Area couple married -in Campbellville Reicheus mil Dca C&mpbcl4 vea arries! in MiliJmuary, 23. Karenl is O dautir oW Kart uni Hcn Reich=a cf Milan aid Dm a I tii son or Allais andt ide Campll ofbasqucésFa&s fl e csncuY wu scamWmdc by Rev. Rosi Lcws a the Mohawk lim iCampcllvill 1Ua MW of houamr wu ltug-time (rien&. Fla uins. ansi tt tuca mmutas Doa's kng-tisne fricaid, Jamues LAmboet. A roceptici followci the cecmnnY. iiisndc by cloue frienis aMndid« tumily. Pcm ad Kagou now rosi* in TSrcao, Kaigo &W Omagh bride-to- e showered with gifts A plum coumiy pmssy wu h.d mg Soo xmmly Ccnueib.uiy eceid Nehommu blina saisi tmbea or Omiog Ftlmdauuhci hoari mlfiocéi wedding jh ins àci pcum mmo yani mmay, mail beujiful gifla QMAGH lui food wlshe forhi AsuiWu nlcpl du P-1cel Wu the. pcca4oac Fit Hamacaso uad thbWM hI 7lb bqy. Younig coule thankei eveycncmm tour lise Un& nelia -hv ei thc Gociai Rayaci wu snr omemencs (ciah.evca Heina- vied 1h. JIies ci hcno u M i se ciai chai.m midi Atdls e evr oed aeys à clicictu lunch. ma ut evessuns eiichcetu Hcaby Copiaaauwahy centrewu à Peaux flu Te falkiwingt paupls io im u, BefrimDOW& SbilShkaia. Lcralnes McCwdy. Fltsmzcg Me- Dcv EM11, HmiUd Mdlloakad Bill Gocidc% bine hm&ie me Played by Wilni Go"i uid 1, Prti CuMicm Mi-s wore -c hy Omias amui.. Jsa Demo lai, I1 wNcq orpysmscpni. Ms. aid Pies.ici 10mi Calg.y ,,oendy vlbd iwIlmy mDu i à. mnaidrymminr. ** fmai-&*l Vh.Y 1111 If y. mu hmv isu mmta bom m u la ampm à b da . mydoUluWnI Town buiids on higher fées f( MudayI Bigk essovu coassai Mîils mvlbu ppmd "u i e Jarw bathmg tg - dmt biecm à.y w.e Wvied &Sù idensial develoçmien, wili bc dii an iMMMnuesti by municil govarameru lu Ontailo's haghs. ptaw.. mla couiect fnard (mm Muils', prcpau change$ pet thet cem par math mtigb c -'g Dampbo whtut il cos« go coin- muscai Mdi bnlsisi levica, waac w.e à. enwmod foes lu Halai. If approve. mitio chargeas Win h. mblm"Ualy lem dm isassoe lu Miaaisus. Orniville or Still, Mayor Gord Kmati die pubic, me obmW ha keapig an ComncitiOr Rick Day suds h. mould appois t chffgti Uus n bontd viii the undraadicg chas ""huu sesn deotisde. die mai we cai siri for. 1%e actait rtasilia depSd on a la of thinga inildin -I crWsany bave ai opta mini abut thiia" ikd Wwd 3 coqaici- les Mnin Hpwt Usait recSdy. nmi municiphl, ties collected noas fteu (ron dtvel- men Io fiamids. aim utili ty lmtsaisi die coms of v ah.i miPtblic- sicrrvicest aoet.y mi- -e Places or humt Me haïk. But stCh collection achemes mere ievised bY th. provirncial Lierai stovemmt la 1989, mhîch uave HARROP oe >5>0 87il8 lu Rame m Sesmies .ca lai govemua dapsidi he n à.n -ia (ceagi MOff (spu d lic «PM kiÈ 0(tg asot lhy du- mOPU . e uaisk Wpvlaiug si-u Muiei =MMs aid dm ficur ai dht ntm cilcaaatng nueh- cds develus ici à partial fret aide. la di hma of tdimkiig. peelte who aireaiy livei lu à gvvta coin munity mbmidâsd devecim midi Bai lopity tain, snce liée am- aai ea..i cm hm i , a-Io Cowes CM cmi com of actai, Md ct of. mu enopu iad hm O dem bob- ineip tihiae puy shens. Titre mai ai oiicry ai Hilto tahu as @vi cait M cm éoevy wu ihaiy -mm ai cmnmeeulul-ludsul irdnlia. Halai.',e f rcemmy SI 000 au acre mai Io MWsoi, as mouis aUS $12. m &-m Hais. baed off smid a rats o a d liste recesaiosi battered commercial-in-. dustral dtvlopasent lobbuy. The duitg es ee romoy bavedf dciBe nul tvo >em Mils.e piost chaie $126 par suare m focr (ne, cmmwcia-i- dlusan develaspaeng, alihtl than the 51.-16 per sq. ILdHaltoaI Regia decided to chi*g aRte, dt de+elfflrs Piotesese (Hilton baim -i-Mfy wmum $2.80 per sq fi.. ir developr Tb sre anuita od Mili.e levy m au ta y "g2pmoem*cfa ae w. clamso the di vmsge dommagel oàn gavez bcr cmu- MaL" chuiged $2500 . ai-I thocsgheMvelopemn e leu bit Towa finansce durecina MIQum scid dm Ln pubs~ mmet- lugi 1eiug ocMized c. e topic, bc eapsect deecpu m y ig's taMack" Mr Kronos com-., bc Ba lbapmuf Continuea ýHai a ta u washdg orgai , ba âge full-coat raeovcry ai oly hW uhmuu Io ai.- Whute Miltoas coubi se- giona-loal levy aili b. S .A2..a dIa.u Brampio. ii is sui si poe sq. fL. dheuper chu. Bthîîn:t sor Dabvui.. NGsp baais e Wiy Parade, chazgimg S3.95 pe sq, f. lies. are a»ea ai împo coin- lum by uicipal ofialis be- cause Milton cosnpetes for indus- ine mish thmo uictre mhic iîjo have gond accCSS go major k*whays in the Tommosa FOlloming public meetings. Milos coiciUlors hope to àpeve the nemdlumrgesby the ed « Iai. DOWNTQWN IED RACE aun âUIa JM Seý the Dowuiton Page <pg. 2) Frlay for mre detaIs.