OUR RZEADERS i Hontpereon otlumed wallet DOW Eit. * LAU wockund my 12-yor-ci dmaubv leit hW W"ll Md basÉ book on hm bus this ladW dnw * MIta. Mal L She was Zokcd u sho lad lmn hr moey. % 1I theh penmpaWho *mMIdii driver nids dai or amusa SelI babas ibis Pa." pala o5 ut 1 Mmlu or hm Kiahan ad baçesty ahoid m go auweogaize Gos ayse Ardlon Hockey Moms appreclate support flou Edit. Mikaon Hockey Momn lauld fllke ta diak a&H diè asqpmof Chah- pioniup Dey 1992,.i houa alaida WC fumd MWss for in seaca. Euh panipwAis givea a plaqu ui à DIropfy as prescabe Io Mou, Sporwnuhk Plu>er nid MNi lm- pmved Plsycr Homuse baue an sfethured ail day kn playoffs. Hockey Mounts rua hdien ueat hb smeu Élon 6.30 san. ta Il pan. aita nuey voiaoum "qnia a hid 10 th F . Horgidme. A couaple 0 Po" hlave bus doatin msea metimi .Tbuâ fmns dm* fi mt e4alua Racswsy *an * Il wyma lv s o i acs ais A tbi, paint ks dmn Sy one -m wm S daty Io patt&0 of th bu on hi "i Auoe.d -m diu la die -M bau. et he hblo s amu hi - m o psai ha radio, omaieaon aih a k *th -um hom. Sa fim ho bualo lid he file dbm ruuy qw ah ilel depaauu caih celmle ,On stNM nu for quie àMn dm boim bM mual' disovter it aid de Mk dopenmm b eidrud Mmse euai ay cme tac me coul BDo homes. Nkàaak Raceaay lu tound as one of the rus sadsbeiraci faciltic m Canda. yet ccma updau Io ani buna wat miuny coed - sUmm gmau cf liii Who o étuve moabets of Hockey Monts HlcPiag th lies out me mçqposat fike Gary am"n Who sulimes h ba- dcg hou (mmn Daamat FOC& M. Homs.s. Coury Style Donues u@W Blues Doma ail damied frai dwoumts ta o aid wNy Hockey W. q0 W* Uftaboie mcii- ticstd wbo help, oer day go macaa- ly aid Dm the pascipmau I ap prucimaeh effana on dmîr belal. rotection fom oire la u'ap of 'aos wàclWg bossu cow ho b Nid âmes homa mseffltv nlle amymam dqsuaus hqMd jn -m hdmi Wlu Maboul, ca" hmi boaM« aIm iv lm h tm -u olts. Nid thes boga ai c-ât bo' l 211111111 liacugi hi hmkwuhcdilv bom "Wa aid dey wdd Iaomai cUnd Ml h Do hm ccmaale hug htu bssIm oa o rue-ais ta*e uma m c ne? 1 bop e h w. Wba Jockey Club wl i milsa quickty, wa maon Oùi alaudo. aid gante liii tmudy cantevat ho .cepo" atmy mec k's bmbUucb 1 fllthepoMe"odin folowqpon hMoaiMy canccra. lbeAivof mimay lactÉ ad th kvelac ofaiiidic ahlto mark wiih b lo dopud o h = Dot.IA*e rai We would uta le Io fauv aa- cenful aiendaic nt cou dosot ad Uffée, haut on Thursduy. AP. 9wn *9 Hbou Censmnk Mmaio di- loch ai a7 p.. Mt invite mma of flycey pO"=r alila Md=a Miaio Hockey Aslaciaids (aIl divisicns) ta camai uloe& for mmci feilomsi aid helparqa up dls- 'on ihb i 'AuT ChamçWon foc your canthaus aqpor a mail» I*sliu m -ok -&W.-tÉ Volunteers Mro, hlgh lau FAor Amn o m n -l Hockey sema bad ended mitdieh couple- toS of Cbumpiosdilp Day a mmcl ngo Sutey. Affl Our duc am bonfaod h.m h cm"le bours of voluse tuan " oao by Mm- bas of ibl Nole biniat Hock.ey AuocWkmý tHOegY Maa cole *You need a goo reéason tosith>ourmortggetous. IJow about 7, Y TO,. toaaa U i . 0,ef a Wsusl Rean u Il e gis Cm W#m bw"bWmme a5 d go"n a bl à or gO «kl & hQ. .sli.S Ia WE MME IT HASSLMRE A Royal B"n mort5sg spcials wili hunde ail the. pspermork und detail for y- indcudino SOM ADME imform tbom you'rsmailg te, Royslsank. MORMAIGE CE M . Att ymu havé eodo is rslmx oithmospg buines. lb masosn>boid (ÔFSI SERVICE: Yor w metyeur sto* &y.und O unort~«Iffl ktal mitl malte ams tomoim verythùitgdoeuqucbekufleodyund ~ umplyugpoWubla tooodo p ltholsah4ur ru UntJlulyle rUL;j LilwthsIUGtau hsMdLfy esamg.whltbWu loa Bu n atm FR*MENEWL1AM fwbs M THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION THE LEGION STILIL CARES The Logion aluNle grure that blgile votorailu. ex- seMai posons and depsmtmcU Saa am bonufu lo alita they may be entltlsd. If you're lnlsvosted tn r.a.tvtng lrorttn endfor help concntng MWt benéfit. provide by Voterum AMuira Canada or Mimed caus*lss. Form avultbis. a Pisas Mmitli ma ffln 1200 O umas pu" affl. U2 bosM Fw*i l auiiudndhdwîe 12 Càv4amu huqi ffi li 12 haollhiueras U Tross 0 Ablmrm Ahonate. CW*IWa Contaict fle Bramit Service Offcrifl ocal Brndith Io pick-up faimrs oige Ttwmbc>iuw S78-900 or 878-37.39 4 Moe Md cainhaS lu wE bo on Io muv 0 hu am liu abus hy ail bMude lim. fmy Wuipleod oIllbocoy h6 beal loc wwc bich bod WIllea. au ha dm6 fie job a( Dop ~ Wo bath onomais o.à Vh pu ipSt bcd ban givuOs r Çw o wls aid tis fo*Umms as me a à hlmy 10 is in accmmsmky, s~u M iua And sou ibM a bi4lm oba » vi di volulneor ai bouas.. aw" cSiibute mo mach in the devolap. mm of th youd i M an. Vh bc- lie* it là Weil W"ig hb hivumis. yet we doi't eapea our diai ciieoga . Tb"n yoa bilimn Arthrltls reie Qow Edk. Mwy phanucu ,ocuaeded 1 lui. a tmaquas of Noewsgiaa ccd live cil ch dey ta, celee my MIl cmi My ksi kçlq me feel best. lisv Smd dillielm Illip but it redty Ul he pubt u. auo lut -a-