0:45,4 11 6:4.:45> 01:30M dsy 6:43,10:45 à 12:30 am Sunday 0:45 & 0:45 NEW SUNDAY 9:30 DROGIRAM 3.00 per Sitrip 81000- JACKPOT OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Hwy. 25 &5 Sdord 875-2255 I i -1 i CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION * «MX N URGION DRANCU RtECENTLY SEPARATED? The "aton Reglon Branch of thc Canadian Mental Heaith Association la offecmng SF.MINARS FOR THE SEPARATED Stsmilmg Monday. May 4 ut Robei Baldwin School. 180 Wilson. Milton' This is an 8-weeck lecture series «ýith a self-hclp compontent for recently sepacaied or divorced people. To ýcii, please cill Vicki RoY at 845-5044. PatoaiMu NU AuISAuimS Ame aais To rs ousam Me<tday FanlYTbn 9-Ilas Ttusdmy Dmapin 9-liait Laeswme l -3pn (ro moambn miamai Tlumdmy *Mdn istu 01 a Mt aTkum 9-im 'Pu« Groori Fudmy- Faully Ti 9-1an Fgr mmu a M nndsn g $76-1244 à ve In basketball Monarchs ready for Ontario tourney Milton's. Mottari juvenile boys frikitoff-balance iiPd'e opening quartier aii. but this dmn ni baskehLWI tean used a tunM enLia minutes, resuItUng in, a 19-2 4mowded widg pertupa their bealev in Brantford ta prepare for thei, ODn - defcl it die gane's fret quane. performance. fliey began ta gela &no W chasnpionshîp big on May 2. Playing catch-up for the bulanqc of Leani belin d'e non-stp detensi~ In Brantford. follewmnig a 17 point the contest goï Milton intacuwly foui work of Dun Mediar. Rick Cocl win over Auwora Avengera, thme trouble. lime Moniarchs were una"l aid Diardichmil. Mi"a slove Monarcus lmn two conseculive ta elimb bock inai die gaine. down Hanîkons offencie ac gaines ta double 'A' tram brin ln their third contest they played openeai transtition acormng oppo Brantford and Hamilto. against a Haitillo buea tram madie tanites for Mau parent. Gleeso. a Against Aurora, Maus Paient's 16 up of players front Burlngto.PM S eltp. points lad dli Mihan bcores and Hamiltn and d'e Niagara Peinsula. = Miji ni ten ayed within i paced d'e teamnloa a 71-59 win. Eight Tlmey are anong d'e bea doubl A' pont dm, pawerful Humili ailier Mfilom players scoreai between -trams in d'e province. tran for dmrenainder of d'e ccm six " nait point. lMe gaines oua- Milton feui behind in d'e rien wS cagne resulteai frou dms rebowidins i h p R dngt p ' af Rickt Cocke and NidCkand"oi tmd resn a c of interC BtosPa leeson sports wrp u up-tempo style Mia. ci . Reinig athles endeai d'e wintcr scsnwaLh a bang as the physicalRYA edud"on deparunent hosicai a te-ROA ognition. assssnbly of stidrnts goP Po? acknowicdge tir aLhlctic achieve- R P R mortsi. - Bý ý Highlights of d'e event iiasludcd die distribution ofjncdais and coms sip and conipelid at OFSAA. tac ILil senior girls votîcybaîl tcami During d'e assembly Royal ai who claimeai d'e Hahuon champion- Idecs wcre intrcsluccd to twa offic challenges. lThe firal wua t bre Milan ChliU* Bishap Rsding's skipping roce Sanid -. whicm is helai by Jaison Higgins ai Youth Centre ,minutes-with o missea. lIme WeC 917 NphM "dI chalîçnge was d'e mile rn. Mi 81111111113 PpRêAM Wymui holda d'e curreat record 878-859 M OntrtS APRIL 27- JUNE 19 tour m inuteés, 42 seconds. Bath records hclai howevcr, K' -REGISM ATION DAY Thompson wu die challenger oft THURS. APR. 16 sltipping record. notching IAR9-NOON .1-4PM minutes bcfore recording a mi un. gainlal Lume in d'e qy stages but fading dowe d'e sure~D ta finish la four minutes. 57 seconds. Addei ta the rom of Rcding RayaIs icaes la ie indoor field hockey aquad. On Oeweekcnd this qqm travegod i thde University of Tarankp ta cospce Le a toumainent of 16 ihupl. Thme lady Rayais went undefealedai p dm frt day ahen dicy downed Parry Sound 5-3. Lanluton 2-1. aM inkan's Bre- bout 3-2 la, end i rsti laIlmir pool. The second dey d'ey entereai d'e semnifinal whmere d'sy los Io Milddbl- ses 4-3 on penalty shots 1 w*s,àn ouitanding effort foraà tramn lit ma only boea loellier for ans mondi. Skaters in Roche ster Tisu mosmbers of d'e Million Skg- lqasCub navelled tai Rocmesmr. New York resendy ta skate in d'e Geneu Invational coatpetltin. Kerri MeClmr plised th inl d'e senior laie s amulir Pais evera aMd wus Diii lan dis novice sala dance. Debra Peseac pbaid second in die -uoù luies -o u moives evea aid tan àWa plWe m bat* the Isésusu haiest Ilies a&W die seaior buSe séiler Main essais. th- ial sk 90 nd ke at dce GOOD FRIDAiY SEMSONI 5 SESSIONS 1 .00 P.M. 4:0 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 9:45 P. M. 12:30 A .M. -Merchants power play sluggish . 11 RHU opplDesefm. It -.u't lg bellore D. SL Cuhlfkes jueqod iMta 10111ld an thi f«e ta Ai 13:28 ie Falom'a.eud Muas nule à utse legitimal rusht wlme Dan O'Brien firedà ap dma pais Mam frai e le .1 wiqnh la doti before mùile d'e Mil»o poalie Juan Ohmpea (rm deep in dis left wing intel pust dit Milaon nmannder. carcde id 3:27. 'At 17:54 Mikans lui Rie qied doma hlgh .At 9:48 d'ey extenided d'ài lead whin Trevoir Falt wing duriag à four, an-four and blasled a alaplm Pam scored an a powerplay as Miltons Leamai; set in'e ba Ian Bave (or dis futn Millon nuiker. wid' a double minor. Chipten camne up big a couple of OnIy 37 seconda lama the d'ud brie. Mile Cmx times in dm'e, us.hwever. includisU ace an die ". knocked in a rmoid loi keep d'e caseltak dlive mInd at haïf of Lerouxa double. At 1814 Todd Zavisz finisbed 10:.21 M&ke Dunphy tinished aff a powoeplay sciame off a St. Catharines buaz when luc knocked ina g oat just for Milm>s dmnal. Jun prioir to dts lm Milm. as uiauher Milaon palty expiried. goal SL Cashas=e coach Maik Baudk wu aisd. The Falcon noiched thuer foatd goal of dis gaine Bince reated ta his trains aeseic poÏ&'pMy by while shorthanded in d'e second period when Lamy yng c ue wattuable lta mesue practice ce tine in Mii Moare hit Mark Luustijl wid' a bWl pasa. Lusig went in tan ta woek an iL In ad""io. he blanusd dis lm. of abuse ad plucked d'e bock of d'e mesh nt 4:23. Ouip- Clamcy Seymnour, wh inust sit out a four-gaine mpeaing mai made a nuimber of excellent save though. a sentence incunid dwig gaine thie. Mille', dcfàice secined tai break dowmL liThe seventh ganie of d'e serea. if noessary, as Lustig scared aan si 1154 an a slqishox frain the. scheduled for Fuiday nt Mitions Meseria Mens, ai 8 night boards. Chipima was pulied in favaur of Sca« p.m.