Volunteer positions blossom at -cenitre spdm tg àmi -s fi.uily hme wbn ti promus af -wmer VOLUWrEERS horizon MAKE A AL the Mi» lta amn" cu ! e I"atC apportuniuum am Ii. DIF7orENC. andas cont.Wts §cuwahu o g l m jID MU- and lerid a had ih Lic conimunity. atana'a-awpyx agru M Over Ihe lui yew. MMz peoaple local Ichool. who am wicmploycd have ogY&ed ta - Assit soeooe who is blisi t volaaaiaer - li kecping wath a vecnd ean accest so pin naiaisl by visible diroughout Ontario. - tradang documnts cma a afe te- For same. voitanleer work pievades corder. Tits cita bc doc in tie aimÉi- anopeaaut tui kec siis 90urp fort ofyour a*ithomel. ai aLM 0 us e lagai fiaad new carcer your chaosing oppartaities and amc trying difféenat - Scfricid naineone who's exper- optionts, and provide valuable service acncarig eaoionai dafficulties. as a ta tie conamwaiîy while Lhcy con- panaicapanti ii a bi-wecky support mite te, look for -ai cmployment. group. llbot who gîve volainwce %voit - Provade dcspcracely needed assis their best rand tangible benclaas an in- tance ta a woeky rccruston graeap crcuced sclf-essem, and cxtendcd for pople with physical disabdaties. network of tractait aid contacts, Help sct up. serve refrcshfmt. and Yvaltiable woek experiec=. and even enjoy tic afisnom's activiaca., improvad ptaysical bluai - Maiy agencis are sceking ment- V - ~Take advuijoo of diesc oppor. bcrt for ihiheird ai o dareem, - tawnaies -~ e4en if you have never commirent ta the deea iai of voluaitecrcd bcforc. Tbea'c as a job commmmty progrants and services as ita you can do. Bcbaw an a liing of olten thc orly reqUielfeL BOUdaS ccarrent, urgent requests for volain- asually mees once monthly. %cerson fle wihie cetre. - -Ces mani cette aid hclp a -Play your pani in crcaiing and local agency ai the samn tie by prcarvijg Nation's histocy by bc- valuaitsrig la hclp ai a day-long cootang a voltaeer ai ýa local faindraiser far a nôrla Natio apcy muacu. ChSe tro(n a vaacly oi tai serves tie aioeds oi Midviétal plaicements dam Smv yau ai oppor- with developienal hiaq tunity to develop specifie skilla. In - knieesied li n i mma prsiemala, uso e wisla do iaan watt Lear ta uuiw =% I ai~ GRSOU ~ or wldl a keen intersi4 wing- and Imm about purw comin y aying it safe ,ugoIaeM tmm f li.e tune bZr oubun no M1 rinied S of vcaaatn&l Flad pses for yeuuuolf. à (M %i iie ___ý m M 4w 4 Au sa e i dre amd tuaie Nonhi Hala Volum ereur. M7 ~~r u d Sit e atdl aafaty dey loS MIa. &va@* w kedays about hmch dmin 4756. la fid oui moto about dica TUESDAY ARL2 -Easily $ Afl9 »14 ) *~ Effortiessly 4~ n1r> aNITNLFTM GARnANE ATTEND THE LIFESAVERS GROUP HVPNOSIS SEMINAR. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A BETTER CHANCE TO STOP SMOKING! See and hear K.D. BRACKENBURY, HYPNO- THERAPIST and CONSULTANT.' Ho has 33 years experiened in pnosis. K.D. Brackonbufy Muil explain how HVPNOSIS WVORKS: how you develop addictions and how YOU CAN OVERCOME your addition TO SMOKING PERMANENTLY WITHOUT THE USUAL ANXIETY WI1TH - DRAWAL OR WEIGHT GAIN. .You wiII experience one- of the most ADVANCED STOP SMOKING PROGRAMS using NÊUROLINQUISTIC PRO- GRAMMING and HYPNOSIS, an UNBEATABLE SUCCESS FORMULA, that has helped THOUSANOS TO ST P SMOKING FOR LIFà,.<This D.YNAMIC SEMINAR is COMPLETE4e one session. Just 2 hours, 98% of participants who loin us wii THROW AWAY their CIGARETTES and STOP SMOKING. FREE admission to a LIFESAVERS SEMINAR if you eéyer need REINFORCEMENT PLAN TO ATTEND! MO E BAah REGISTRATION 6:30-7M0 P M. - $EMINAR STARTS AT 7 P.M. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS ON REOUEST. CASH OR CHEQUÉ PHONE: (416) 951-0045 Bolton H sel dut TIRE NOTICE SPIN AN e..MeR CAAOU