* OPINION aaun -m mugow bb Kw«lbd ub akr f d1iaemB hmWb& évoitas TIRCdM PO ' ofic Coachingethe boys of spingf PIÀeu~w j r lov a f.ch"mnao wa bMbIN.L Delvie lbm wildy ivmam soplcs i picis MMl woci fa immun =uM dsa posais %ad. 1 -ua à( -kn b ~ oua REAUME I cash two ba" Umma on or wbid i. W MT aslovlyaietii eio Mi, mlici A VIEW &100 play. ibm aimer la 0im Mihon DisIfict____________ M~oa " hv murom um MYW Phea m lp WudoMyaseLage. iwondr thon i aa ai boap s ~ ch lime hale tes S mra l ier aloase iddamg me woethk, uho. aen bul twSuyd biesaci sysnUa moe .pslM yau inow 110w.! woul bowaver. sent cal ry hair, limre te IC8 terni tme mime n i« tYOu if MY hute Io »Cuh slllng couvs à pune opinion bas. I0 uas a iaghum of due No neApaciew ue Miply Ibis by sh usylan. Ihousenda f litti tio dui a playe ImMu .11mubdmm however. have operfa in oser di yens ad yore faced witb a wbole th posa ander ie eye of a écacher, Jchn lo f practie mme.Uafoeumlyiks»0qed es o un ee chn ev r MidisMaff & fl oflfl Dui eeW wwssssiàcospeofStd e diban s fo u*cvn de hi v r qMila .110.1 Meatiocied my inscrest acah mbhmo aai copeoawAMdtOchlr m c 0 Io*Mats muaià img. Aller à monda of-prutlcet.1 boliev Ntr. -mou di dillëreae botweea sarme and papm la acbotd wbhi a "mutuy* popas. Dais . inam s wi tb ev ry cuber b 11111s ool faîlase N tch a couple cf cbe p , wns aid hd i e lmino question h y cai bau - l n h mcs coaci ~Wn. decidod du 1ishud bc al- seossarb,5ey cm Immra m xw w pove, if dm - PsyCH L lowm th oppasuuiy 10 expdes sM aigh If py ey hnin cf -vy pue. instructila sdeslgd pupmry. PY H L schoocouhlg usisnoeairis ai wich i doublà 'due la cWsew regulatlons. nem follwlag toclafl cam00811110 o. INTH ' l'me Milton District mla à ms udy. 1 kama. hb ibon District Mustang bave Io maie hntt la bclping th u idscvnchik-N T E 90 bouboU. 1 know ka iaaaamscîy. Ais awrmcr, 168 am on defence mebile "codia th um CI Mximise aoeeac kmbla lime. bioodcater player aid coach, 1 kaaow on offens. flues ik. Slodic dmo du auy, clam i povlde as chiid la wq!kg at Mi owa nie, aid nt h bsni.. aae bamgue..high adoo". Vnsy, Rl81a now, bowem.r w m conçened sboui . littias.30 inutes cf gsdemic Istiond put acstlic leme ihneWflela for bis wii senior ad prceicnh laveli risome baco. hg.f maie-up or dm tam, Thme uigM im ux cf dein ldm eaSy yens - muh of hm dey a divithil develomea. i have coshci. plsysi. wrltu or bromdca si vewlm4s rachis. Vuy whqk wait go play ad sakea up whth acuito.ausc, ut 0oss Requive massey of mach aiso sép eims every level. tos wbom, àwity mids you have Io lat Sym.aFMitinp. Movlaon M, dm am Tis a 1c<yoc 111e probii (r I haven't donc di ace the.is sy. , ci idemify speciric -m or delit.r las not lv. sa uaiebioviaa child laioomed whai bc tiini a& everY level. Cali la a gap in My ki uMe ta scout hiecéber Immn. esamci ly iaioug 10 MY WO imouli woshoa readiog. fllem bis liam al. hemmh dotms one 0 knotdpe. lès dhu bli spots du fuel My lim ai E. Drury and Bâlo RedW4g IU1 md 10WadiIlY qiolecilc ls - ha »" -iMeh cw't IaMldie h .w. mms d&MMui oosiola fascinaion widmh icm. word is du th Spns me hi "h cf Mil- of ch lesa (phmonies). aujLaeha v« esh Isandrais i ho COimiasOu n s* MO aI HOvlng w&IçEIWhs bul A m no bouboU im M m mon u h m tlad di ai ces dus win- su vl mituli (eli. obeu érs.os. dupas). UNut ho wilibnimrm u osa mifl phys s Fem b"adin f hfuai- lme nMOi1 like being di urjesdq, and se on.,hbu MMIaia domwopae du aUbe damnta OVIOpue. 115Y uic. bbwu Io 8 o 0 hMusug embui on themb 1992 çà èreak th ta,&oi hm ma mme. le O Pmeim de I mf boik in catir 10 die- $lui Pick lUl a Umtuiir. Podottcm- Umm with a borne puceon l'uesaly ead drie h hii on popa mily Ia. -a amp fa'orcmatudpoa a~lm o s selves for a lly baol aid doi "oumm*bl aiie Bet Put At sh am "ui i "oc fcawu M, mieOZ msu ti sbt aiame ie*aw boâthhchlWs mm adàhci thiaigslh Pammrquires OthmS have no ilie. lmuuaI à lie bit mors about th m 1 fni cmam à positive experionce. rma Ut mi hde m ae, Io quelli b'Wlc~ MVcr4ace tRuSJat 5 arigulal. U Iadvdaaliz uaauln ao du ac htbllgI wA li différent MmW th fflud What are. you doiÏ9n teacrhing a bird to talkrOeata whmakeu 1Ravis" thos weds du wom mumii on à Wben 1 gc4offe frai wori, 1arn invnisbiy beimmg las out e phy). ]Evmnwhoa I hif bis piM a&We da popl h la lisbed ptMçtlc h wâh de<, question *"Wha ame you csW dcor qpen. @M wtaaly ignra bit ho uihms poMen a du h chgot wmoni la fact. da âme question May b ý woull al th Ise cbf bis cp. 0 lacoquorate hi tb et hom Poronti cm repa 10 or 20 limas. no mener whis My -carefufly bsldng hc open qiios throuat ospi " m amatine hagmmes ad asta NoW. _ o' màtoywokàd L PETS wbicb b cciii e.ly mg9Io froodai. eealsin lareastivo wasL Whilm iivm in the Nai dnt avea wo-en-ldjllut.jut - %l, I taied. Howeser, ariv c ynaid cocis- cor or waltini t a reaisant w cen play blv olcilwobeglns io aop"u ex. AND YOU a5ie la faky set in bis wsays. l woul b a>- pue 11am "I sy (samodih duxm Nui 1 citcdy woben - My crbihih _ __________kWam te try Io cbaip bim. co aser bow ht bitser _X iogqtly (bila mma &Wicffl. Pobmi My Ifion.m paille. wu aaalq a ciy. tw.. osury. coamixn. mn.ý kIà & diy mv w, mfly. ilis dum bird wu Hmr i wr& i n laid ad was diA.. ho. Io càte hi.s fo i bout wiboiai .blq dut- m wh ete h a hi prev u abimiemcd by bis hamily sioele five, and and geasy tk&rq sm, ays. biss lmo las ho n b 11h.fe uimmt miid .1111) cily 8U (e&. lvg h0 re lama bc h huF ier becais bis hum niuls a mauy aumangga wsaci on my pet- $bu ca ho w bsasse cnqmy. bmw iMi 60 seconds 10 zqen as asac *WUo duâ biW a baby aid weor cnca dun times am& A pou orne Rmhakhm he ition how te w"il aldo Iom 10 pyPmit boy" Mhy co Wi of ha U & oui. o.MMi woWdbasileg pddmta wasmvlw aylriS.m (fo sce m oon. »- iambest et h puit IOui las bd1d-m miauleb wi boita. mmc) Wlmn I ai villtkhe avinry, I cauin't I wu. as quection of hla bid mo bela âmmly rani "prest a vmay am wor te May moncopoly. Mod puies, or siv of a mmi- bclp but aue th pishcl huidle cf yelkrw acçustaundd Io My peme He mss aiwas lora), pasap bc c"i Imm 10 My sai- bW cf boeom pesqauer, and vidmo puais dut fuoMbs Iluhic up mhsoe*y on s hiandi quise happy b âne me, *Maiem My every tbinslra h. mjwàséy. requise a chili IDrmai, ad d at* m l nau Vie0 u bitti mm bqmWl ani alily Mou wkb 1a4terd hme.aid wua lb miuwb "beoUc ,gsdWlo«How mjo>ul onMUi tlyiq hmo pae Io parai. eli *un - «%» 6 occadilu udI-ulae or yeu?". Md daime ueo msrfove>- O Use lacnaves. 111m cbiâu Maçoni md qmbll. elibi hi~dmugh. b c a Icm . leg* sait. I hume 'bil et tsay beem comblami Dolbrs W4 w kW wb Io 10 dV ?am tlvp.PuI or %*ma (MM cleut fêl habs ifewss ves.myael. Any l" ts mom o benni a i. m e sahille- vScamWy cf "Prta bey. bIte pralu) cm bc Stffl kgcorrec perfoue Nexa *à*a you bmow. I wu mn iy wil du tbis por bird bd livmi bitse a b 1h.11w am 7o" wblch casi on a bit phimi w4 Iom for ho-u- perfàwme ims houée. maiery cuqtryàlu l al cuimoor boa te ch moiisea lbc hk bui-cr'a avlm7.bbalhom empe h ,noer nrdtlmu. bieasm dm ha nae o ls mcivi tites wkià iiaimulsakTb ha ait 'a - a e. ' m i d it wd@bi On day. 1 MW U "Ibis or lm or pIiiLe p9~iUiihaab d" Is m m" sop i a aMii 1 lb M ky. mm ha twa yeu kw4l hmu pov? Au e y praWug j= 6 u oriudi w~yal mç o fie d ra *p but. Audio pt 10 emm op wlià a adifs r 90p8y% Md U Wle m rea. uia l MOr P.e.dq ucisi "mi hi a 1 I dw min b.. lq w u ffl m ib a sactali mu bla = N mmep adea amh qmmiom psactkm ms aaenlbmus te a cbUis ais'- qul 0 pw am et *0k h. boî* m tal bbru t.Jmi rxIsi ktoa~ levb.tstaprImiltee