+LIFESTYLE _______________________________ w' Earthy Celebratlon: Earib Day wîll bc çcclbracd Vg CrawfOrd Lake Conservaion Aiea on SundaY. Apnl 19. An enironninal savcnger huni. corn- plce with prites lia been planncd Albo on dmc agenda arc films with a message. musical enientainmcnt. bulton making. dîspisys, gaines and craft makîng. TIse conservaion area is locacdl On Guelpht Lise ai Siceles Avenue. To find oui more Cali 854-0234. *Human DynamIcs: lc alo mulLiculiural Business Association i precning a communicaions workshoP 'fcaiuring guesi speakers Helen Lyle, human rmsorces manager ai Uic CIIY Of Etobicoke and Ian McKay. organizauon- al development consultant and thse managing patner of AF Consultants. "A Preseniabiof in Human Dynaicis" wil mecus on improvirig relationts ciflisiiig aige. gender and culture. The breakfast meeting is on Tuesday, Apt. 21. 8 a-n. Mi Use Qualiiy Hotel and Suites. 754 Bronte Rond, Osskville. Cali Pain Dias-Mailyli ai 842-2486. Deadline for regisuaifon i ioday (Wednesday). WomneflS Place AUCtIof: Halion Women's Place. a icrnporau sWIMeir (fo abuscd women and iheïr children, will hofd the firsi annual "Rays of Hope" clsariiy aucion on May 3 ai die Binling- Lon Auciion Gallery. Tax-deduciabie do- nations or new mecrchandise will lic graiefully accepid f(rom aiea mnerclanis. Thse eveni runs from 1-5 p.m. ai thc gal- lery loeaied ai 481 John Si.. Burlingion. For mone infomation cali 336-5957. Dlvorced or Separated? A sertes of seminars for recently sepoaied Or divored perions îs bcing offered by Uic Canadian Mental Hcailth Assoiaion. Haiton Region Banich. flc cight week Pr ograns stail Monday, May 4 ai Robert Baldwin ScIsool in Milton. flibUc. ure sertes sjdsl-hcpgopwl a tapies i luding: stages 0f sepaaiiMs from c*¶f 1a growUi; commniaiion with Z&ss ex; baing oui of old poi- ierms; lea IspcU O Sc seioln; and parening afier divorcc. For detaîls Or Ws register call Vicki Roy ai 845-5044. Bruce St. Reunlon: "Mr. Educaijon" Edgar Foste wilI br honoutred ai Use Bruce SL School Reunion on Satiuday. May 9 ai Lions Hall. Menmrial Arena. AIl formner ssii- dents and icachers arç invicd ta t tobule. Miere wîll bc re nsîing from I La 5:30 pi.. dinner and precaaUiw ai 6 p.m.. followed by dancing. Admission is M2 lier persan. Donna Caulice. ai 878- 2471, bas tickets aud marc information. GIfted ConnectIon: Bishoçi Rcd- Àng Cathalic Secondary Scho0l's gîfle studetits will bc among tIse pecsening a anc-day workshoçs ai Loyola Caic Hîgh Schaal on April 22. Connections '92 seill comprisc student preseiai<nts on tapies including: musie &wd mbood; relaxation; creauve vîsualizalion and a dcbuiê on dise Constitution. ~jj~e r gyq> Fun- I Bruce Hood ira.qveLê1 BINGN TH ORL MO Y W W il libe