^NU UTEEL3 k tu lm m~ E i luffmm p = __CONTRACT NO)ýPW.014( Tonders. on fec-sprdfd oslsgEngoncera or the Directr cf Public telorls mgi bu tosin" inm sealsd .nveloytes. clearly madM as tal contants. by rt.e Town Clark. Victoria Park Squame. 43 Blown Seai. Mit»n. Ontario uinel 210 p m oa( omi. on Tuesdey bs 26.,19R2 fcv dur consecdon ci roadway. secers. calermain loging ani Oafbc sognais Plant. SpecAfcesu and Forni cf Tender mer b. obtaoed ai Ilte offce ai fu Comnsig Engnissi on là sssuga. 2665SNorthr Shridan Way. or fronnthew Town of Miton fcr the sum of Fitty dollars (950 OC inckudes G S T> ch oit r1 ol be mefunded Escli fonder mus[ be sccompsn.ed bit a oer5itied dm"qu for 10% of lte tare npce and lte suc cessil bodder muist prossSt a Performance Bond and a Labour and UsIenaI Payntnnt Bond by an approved guaronlesceniany lfo 100% ol lte toal tender lTes lowest ci arry tender cr1 floi necesary ils aoeed MucCORMAICK RANKIN 1 adnKsi Consutong Eineers Mayor 2655 North Sheridan Way kit J OMttD s PEn MISSISSAUGA. Ontano Dredtor af Pulic Watts LSK1 2PIl THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F IiELTONi TOWN OF MLON P1BLIC NOTICE TALL DS0 OWNERS DM0 EXCREMENT ON PRIVATE ANDO PUBLIC PROPERTY PURSUANT Io Town of Miftas By taw No 38-83, ns purson slo, »acn, tarbourx or posssss aMy dio &itaIt slce il la trespass on privaee propery, even chen on a fassit, "an l ean up sny esareonanl desçttd by tuer dog A line car Se ontp0sd fo contravention aidts By-ls 0008 RUNIffl AT LARGE PURSIJANT Io Milin Dy-lait Nos 126- 74 end 127-74. à dog "Ia b. demed Io be ruriterg et large cien toerd on sy filace oteer %mrn t.e prenss of lte ounrer at lie dcg aid nos under dIe conaol of mi, pausasý Dogs nrrbg et fllis, are allen responsable for darnages ta ailie propery and atnia lie ar cedi ra otrers lIdsponsibé. -A tus carn bu erposed for cosnienstion of fxe By.tsw GOG TAGS PURS&JANT ta kVillon By lac No 88-74. as aended. dm outrier or harbourer of any dog acifuied aller Jsnuery lit in ar ginan liea. as required ta olin à dog licence lm lhe cuagn lise. Licences etc nocon salae et O Towen Hll. VicIons Parti Square. and may al"c o obtained by deemtmal. AU niolâtions sitold No diecled ta dm attetion cf the Onovile Humais Scdsly al $M- 15581 cr W.i Wm Bamiord. By-lac Enlorcment Olficer for die Taown of balton ai 878-7211. Est 157 WUILUJAM ROBERTS Tocn Clark AUCTIO SALE WID. MAT 13.1& L u m.UAp LOCATION: hi Uta Agviouhlll HW.1 Cn qLm - telata Caricl deit. Cranberry psrt in trans, awken pru.. cter sais, toilaI sels. -uli, foailjn. od mmc and fe>aing facbte. large sulfghide niable cite aquenel, old mord, gcl ub@ vid lu Mmn U8UAL. -'MRUS A soa: Dom Caolin AUCTION SALE of FURNITJRE. ANTIQUES; COLLECTABLES; MOUSEHOLD EFFECTSr* ETC., AT THE BRAMPTO LIvEsTOCK - EXCH4ANGE INC. Nrhof Brunpton on 010 Hwy. - lit Snelgrove on Tuoaday May 12, 10M0a St 0 p.m. Repossassai fra a Finance Co, tIc ioUlcîng dtisilh »mmla à due rnMx COR"e & end tables. kistter chuirs; moncveaates, VCR: àHouoir cal . bs*aec cmae Ivé Moletai utéa ALSO IN THE SAVIE SALE WILL SE TUE F0LLOWING: approL. 19 Avn mme; 14 pestai decits, cqtse Sod, oc"e; blia: deit cls. W 2 de" Nont dutes;t iU4: «Mi ew«g ffcdc Il cabore bous of ain Whais fuld sui Wood trou aoisets, mverg ondines carope oeil. dry soit fuvet MWbl. 8 fiif irurimcnifs vote is Noie: rrarp 00w arnisca u eus 10 mleno Octrg & AuctîonefraflMot reSp5rible lfo any éciertls et nimmeceorWtu a" st Tons caso istuc chaeque avrumn of cia ONLY Atl verbal etsis4emts "Mlt lul it preeisce ovar 41 cW m nutau*a vcur tac 10 in tP clf sal «#,. Alsaflanee Osia W. R»bda 4l16-*1071 CLASSIFIE 875-330 AUCTON SALE OF PARU M&CI4I8ER. pINaWmIRI ANIIQIEO COLUECTAILEO PNIUI1W8 ETC. (PARTIAL LWT GNV) FOR TH4E ESTATE 0F 114E LATE ALLAN UETTERIDGE sa3 Osasse St. W., Sampon (1-1/2 Mules cest of lIsp 10, or 2.112 moles esst of M4ossouaoags Rd on Steeles Avec on Examptan>: SATIJADAT, MAY S, 1092 AT 10.400 Afd. iNCuLUOING 1054 Golden Jublaie Trsar cn excetlent condition (377 itaurs). lot 8850 Diesa Tractar (gas atari) good conition, tnt. #4 Tractar cillcide. body condtion gond. MF 0245 Diesel Trector el/Alfiail Lolder (00 itouri) flike nec. plus s shtort zle of Fanm Neclsnery. Hsnp & Primitive Toos; Antique Furnitur. lIoseitold Furnisitings. Colledtables, lace>ery. Pots. Pans, ozc Denrs Il Aucttoneters coi rasponsila lur aip acidet m connacbon cote tes &dle TERMS Cashl or lutocr, disque day ci "W.e AI verbal scacunicecastasiatak precedtence over al minolen msbai AUCTIONEER: DONALD W. R! RIMT (418) 84&.1071 AUCTION SALE SatUrdayMSy Ml at 10 A.M. Cenasarrg of s~c auarrs, u "isne, Bai Canada laidaist A large qumfltly cf asainm equip, cistrs, fislves. bisas Pm"e. and lots c ru A" modal AM Ford puces, veaur, pari and pièces, et.. lurs A à T auto'& andi mucfr more Tc be otif ai mm MUITON PAR furi acl et9313 1h Lic, 1 trias Malhesut cf VAexin USEWGO HUE. ..ucra 4L&II78,41111 FOUIS - 3 Cicift Care" i a n d i WANTIED STACUCABLE Waabicier and dry«. Reelcitail 878438 ar 4. I A MISII1 - àm . fi» àe IlEmOAU las. pa. FIRSI quty moac mcm capet 5s.oeq Yer. For @ youre cae 'Pm&. CO Jun 877-83M.2 0 pes of aspetwlen GREY, SUPER SINaLE WATERBÉD. 2 dresaseils ainc aigu sesrd Goocfo oung dnld. $250 or blâcEl er ails 4-30.87é.9753. IEAMY MMI. Mes ne $re 250. Monts 87&- 8801 0 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 9 9 kM. 518 HAYWARD Samtelrg For Eveiyin GARAGE SAL.E "M LNE &ma.. ta 3 PAL uam E5.ad pMm. cm tis tolil -pline and mucemm GARAGE SALE 476 & 482 VANIER DRIVE Saturday, Mal, 9 8-12nmon GARAGE SALE '3M2 OXE BLVD. &W0 ar. to 2 pirn. Baby kans . oiseliêaer it.aald otanie 16Gron- M m GARDEN OI calM. weld mastic. pli o.ç or dalhervii Phin 85e2479. GARN O ý i05masne. ami, gW"s, caaà daucbe. Ta$or Nsarasrr 7429 FMte Lawe 876. 4100.j LANDUCAPIN, grues cutting. gardsrsng. lsrllzing, fras à uait removal. painting (rommonb> Putâctadecimaal. 11711-0177 mAiJ mmt AVAILAaLE. non Wrn i- tember for Mun oe or mrp odd lob somdIlleu goei m, slu@é 1, mmMis% Msi fies" PIssa UN 870-U& IOPEN TOPUIJ0C-M-M. -N4 PMI 318351101.8 AV. W., MLTON PIREFAURICATED GARAGE '01 Garage 9"c Mut 3 car 84,.06. 2 ou 03.756. 1 on 83,155. tnstm*monbdue Concrae cati VACUM CLIANES. Nec and uac paru ait repairs f0r mail caiss. Compact, Esreks. Etectrolso. Hoo0ver, Filtr Ousn. Kieby. Ilannore. TrUstan».su re, M.d @73240, GARAGE SALE 6M2 FIRST UINE Il bie Sorti of modtn Hospili) Salurday, MY O 8:30 -? Stereo cabinet modal, sotting for averycta. br ait tele. GARAGE SALE HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR 185 ONTAMI STREET, SOUJTH -Saturday, May 9th sm-II pAD A s @lsrad" Mcer~ ca. s qs as .M etedi llie, Md Lu-vl ., , UTUCTION. - ndkîuclsd bu>a tion on ypas esé by sapsianoi aubwtar, Englul, à Woeten. Beginn e ta lic Ring. FREE. awm. dab aWid pa nt & rudà glood bomne. 9 , - nt lu sigle poison or alider couple. 827-103M. 0000 MOUE Moud lur la geruan mnu, 3 Imm od deg. CIb»dWn egee rude Ioël, of space DECORATIVE PLASTERIN. Influins and cuion . ratesmo on ,connes. col colir. P"ta mouidng. cokicru. rectoratton cciii. OrpoPW aid cuison, rr Io tyase deelgo For alWuo pbdsa cci ori tyn fes a b aicc Cul 842-8705. OEI10US 70 BLEUi. Prolssinai udmec- furai dreeln. for Nains Adittotu à Percot Asula 0784700 Y~009STUDENT WORK AVAILABLE NOW STARTING PAY $1 0.00 *FlexiMl Hours Aound Classas & Exams Co-op&/ScholashpoAwards *AdI Majors May Apply Suild ConuniCation SkIls *No Federtnoe Noeuay No Door-To-Door or loemnarkIafing *Valable Resumré Expenience Managemeint Opportunitlles Avilue *Fui à Part-tlm» positions avadli, Pay dioases tei floneflttves OPENINCS THROUOHOUT MILTON AREA FOR APPINTMENT PLECASE CALL OUELPI4 (51S) 837-9211 .CLASSIEE SELLS GARAGE SALE ITEMS