~.LEs TYLEË No TUE~ mai5 ro 88 p cSm ii Ok~~~lmWTh I41. ,Pfuovam IM eur .psa om .U 5Im> rawr.muam, las*lq tC<UNrIY NoiEB0OKý Sehool mvàm San*y. May 9. flice qn fffl 1-3:30 p^s kkmsd by ditinoe mmd prsaleassute a 6 p.M. A dainie wtt! concde issig, i Clum ub ll. MeMori Amluna fc à $20 Mi per.' lm eu ils puwaed IMMu Dom Coul- tu as N" Ets RiNat,884 Whld MîIN :Ipm Itlo e hites co esods M anthr Wildtif COtas lic sýait-t wit à dide show a tpin. aller which bias take ta dure wad ua iterpréter wbo belps .idmflfy mm of the wtld bloui. lIne rc use avaita Weilk ttralctions inctuding itc wildiife walk y, issoic aneron bain and boneC-&w wagnides. YO un bssa Survey: Yowtg1 moibers. service providcrs aid b#«eisted citisens of HaIton Region ant Invitad in attend a public fortumt Wedaiesday. May 20 front 1-3 p.m. % lite oes the Uicet- ing àilh yeu-bbg suavey cf begli., ba V4n id ,om nt et 150 Y"~ moiera i Héion. nrry .*à tsigted and impteined by youfig fmothers faonm each icgional munieiparnty. CItild cmr cal bc rue by cating Tracey Rotuiltiard. 33-7e1 Mtc foru witt bu field ai Lockhart Edlucation Cen- tre. 1226 Lackjiu Rd.. » noatf Lako- shiorne, off Mapie Street i Botstin. Lung Aosoctation Muet: flic an- nus! gencr aimeing of Uic Lung As- sociation. t4atton Regio is iacie for May 20. g pan. et Bochringer tqettim . Canada Wt., 5 180 Souath Service Rd. sàdringtas (hetwcen Durlok amd Ap- pteby Line). Guets speaker Dr. SMs Kobcrýwitt discuis lier experinec as a physicias in Attica. Annual reports wli atmo bu ivaitable and Uic public is wel- cast. For moc tails cati 847-1033. Goallng Retitlng: Milton reidents ubti wec among Ude sti4dcnts tsught by - Rau "Goose" Costang during bis 35' years of bigh school cosebing are mvited lua tributs Friday. May 29. Former ah- ictcs. coachessand friens umy ptck tu tickets as NeIson ltigh SciiocI. 4181 New St. DurUttan. Tickets cmn $25 cuand include fond dace prizes lai a rtm enlgiù.fli cvci0 nits (ro 8 p.m.t t au. ai Duelsugian Senior Ciii. zems Centre, 2295 New St. DUdingbOn. Chîldrefi In Crias: 1Ui Htt. Paniiy Ernetimet Prajeetpudit Chidlgta kmCriais prellsntadby David Btnd. Utsm lice cf Te: ~i CAINd.Ait Grmwn up oaw J e &O wGo and M ludwesa. petafor Uic May 29 .vcni> 9-9:30 Lm utith *i0reosdu ai neuorig sessin amnlng fin 9.30 i&n. étom si Hliitn ,Rb&Wa auditoium (teE-een ) 1151 Brasa Rd., Ouavitle. Ic foc, t $35 aMd deaiinc la May 13. Cidl Ana. Day a 338-1771 for htfoamfllomn. J' Desirn for Murder L)cal -thèatre stage baffiing A méaa i l fheu r ldls btaktng a DIS91v done il"wy 5 fnlicd' iLfnnm laiManlc ta marder gayeuoy desevea monm extra upWam. Yod sasidat koew lic wu monntg ic staue alLer a flvc-year absence. 1. sa wei mx dic audience, enjoyed htm in bis ralc as playboy David w. ns iee la upc LyncHte Austin and Gabricle Richter hck on stage. lice adresses bave, had signIilant raies In twa Plsyers' productions collier iis session. but unfoniunalely betéausd of ducryun Mc am onry suitcd for mainor ratesin Design for Murder. kas Ausiton, wba, well c-urit îhc play'shumou êturm wih the Ptayers as flic Player« lea&r Penny Carias bas ai mctive rate as Celia. an averprolctive nioduef talN cioumning dmc lois of liet hua- band. A fixindine mesbe &< duc icatre grou. as Car iasntwr tae. chteves auceSu in coefusag Ué: audience cgtardtng lier capability ic murder. 1 wauld bav luked to bave se more of Paitlle Tue sao Fias a minor rote as at f ic saine Smc for adtresses Méare Brady suid Sharon Beddoes. Makini bis fust appesance witU lisc Miton Playeh. Malcolim Smiths talents Ira a quileor 09 -%è*o chan tr onU1» hang Cubes Om<t. 0"p A*hIo% W murder mystery - 'milton M>a m rorlCu unma a __________ ~ ~ ~ * -d ornso~uuo thha etb BACK P~as S TAGE ' ' ate, vol huiduon. Hrl rd oe shine Uvugh as te exciting end of du 1hml. dm wucmtd prodctinon, but I caat tel lyou whilsaey ic~uaai in happcn5 roasse --' fe TuJh!phu sW m nom ast , som eone w ho u ualiy -% l c o w w x ou r l . being suae it locail achiola Direecil by Wltf Brookea. DsigAnfo Murder la the Playcrs tuon producidon Of Utc seuca - cmie mettaeur tlàat v oupdssdId bc Proud of. *ve balsi luckY enougb Io tlle in aevsr Pufonasr e titis seison: sisal uqnohoe wu My faviione. Co.nin tp. apueUy., se mu au playb The Mont a/ Coa Doa'I Misakdr- awduMc.aid lia Lau R.ulsaauw. ihcre's MMtf tint Ia c"li Deigsfoe Manias'. Ildiets mis available fût pereomns mcalg (Wbdesday). Friday Ad Sawrday. liés COSI ia 8 foW tustlghls ail. and S 10 fier PtdaY Mid huTa. . yeulhma.gliyotdid. Bruce HoodI .0. rave