Newp Peindm - haveà blem 1B.aea berns or aiüe Ar r NbUi h muhaiy aofmmiomIa iim «uyuCap dXyl mm tmd emuipWIs roduet helps to r «tai apMbhmmwh duc lmsicu ck Mmc SIEWI-WU.UAb. àa4 oo en W AuMgMedv Vae -n. OU? lm imu M Mb.Ar Mx fiami dai ocaeb §M"Md W~MU O&W -,w ia ci , myjuiumM lm CaI ahala mlhnaum MdpwMlhs ap. .eM @ Mainasà»Id «Ftagy msph i B.mily -Iolumecul rINmcl- ZIHIAIT ouats ofaha CW i? e ,fi B. rmeshmo mée1k PIX service cap pecisuly mWhmel ruaoeai4vshotl socloudir aies h.umsetunit.- CIO impu- -u IUefcuo eioI1mhpw E. oâBq et op:, Mda mê.. uuI Msl s *bol mombem ThVIyiZS mlCrufci ZRIIAR ha M. slyma I Noars mn . ,pWoo b, frilu" chai *Wmiai blkly 0" lci Mmmmk M Morices. la aiild md torsong. op eon a by moisi Qwmoftivd&WOIh -al pm hg Jas uvlas accesuooeloaa ly MMa "A &uni qa3ay Jluasy- wmlIpmdus I.bout-I tore, new car fnsh 1Be#ter care means better gas mileage Given thc uncertaini for fuel fronm the Mié4 there are a number of 1 yct simple ways moto0 save gas, according t car care experts. il) Change to a Iowei motor Qil this wintc usually wmil pro"id a engine protection minimizing sluggis wasting suarups. Ne% run weil on SW30 wc in cold wcather. outiook lic East. ~ffective .ita caf leading as i dIequae ýgat- Fer cars ig ht oul (2) Make sure tires ,are properly inflated since bow Wlemeaurs contract air and uidiafaod tares create ga- wasting friction. lmproperiy aligned.whcels also pâlze fuel because tbey cause tires 10 drag acatias the rond surface instemd of ro<ating sMoehly. (h~ Take of your atars cooling system by using a quality ptoduct such as Zerexl' antifreezai coolant. Today's fuel-injected cars have sensors.that read tI Y Mlbfreeze coolanftcismcatMl and then activate a-mechi- -anismn whlch resulates how much Soline is released int the emgine.«So a smoothly- OpcratiDg cooling system caui nean more miles per gallon Of gasoline. (4) Finally. good drivmng habits-such as smooth and graduai acceleration and deceleramion and avoiding excessive speed Arcaro as il nsw operator. We[ will @Mwe Io 0OMM II UM neh 9Wt Wat uMeand uel m rota%* SPIUG lmM JES AMD TAKE- ADVANTAGE 0F OUR SPECIAL r-- - -------- - OIL AMD FILTER 1 ~ 1 . DIAGNOSTIC lmN-UP . . à CHEAP 1-,ABOI-ï""