s. -. , 0" l 1U.1 G;ail'Punen' Fz'eda Lfwrenc. Alan Bnqoks Maurice Mfijour Audrey NeweIl Wayne Warnier Lina Warner Dotig Butson Ron Furik Phil Prestidge Betty Bradimg Sandra Bailey Richard Hierman Carol M. Brooks Lindsay McLare .n t TM ome lU uu AN y bawe bffl Ou tal bons. wuM ageoul, biq 8003 I eaqfed psau Ou à m. vtbmo~el le tes ML n Ou yadueie ~o. a w. 011MW -~ MIItowe6e Realty Corp Soldrm'ore homes sinoe 1983. h 22 Ontario St Pout 878-2366 M INDUSTRIAIJCOMMERCIAL DIVISION ~ ~u Q 71 .7.7TOR. UNE , *ih wi $M.00&%o PaOUtoeu 10 m IWUS1IAML PMR SALE aePlmcf 130 Oam nîu.au PI a~ , uedplu 7.JI Cu~*w . an0 SmS ikSUCM. PWO 814» ami 3,0 ad2,0 sw. neipiui eMý=Le 1£100oPw 1 e e N et $12 office. M@mi Sieet frentalle. @rom business 82J»* W l4rt Irzaaiueul New le the e bak m lete ».24.3b*aptkumo«MMAddng 87M00/ o4IL SM.I0 a.ly Martoyn MMY ANDUEW ýARY THOMAS RICHARIP Broker/Owner HIERMAN 878.011 Katrina Wallon 87458 a1IRmpeecuuv -878-486 jean Snowden 578.3155 875-0067 Mike Morgan' 878-OM ~ 876-4577 Paul Page 878-2995 878-5339, Anne Taykbr 854-963 878-1084 Betty Ingle .8174M8 878-1081 Ron MacNeil 878&«98 8782054 Clayton Hackefibrook 8784771 878&3337 Sharon Kerley 8544174 878-6924 John (J.P.) Pears 7f 9 658-9040 James D. Snow 878-2365 CL.n e 878-5806 Scott B. Prior 878-2365 You'Il teet et homte in this 3-bedroomt 87"% MaflynAndem 8265 semt. Warm mend enugly uIn thé famtly, room with à craokfine tire lIn thé woodstovd or &rounid the table lin th. hfl hibeui Prkted righl et $164.W00. CAOE n.e .amu1 , iua ei mm. «w de OulSi 4- -api 0- t Ilvmsde kiwman 3 colline upai niommU80e.beeu 3 Uni- on ",en" e uvWot"el Ou mm paidPlaie iniiee -m Ia, MIB oudrdm. peu»l b. lm* LOT LOTS OF NOMl FOI BALE For the mouiey you oauit boat thia 3. h ~ ~~O IAIi bedr"o ir eg emm' bom nd bm e thia a T NSNOTCL gridbunSl7.U0O Laeee~~~~bu net $1in ma dh.V. PM eiitdee.. 11 .. ieo buy eMore lIn oet loaien. 884.000. Imme on b soue ou on uhIsa. f eutgaabeê ihen 1a«M Nulmmm *1 heatMme i ba .n à baillées ea m-,0mMvWm eau " ad1 eeeeev aid@Vl Weahe A. TOWNHO#JhE0 M- pul T1.. x Sr beU. saliss leva &Wme clseIo1eeue UNbÈ ~ ~ ~ hl bemg. I lesoé le 01104e1et n81.000. eul ha w Su bu bat o. 'P 1h p..uu