Huge'Drury margin of victory in Halton wrestling championships *iront SARTANS on page 11 crowns..bods gaang 5-O. SpCncc avercame a tough challenge frara White Oaks'Jolso Defrancîsco ta capure his fiflh gald af tise ycar. white Black won an al.-Drury final by docision over Johns Steven- rs. Abdullahs Hasan delcatoil elarson's Chris Hcewinti lawis his second Halton tiLle ai 185 Ibs. wiki motte Mat Daveispai c Laimcd his firs1 tille as tise only 90 ibS. participent. Heavyweight Craig Janzen and Kirk Rarbostora ai 112 fi. jained Stevensoni as sîlver medalliiss. Viceui Spienger af Milton District. who wrcstlcs out1 ai Dnary, alan pîckcd up a silver, in tis 127 s. caiegory. Breni Pîcteti had a memorable bronz mcds victary in the 112 Ibs. division. and il also msarkcd hîs lOOqis car=e victory lai Drwy. jaining Picteti as branze medalisis wcrc Ruas Arsenault (134 Ibs. Jasan Near (149 fls.). Mite Belford! (158 fls.) rookie Brad Burnis (169 Ibs.). John Hughes ai 185 fls. and Kcvin Bell ai 209 fils. Wiie.tnawn lai strenglhis n tise lightwcighi divisions aver dis ycars. Drury boasied thisr oangesi slsowing evci in tise rsuddlc and heavywcigisi divisions. Oiser finalisL% foi Drury wsith loursis place finisiss include Ryan JclTrcy. Simon Vancîllis. Gecorge Vanellis and roetic Scoil Me- Laughlin. flseee additional rooties, Chris Chamberlain, Miark L.awrencc and Jamecs Miller alan haýe carrncd bcrths wîîJs top >ix finishes in weigt clamses llamilion dmd noi fill CHAMPION- SUBSCRIBER CONTEST If you're getting only the Fniday Champion... ... .YOU re .only getting haif the news. Wrestlers set for Halton tourney Tise Miltons Sehoal of Jiu-Jitsu field an aduiii oniy taurneni on Marcis 29. Tie tosunamlent faiiawcd tise tuer Canadian Jiu-Jitsu Association's continuelle spar- ring roies. A numbler of bIact bell contenders rere hoping la quaiiy for tise Catiadian Tenai goîng la Argentina tis auîumn lai thse Worid Cisampionssips. .Rcsults: Black Beit Lightrîight, malt: 1. Nick PetroiT (Milton). 2. Phl Grahsam (Hlamilton) 3. Tresai Lewis (Novai). lleavyweighl, maIt: i. Teiry Yankc (Kitchener- Waterloo), 2. Doug Smiths (Novar). 3. Frant Duncan (Barrie).e Female: i. Katisy Roc (Holstein), 2. Kalhy Joncs (Miltain). 3. Deanna Lawsos (Hamilton). Blue/Brownî Cèloured Boîta L.ighlweight.male: i. Steve Brown <Miiiqn). 2. Mite Yanke (Kitchsener-Waterloo), 3. VjP Woroch (Kitchener-Waicrloo). 5 Ieavyweighi, maIt: 1. Blair Phalipsi (Malton), 2, (Kiîcherîcr-Waterloo). Gacen/Orange Coloure4iBelta Liglslwright, kla: 1. Randy Foreman (Hamilton). 2. John Waikcu.(Barrie). 3. Sisane BelIron (Bamrie).* lieuvyweight, male:. 1. Jim Woroch (Kitchener- Waterloo), 2. Barry HadIow (Milton). 3. Noei Metcalf (Miltons). Yellow Beîta Lightweight, male: 1.- Carlas Luis (Oakville). 2. Kylç Stuishins (Hamilton). 3. Craig Maiisers (Oakvileýa. Heavys4eight. male: 1. Rois Yaoung (Hlamilton), 2. Les Shumn (Milo), 3. Greg Gilberut (miltan). lli te Bélta Llghtweight, male: 1. Beit Veliu 2. Rab Cscrbay, 3. John Dooley. llîasywîighl, malt: 1. David Wilson, 2. Jaisn Laking. 3. ici! Skingley. FeuiLle: 1. Kate Armastrong <GreY Counly). 2. Carol Prescou (Barrie), 3. Janette Matu (Milton). Subscribe to The Wedne.sday Champion and you could win a Trip for TwoS to WALTr DISNET The Canadien Champçion is aftering a subscniplon deal4hai yau wonl want ta miss. Pay $20 now and you receive the Wednesday Champion until December 31, 1992 and yaur namie will be eniered int a draw far a triplaor twa la WALT DISNEY WOALD in Flaridia Our staff s here until 6 30 pr oan Wednesday evening, il ever you havenl receaved you paper by 6:00 pin just canI us and we'Il gel one la yau rigisl away. A once a year paymeU la the convenlent way la go. Vau SICe a1l ofIhe newstafld pics. To begmn yauisubscipian on Marcis 251h rsaM or drop ail your chbqae lor $20 la. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 MAIN STREET, MILTON, ONTARIO lA9T 4N9 W"-w.o" r CHAMPION SUBSCRIBER iM0 M CONTEST :« '& 1 NAME_______ ___ -*W 0 1am*« i ADDRESS 1 TOWN PflOViNCE PoefTAL I uu.mpa"" 1 .TELEPIIONEO ma 8 ------------- CAR & TRUCK RENTA(L SA VE OFF OUR LOWEST RATE I I 1 a DAILY e WEEKEND * WEEKLY *MONTHILY1 1 I 1 Offer la VliId OnIy et Our Milton Location 1 1 PIUM.prnent tig= coa~otiItis 0 nW (En$wa by 110M) .1 L--------------------------------------à LARGE SELECTION 0F CARS& TRUCKS includlng Uni Vans, Pmneél Trucksanmd Oube-Wfica For reservatoni cali:, 878-2373 500 Seele Ave E. e go farther for you. 1at 500s Fontse uvnd i, Spanan riesle lied hiu final mnance. bots af Priais * a camine by lune-up in prepoalaion lai yen- Teamimate Cisuis Cisamberlain look decsion ta Michael Crowe of terday's (flwisdy) Ballon Cisam- thse silver in tise ane weighi class. Huronia who was juil a bit tisa poonsis in Geoigetaown. 1 Otisr -silver mdalils included strong lai Price, a fiait Yeu cade.L LasI wock lise E.C. Drury juniors Brud Bums. Mati Dasenpaii, Bian For Spcnce it ras isis arn weigist plaeed second overaîl la George- Lînt and Ken Ormand. For rootie tisai betraycd hîm. Aller slnaggling taris at tise Halis Junior Chams- Lin. il ras his rirai carei medal. ta make lise 129 pound limit. a pionsisips field ai Bisisop Reding. Mark Lawrencc and 'Scou Mc- reakcned Spence fel 9-4 la Drury enteuod 14 restlien anrl came Laaighlin braught home bronzes Hamilion's Anton Santaguido. who home rush as impresaile 10 motdais whila Jambes Miller alsa reached tiehe hsini defeated lai bronzi: ai LWt including tisec galds. finals placngn fouris. Ontario mcs. Leading lise ray. wiiis his- firi On ilse weekend 12 Spumas coin- Spence laughl back fai twa rs carcer medafrwas rootie Jay Biset. peîed in tise NationalCadet - Juiori ydas .aised lai a shot attise top risa claimed lise Biallon Junior Championships in London. Many oi _ bt conldt maîins5i eigsl lai Cisampianssip at 106 paunds. Blacethlie Druiy contiingent viewed tisOn- taurnarssent s second weigin. went 3-0 including tise final oser iaria Championssip as an oppor- ils lise HalLoni Cisaupionships à Ge oeglwn's Jason Titus. îuniîy to lace top, corpiltiion ai tisis eek aray. Drury's coach Lazs7 Despite wrcsslifg Up tra wcight level lai tise fias time. aroslawski decided ta wilisdraw classes. sophomore Ciseis Puice won Oveisil tise experience was a posi- Sp-ence instead of having ii &aina bis sixiis consecutise laumamnin tive one rush seseral.crcdîble per- face thegruelling takaf unin flf tcaiing victaiy as 114 pounds. Vie farmanees. Cisris Pice and Chis tise escess reightL Sprenger of Milton DiWrct, who Spence bous cuacked tise op12 in Alan scaring vicoe i. t ise Na- resles out ai Diury. alan, claimied a Canada. Bots eventuall (ci vieim ina but flou placing. were Rusa gionl ai 126 pounids. la weighî. Price. a 97 ponder. d Arsenault wiLhtis ir wins, Colia Raundîng ouI Dnsry's goids ras ta campeLe aI 103 pounda beca iddis. John Stevcnson and rookie George Vancîlis risa foilowed Up on national lesel caicglores die fil Scott McLaughlin who had tise hîs fi tille in Hiageisville lasi reet OFSAA. Altisosîgh isînsng tis . wSogesl performance of E.C. rush bis second gold medial perlai- oser genersily larger opponn, Dirury's four roatîca enteed. Milton Jiu-jitsu Club tourïnament resuits