lu j H 'Y' A0oeAWTt~tI IU30N~U~~ToemnmaaMrym UPCOMiNG-i E VENTS DOWNOWNSHOPPER PiUMe «Ul S76-2778to Wlui MESAGEFRIOM TIE VUILAG COMITA8LE 'MOCUAJG INSURANCE Ai Classes of Insurance 208 MAIN ST. E. MILTON L9T 1 N8 Q78e.894, As YOW al be &wu t have boom writing about the mcw Comumty Consultation COsundue femsly. We bave just compoto Our second Mudetiq M i ame Mpuul WeiL 1 would like tu take this opportunity to cieux Up à Possible misumdentan about the respomiblties of dit comlutee and amy cbnfllçt WMîtod"uood wnck Neighbourhood Watcb la respoosible for concerna relatmg tu an Identlfl.d ralghbourhood ln bMisi tpiy of dr conceins cm te pasaod on wo aur Conuel for . % Coultation Commue la reapoosble for &à of wt>an Milan. dit camminue dai nmf Or replace.amy exUsting, or fanire Nelgehb ood wMth Thecosmluee Is presently cxambiln -een -Sn il Ppfin concerns and fot wu goeltuw know one anothor. Watch fi r future. article explaini~j the Commtec sud proftting ia If yau hav amy concerns or quéstions don't hesitate to htt-29byocadithuyer ofe or Sgt..Oheile2r11 MIlT D.SJ.A Tuseda Apfl 14. 199U Hillon Ilba Shil Phnns 1or Ran of Pq* Malts - Man St EASTER cELIBRATUoN Apdl 17, 1992 Apdl ? 9,19 Mwinp OMMoe w9i b. cild wil Tuemdmy Apil 21,19m. -- ULTON UOte STA@MR May 20.-24, 1 9db h4lS Fshrgmunà billns JUNE 4, 1902 B.usnh Ewrl MOULUMACW Fd* June 19, 1992 7prn-il pm PAUiOF~iodFunl FITNES TECHNQUiE .248 MMn Or. « 97UM2 C pnigratu litions, Kelih on being narned Business of the Weelc' tbe Fiti.., Technique began. as. a pant-Urne operationim August of 1986 expahding into a full tine business in Aprl of 1988. In 1991 i mioved, to a larger Downtown location. O'ffcring a comple raZ.of fitness equip. MMfor borno or institu- tion, Keitb and bis staff can bc trusted to guide eotuterlght progrun. ~eigIits. lastic stretch rome, climbors and row-. mg Machina ams csrl in thie me. is (be large sele=cuion of bicycles by "Miyata" 4nd " ci 'izc" plus custom technicisasca ropair and servic aill rnakes of bikés. So go. your owa out of wntcr, .storage and get a wone-upi befor. dms wanm weather arrives! A full lie of atbletic, clothing for the whole farnily is available at the Fitness Teéchnique as weIJ. . Keith McKay and bis staff watt you to discov- er for yoursclf (bhat SERVICE s their #1 priorityl DETIS i' 7 -2 0 w Un ait MWi A4EW OCATIONUW W1~01 ~W&Nhi a - Aw»«OMMLmwmimmcmàm--i Wl~â 'MLTDr BU. %UU&i~sé