Mlltowne -Realty Corp 4 9 K Sold more homes since 1983 41 èxk22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 - RYN Non aii. M»Fm $ -onW MOs ML GaM Feulwle& ueda Lawence WaynqfLe Warer 5 Gail Pulende Alany Bradoks andrey Bele Wicand Wefarne Linday arne RonFurit ammBey mrdn Caro éMi. rooks L1' J* us.... w nu LAAEN Ioeireu Ualpse ese~ h~ai ~ Rip. MA àd.ei - nu. - Mas b n Offlos ~ PS4306 - fln: - - 'Mu,- ~40S0~~ 4-------- .00Ma, M0 SSc In8 SO .IFS Pai MO PUA 1,06 NOOM l*4 Nawe. a* DM aiDimali isioo>USTAI sflut8, &M A cel. S, Oi 300aq-I. Gaur Su». Oa Pm$*s GAR) 878-011 876-457 878-5»3 87&-108 878-108d. 878-20 87&M33 878492À 874711 (519) 658-9M1 878-500 875-006 854-2451 110 PEWICT PACKAG kl ouWM u u had e Meru lu.. ple y wOiesl uhes. pu" Ma 4 OU a mego bp. 18.~~~m cmu o.wnu..ons -un 1 1@11 INDUSTRIALICOMMERCIAL DIVSION 878-77 7TORe UNE 878m777826-1030 n.00. %àlm inaOny oalCe.MOI eu a Imau.000.. Pal OMUCOu u. MBM Pal 11080 lupl 10.0 Sum L PMOI L 2m's ME.q mm S ka avUhaê. Gool ls 70.1*r0 -Iê plgle :1U0 Sms "»ou. ConiOMay b= .W0 uIs a 1.110 ci Mmb. lâmie. IUUAPA $mIBC P$ .sfM~u 14M0 Sm 3,800 va 2.400 ps.fl tràNW0 piofeslona O 81000Pa" 1,30040LCMrnu oflicel MWA 8» Sre rei , grseî business $416.0 Amiee aLo 854n-9833ww MKY 0 Bettym Inglo sale 4286t 7 Rone Morean 878-019 IClayton Hackenbrook 875-O77 7 Sharon Kerley &%40M74 IJohn (J.!.> Pears 7-f Scot B Pror878-2365 You*lt f sel et home ln thib 3-bedroomn TMarilyn Andrews s782»5 serml. Worm :nd in lahe famlly roomn wlth eCreil ng ir. in the woodetove or eround the tabie ln the DOIfTbqiht Iihen. Ple riait et 814,900. NOWONLSI8UOS roc. o sersie hadol l m hallal m.maiW b, Slilhe. 8 o, IJçsis lomeada a m heO. 3 vsi> ln Ile fa.ip mmff. Adjiwal on 0mbI me. Froshly " fffnt uw f lifilem nide, = .AI l i mi ld.. yoeil h lm-. SAlE For the money you caVt beat this 3. bedradhi*=mg~. Etra In*g centhral Eii~ i] poms mi B Unfhi1h besemn wkh e* be9oom «W bglwooo fafflh prier~ ~ ~~coof eeMqfosa i a*dIoee hev* the homne *Wy Gmi oppoIIufkle boutà businele w1h OWUSmU Ci~5181W wumdc. filelAwemb. buey uSer@ in greet loons, $54,900. Thsl ma mbpMb - 111111. mAT a TONVm f&I- uw.f 6U m élil Fa -MMW - ~~ ~~ VAI »WlS' UmmNnM à buM. euow Se8.0 me* ma 0 ie.r â5e a0d ud*. m0.. m dq *"Wi mc 2s iral r gd "M" iee< fb Ao1e.e &@a aOdMpee 5060 Prloed b seon. tlhm Oe aers 3 .0pormwlS uBS mi omI 1h0 hMm la unlemS 0i et1l oau