Central LegeC Caipin Huge crowd'_________ witnesses. Merchants' dranatic win but winer for i d SU. Cathares. - The western 'divîion tit- clalrned the Central Ontario i junior B jsîz clýarnpIn- ; hlp IhdynI et *in, in garni seven of their stries ivtith eastern division champion, Aurr. "lm a1dvanff t e i.anngu. Junior B memiflual sqalma i Si. Caihwines Falcons Whochwd junow a Leque final with We~lad. 7-1. For umoiha wae& a kg^u wimoe AMi Ins both Mi» and Sa. A hu& gcrd q«Wh bs îh, ai. mm" wa>d MW dose dup uauad the buko wle &0 sel wuai ait seUeddmsIhilw<Mie PuW tM comedof m M. le a derviag cbimqpioà Ibey pl1me &II yur forded rham. bë addod. "r.m « m o lusi- Jiora B kea "Md b mm&u it wumhockey àwummnwàb&» 51koih alhe ot bmanw cmohi gels SU"a *iMm. MW uh" bld. et lubg Puise i wéo hma à bu hiq Mh, la *ldum.IU imam uIeasu daIr,~~ns h W~la canidence &M jua ls- uimê u bM 0" Md "k wu uhou Im"Wud tu uih~ - M mm « .akuai q.W hemMM de Om-a Mss Assna P1 on ps @MW epiyW vomi miA blu" la ol bmé M N lbhs a"l MWia dg -:1 et lés1dmm Immun~~~~m la~~. 0m s 9 a *111111% la _ _ _ Ille bqm bu se -1 Voua» hwy à". h0 etSda me cm kt R h8 Fâ* le lam hasaL IEhZle-h m sesl muI Um% lmah M aUmm u weý u . ..h~ **"g le te 13 la