flac E.C. Drury Spariians girls Mainr on dionce and Danill ioftball tuais defeatie Mikon Dia- Doutim in goal. Michille Maynud trict 8-2 in action test uaea E. C. DRURY playe Wel es ber m dof mmc Tammy Slfesy e à. l rolnd Cbeiyl Wiun si Medi= îng cita an RBI triple. Se md ___________MdoeaapsydeloàI Jayne Cum also gav Mulfmg bis- uad liais. lors fils by srigout tveebaisera te eur ofto àSg uai ma %i aras wau dmoua feu key eXllh WSuck uluen à.ey claisaced a 9-2 wu players thugu, ubid hapaua The excellent ping u sip qNw S l.'fmonaAqms iaer ccies feaWin. 1 portied by pouerful hiang by à.e Second baaean Jaunie Jajevicu Mle samor boya m.m brlln MWk Spartans ad revenad outstanding led à. charge uéà liduce bie; incusrai wM. N a 1-1 ute vils caoumii defensive plays usMly of<a replay. isagahs . and lire. RBIs. rival Dislop Radiar. la addition, à.e Spaims dounad Rail Creig sie a honorem whil. Il wu a rough soi exnig po Bisluop Redin 10-7 belWa 10 Kevin O'Dauu.ll bal due. bita &W uétb RafmE acoeing theratai gudA sapin bases and a borne. n by iua RBig ubia P2ei Muflimbh chip par frent E4t Devilh. wo To. sherry. W b tua RBIls. Reichiksy gave à. laner a suai Meeiu Ailensied $beaine. Id- ,M&cD=Ml Md lam F;am u rd si Dmiy agonit we Lie k. brey lad à.e uay on li~basl à.hi pischilus duties. Starter mec la ricocherMa .t.be Spara md crécher Kista MWay aa Dormid ,ine à. uin alloume dirnola b éiai MU Déistic uNi Reffiag humwuamir oi b*~ only ti su se fit imane Fom mu gs Si s he à. it céaa au to ami à.udie LU pilcbed Blk 'Maradona' zaehiy lb. mma ba dis gm tr day cà rai lime. bams. mutuaa foi doa due bols, Somv (a.élnaady) uhena6 bes Aca. Eh"a lui suao p0e" a à1S a 3.30 pic. reboisai off hi Md Do. mDu" Balb ai gie p Immr mmt lis w bradi à.e b hma a purmet Dos- Bliio Rofing M-. Oma.ada u e . Smuldars csi recousutfor flu Sjaat bo, buaagMm *0 h.Lady Spalm . urn Mlicéril mm-os 0"s0m «M% afl êbf. a"q Mai âm PmI B bodmu% Au lévIéHa* il 111 TH1E lIALTON HUREICANICS *AAA" BANTAM HOCKEY'TEAN .udust* é»uig dia aauap cf à. lb bllnna kAvlâM mauanuia.m.lsà eap . Sa.yo =ZT C im bCMN~.Stu ah s""ia âmb il. -t i.Hu.h.ua U. rol b at ac ugi ie u du Diffl âiaiy orna of io lsa Hat trdà in babas. ébo dm vs à qmeia "à1 reu laS «cm mug A Wo ac a (111411 A1-mm Cmimau àu Daçs i " sd fWy. M2 aestamm TIn dhL.>ua muSOMMM - smd hv1v amépus LYMAITFAMIlTON FERO WASTE MIPBM.O L TMMOeLWIUY W M 6%«I MRCA8.LVIE RO.MM ISAM 0 MZTCN 13TATI GéIWM MICOeMNTAM .OHMML MeISMUBFAI$0ATCABU. OJC&MPObODY, R.AN&GMEBUMoAOT mgssi 1hLYuIMIIANM5W MARS ULCMIS.,L.TOH IWI1hML #UNES , MIULNA IS0AS.OeTTFRFXM (lMUIM MU. 590011 P nl1EUWFiS.AM ~KU'WMNL WA LTON ACA1FUI.h.T0 SIP.14TLURENMcg. TQ4 llaLbnRl.leMT01émP0AISP1u AUTOG8B,MToe RO. F élicMS, MLM IMCOEYM AftGPOMM&wcUCMM KIMM sa ULilN l~o~*CiDEM 58010115. TG4 oe OlPAM Iii WiId gamnes typical in early slorapitch action r. NIW uspage 1 7 ula oSer ft Key Croee. Seth Pair Yaag <aiha 10 luin à bis hbe r e t. pla.d mbtuM aist. FiS dm Dicbm mmo mmaagd aàlmai ci 22 héla Fmidy bon s. Pm 9ii la- dada Colcs. aade.h aris Durai înéGaeg Eo d @prie. Retu Musced i hm Iaaai d dunii.e haimmi cf o . omm . oi to d i à e 19.I. out four lias uNile Lasy Macb cm ms Ln curry àmg bu trio, by VWId. a di. Si Clair ployer Ona and Dum Lra 0"h Mot Mili. Smn Pt"aid mdi à uile art Key boys ure bld niu- " ai e mbug ais d oaiSa pi ur Ma for ée Sondai uhi SWvo (Eeamqa Md Smith) d6 balS lu su WZF0 mdag Io tlrwu à. hall boc la. ilbey'e Pua i ra i d Cil Thylor h*~ duve bitL Fer Rulas. kRck Jeffreys, Rom Mii lokhrUn for bi.t ou a à.e lit esuh. uNile the fluesly'a action ai Omai (es- Funk sied PWu (Rou) Lamm Wu lbaud's acoo sau Ooliffl lari J& MN bd a big K bo kili tured HOMlton anw!m PWlraid ure lut tailes. Off4aumvl fSr àe rad Dousfiea Auto hai op iu tily Gollgars Travel an a mal alugfmt . Key Centre. Brise9Boyle perchai mnothe ulda gari. Gtoa lIaIyuuda SporlIlgt Col This maih W. a miei of 77 bis. out four bila raid tui, ulule lrevaleai 22-16. Km doundm. gratias iow MMl Mauon m uitb 19 nus scared i n die ratloi n-'c Wylemaira soi bheaud key e- Sandy Aquilmus. Fred Ma. ad 4 rii nglt Wbc. dod ifI nùig aiae Pooliand Patio ,corea r Raid HauSe bad dme bits Puni Chiales iii roecidel fmiv bNu tu hd touna i bsuairee Mie cal thweetnus in dm boumof die ninséàpmes. leail theravlhe to vickary. Fer si "No. 1 Io j boa ve b.d Ai ta uin iais gaine 22-21. Terry Mot- Fat Fredyu plmyi their sca~ ond 8me & ffrim Hall. Barry homi 1 uatl tha bdm fi gant (5 for 5) and RICIS Hiesani (4 gane of due uaek. cana qp à uie Fletcher and Rob Compou ail bai oidyhmssng oueoffume. for 4) led LWe sacki. wilis ive 0<ort as St. Clair jumnped ouai big perfect four fo four nigins ubi the theér woteai supplyng darne héla unand lswag aroana for a 37-23. rest of dm aeur mcaai te spin à..i apiec. Lauig de charge for die pae whoels. C N DA Fr Goliger Bob Roselle, Km, langère wcS Breau Mwacrlii Ted flsunsday's oslie garne pad IR Mouatain, Baasy He on and Ollermias ie d Ray Grisolai ail Canuadien Pacéf-c aganu Ma isoa Paul Omerar ail had livc lait -eve- uith Aive hâi peformances. folloued Colour si Sound,. whica losamuea inga which accounsea for ri of by Gien, Gregg. Mark Gehianraid an auesoine perforance by Mile à.air 21 ruins. Barny also scoreai four Ted Ciliseczyl whb contribuéed Mutchimn Mile appeae six limnes of à.e Ave uni hi was on >mse. four héts *pec. et à.e plie sort only Wua four bm S urME ;ýA )U ie finst trsily defensive gaine of Five bit i frnne by Bob Har- but dr, vere all hoiners end 10 C)PCIN% TC the aeasn saw RrAmax cIe oui a l0- vey, Willard Rab, Don Simpson and Rli Unfuamsl fr cma Paclic Basebail Spartans *~<in oper 9-2 w lai w 't le id È a a- t M 'y 'a r GIVE MOM TH1E EXCUTIE TRATMENT " Aaiy 9 holes played May 9th or May loth gives Moon@ a our PRER golf lemmon by staff CPGA pro. * W. puy tb. GST and PST on ail Pro Shop sales % orders tbrough May 12. M XCUTIVE FAIRWAYS. GOLF CENTRE HWv> Mt DerrfM., MIàon 878-5385 w ng Into - -Spring'. ZGRE $i MIIDOU IWKE 1.3Lp & COOMTR CLOS- amas. Tme DwMeug Rbarge 336-3660 870-OU -Gausa & b~arer Faod -ima & obus #&,u rS . ami LILLY LAM E.0. OAURY SiDEN Muh in b A Rw O.F.SA - SPOuaOM av - MASTE CLOSO LTD. Eimoi Moo1Phe. ww (Ahua cr t 24 rasi