«A. k le MW MWS la ey d~xi.l M7ms udeum i~ -t. ~Suppm Vup omwin wul cément b the dols d ft OOMMMaod e onppoulakly for ma àmhai. .MI t hon pom o1101ePUWeicmlg die km of a ofdw iàubw lovI@d ouS in1 dm &W an. flue NMMIDua 18< » ~Ua ua wrMoaiD ouin ng place on die dmad andhmdkgu' ino OM ' %Ch@n- 0lao Of St. Puts United Oawtch. 09m 11 ton t - r W _ u t 123 Main SL, bout 7:301 9:~30 pan. u .auomOnt.ahwdaar LOTma~ M. kW dm mm oe.Wdady Fua" da.No Oui. lm Mu w buu. à:l %e Clu. Nu edertiola of eapuih 1M -oe j*jvejy We.em. Milmun Md Dis- W.eud&ayApr.3 29 Kt, hall op cien -ein.g wi guMf upakrnet Holmes <rm due A MW ndl-hep poq>p for P-ts Royal Ontri MueMM. itu uopic ut ehlidre wlUh aM« MM ofci ai "5ymfu" bnk dbe Cansdlian CAucor SOCicey chIe. 19ao. o*i eIs ae 635 Founh U.ne. Umhk 51, uu Ci- ville of 7 pin. For mmu informumem. caiKi. Tbou. E 78.206 MihSns mad «gsi ontinues widi junio pinmo cams ut Femo Hanl (mm 9 maiL ta 5:30 pm. and 7 pa. senio pia W=c plouc il Knoa teuo Ouch km 9 &mn. go 4:30 pman d a 6.30 pi.. Ail ms wolcoun. Admisuion il $1. flue Cmupfflvll Duluma A&- eedg a du MMuk lm ce . buredoWApw. 30 flueUvlmg uNI Câmoe Greup ccli i due Milion Dcuuch ot du pmSL E u, u bons Dmly- Pi. 7:30 dis- comS5an iomewd Fordmm oenu S7fonUdLuIW.l dcmloi C piahs -M or damoi'ns usiemuel Io atten ditm ndue ofla §Um nopm IMINVI Md Pr&"i et Ltobim Mid <3as (Pm LAO> mn du men flar0m ttaupa. eigh Wboodca Ruse Ceupe 183 Quai Sa. W,î ai pi&. Fer mmu inu. («otiouln, cui 437-4570. stumay May 9 All torme à f adn d, Weirs are mvid Io due Brno Sq. Schoni Remin and Iiut la, "M. Edecà. ;rar Mm" - WpW. Ftu . Theumm Wu pis in8 uq»W Lian. Cb HalE etm 9 'Am nuc 1bMso a" The dmy 8cwm rmculae Seu w1 $mS p... Md di - mud pas ala 6 pi. Duclq foilous Aoîmlo in82m pot om m FSr ticetn flueOlive '0~ RueaU m Coea Avema 1 (inve (mu. km. die (0 S'uN) lids à «r Pueuud go le dut OakvlWha Socacy. Vuaaaa.c W alorcivoî à S food couapon for sueOlive Onden. MN«day May il flue Miai Hankcuaw scilt mdu t placi mea Wi= ph"mg wort i '<'I Frldgy May 1 clase wida smcc piua clae t Koua Prabyueha m outa 9 ian. Io 5 pan. Evayam e 18 adomis. Omturdoy Mlay 2 ilsfuI #m u" Keep l Greec Day soos pkS bbsy, aue@c poe. Micim& Im*& Mt 10 a.@. [MW là* 1. id op mai-" s. M l18.ue BllesTac - m tic"hu. H~~bn LA; a ds cmw ,0- 118dc Fa. uhuin*, W ,àa àn *mm * At For about the samne pnce as the Ieading imporr, this *4-wheel ant-kýk brakçs -air conditioning m aucomiatic transmission *'a po*erfti 3.3 L V> engine m power door locks * power wi ,ela*i oemcontrdmirroi * 3 yeari6OOOO kmn GM TOAL",M ny Cho fon a lale econ o mls dîha wîey f op Here's wlaere to flnd yaur Golden Hormeshoe Pntiac Bulck Pfrfoçmance lbam: AgW.out Fo.vhiO 0*4M UniuuUe Pduf«WW PmJs- CobS DATEMN 1 du Inc a mio Pin Som aE3 pi. galu.~ nues sdupt apCruls W" >rw plool m oppSmaity for haise epuiot du kmn 0( à oued ous w smme mnd Wm. The gmço @ usain aulagMs place m be *d flow of St. PuIs United Inehtwà 7.30 in9.30 pin. Thunday May14 flue Uv18g uEbl Camm Grotp mmU Emg du i Buse of due >uurCur Society. 751 MMl L. E. fient 2130-9 pan. For lafor- sna, ical 878.228or 37.176 ýfll 11 Ofil