ovon -or acceuNo dma dia pai yearsold dat dliuln*a mma dut we lave t, f'ata 1 vrt ais low alSn on doie mpetit. We couldln'i have donit witiiaut Iaokcd wu d Whtt Cm"ad nocida is suon tihe wondcsful supporto! aniy leadeship aid a bold tsalegy, et peopleaamggro4ss. positive action uimed t pa the mlc huila ta The Chanwlce. hosptal counmry ce ai affw-sseaglt rond Io staff. Milice Mail, Dominots Kunz, social tnd occonlric tek bring. McDonald*s, Malace Iydro. diam y Unfioatly. out cmrcntpoli"a schoals, Dr. Syoa. Dc.AngeUt idka masters don't sor to av th du L K an aid ollior pazticmpnsing talents or O llto carry this OuL agcncie oaatpec d"tiInao ul How do tee regain our balance? due businetsa. and due Milice 0J'P ilote do wc recapuro our sensc of dajsehment wlio gcnetousty advce- F wctt.being. aur pride of couy and aiscd oms mestagc e eiz signa. ofi us bcgirmns. out sense of Thanks arm alto extendud lu du humour? - . radio stationsu dut hmxsndcasid oas Ccrtainly ot by sending idi the public service notice. clowns. Ibcy'vc beca masce mind- 'e ficel te prevCstlstive licalff ing aur dçstiny for aoo long alicady. aspects ofidie fair ame important in JOhn Glmahaw these aimes of budget resteainta and g RR 1. Compb.flvill. we would laie tu effet our ihaiUs Io Helplng the battie supr fd opia onain against cancer ChII eau Doe Edkon On bchWsfthe dMilton usfthed The SCOOP Canadian Cancer Society, 1 woul on dog own 1rI laie JO "hni yau nod yous staff for L _ thie coverage of aur casnpoign tt Doe EdItor 14»Sl lite excellent caltour phioto of Kim I amn wrifiitg alia touer ta contplain Ttponas and her daiglitot ws ta all dia dog ownes d ala 1-dusi ____ w alwaysb he drealcd PMy famni1yply ms rocntiy mo v ed ta dia~i weuusicn4nuaaurci- Kingaleigli Court wer he is a farts ta figlt due b"lla, bos it. Il is ____________ rcassiaingtam e. i iesigri'a aae dn ur efforts ame vesy We am makmtg a difeérence. Cvoi Koer Cmboma Canon sSwey Milon iad Dl tI*W Unit ~s m a nRIC.Hrs MARIN LTD). an St. E. nFloor) 8029 The ffln Cr"d U'lot) TYOUS FMLMFm Welr Af M~ W.30C mm ~ ~ tO MW h-.ef WY MNWL WMSurnOW S. tJO3 GML & JEWELLERf ~ruce $t. School ol Io. néve iC ila 1 0 <1.5> Lama i'his 1 Yooat a NoarerGmwO0M lu pLayg a lwibàia.l1 ipow Id- damt'§ whm yane Game bu 1 tM ai oS la aOU lMt& boya playimg aid beuta dianalvu ta Anliugl .aiy ebamm bav pait away al. Ibeigl d* uma. ySu wmr dus rW&n Yom dl - cd poing. Yen will atm" bc hom in Sy upmoem dIg 1 loc frward ta sli"tt my maay m *ai of nd Bitte Smeet Sdcaol et due reio.. p-'i I.au p-w 0r ue R ica.*wooim.êiWfr oudcouplet wih my .cffl's dipp&smtt 1 dawbtIh 1 Nwaelly couléial nl nvdpgy. thmo for it cmn go plie, a&H dog oamsa tâe* 1'en ta my awoall agndaoopoewliyou ad lour le dtee 1 discovereil chidren play salcly. Everywlier you a GIUy ecrcoent. Mach sa Khgh1CéWl, mmIO