Mlltowne Realty Corp' Sdmore hwis suàoe 1983 22 Ontario St South 878-2365 oMIutinaL PM Lam-E - moi." moi"U% 8.800 wc mmmvt r 8.0 wn ton h0.Su 49 Mm3.75 @ hi.3.7 ,lm w 0d FW~ INDUSTRIUCOMMVERCIAL DIVISION TOR. UNE 878-fl7777 26-130 84.00 êV 53M0Fm %Ms Thr«8115000 *71.M00m Inoenm 8850.000 F oee .0tupwfl3.drf $M Mel 86 Agis Mn. 2, teared. Os, *3000 PA fABiyn cioa MR LEAM MIu OmbILa u w » Mmui melon &W.0 S @.1i.ODICê. m 8130 mu hW RAU~ia amS~wk BROOKS hàW» on OFFICE: 87&-2M0 RES: 8754067 TSR. LINE: 826-103 FORMER CAMPBELLVILLE CAMPDELLVILLE SIDEROAD SCHOOLIfOUSE Spacibue sidespii, S.S. #1. Now a 5 bdrm ..Nountry. cozy 3 bdrm. bun-ý setti g.--4 acre 4 galow,- beaut1fu-881bam, lngroun bathroom, jacuizi, Pool. Ali for original Mapie floor- $259.900. Carol. M. ing, wood stave, 1 -Brooks. acr.CaroitRt Broks ArnrnaO»M&MnRMNoWearnaa PHIL * o Chlisiung A ln Ne4 d Wr.Pd1 uprede. A&# I 3E ihm atm~W 1 lmn"a Y"a IIIIIIIIIIm u mous BROOK VILLE one of a kind custow bult goumet kilaha, JUST USTED Building lot 3/4 ace, well on proprty. All set to build. $135,000. 98 acres, Stone house, 2 barns, Que house $899.000 ScandI urgEra swr- REDUCED cas. 4bdrm., 2 fiIe 155 ong acredl places aa beau- Sl n ap tUtu I fin lahed rec. be inoe 3,00 Ye rom. 8400000. b<>vile 3,0 f Garai M. Brooks '$4.000 per acre. %FEATUR P-0PERTY . 0 ' W