e T i I .1' 'J INVITF 501)1 ATTEN T.H SPRING SHOW & SALE FRAn SVNUDAY, AIIL O. - I. SM PM Antiquer SAUDA. APIt. . 1. ff 1 11 Atque URAMI cà F hi Ogi (M LAND CUIESaNT Iuc..n l Tiîmepi itlni<NTAMin Steeple ma From Il ~0ucSascsi 60 Acti Gloas AUCTION SALE Siaday. Autl 4*h et 11.,0 &.m , l e Aguitutr HMi. Mifiaurn Falugrourd an Robait S$uc for the sta of thems ILt Lt. E.A Glosa D.F.C.-f.CÂLF. MET. ramoved lrein Tn.ritoe, Drija1. SALE CONSISTING 0F Furitehéngi tram 150 yean ai home in Hmwyn County, Anique Pe- font cub-d. aom colttscian indidng US 1053 $2 50 gotd puce, 1 9S $5 gaid peo. Nowfound I08 $2 gi pue and mary mori. sIampa tram around lue aail Paipamni laimp, Mano.nhamttnp, p. Hueruie temps. anique cnst r- idrool baSi, aisqu vafiut sonnet do.>. anique hrnber $59 W/ bd. oaireisicomn, doii haoue tw*tt 2 tandy bit.i l00M, aid barrise plats. glise scrub baard. antiqlue baby shlics. clwn pialp, sec, etc Tar - i -mt t.a rous 9:hpnffl tO. Lunci ivoihâla re ru 030. sob d"y 01,1Y. Aucttoroar aila u nrol roiponadbta ha iceotr es Ns alt, dow. CalM A. SC*IOITEN 81701-2570 Aora Sué"a arii Evalisabons - Ou, onty biums, since 19m CON1111111UCTCno .- -CAP MA.JOR MUNICIPAL PUBLIC AUCTION tg b. hitd et BJIELMJ AIMPORI MOAD AUCflON COMPLEX 450 Wodalc St S.. &re«" tllllhanul 8ATURDAY, APRIL 4. O AM WA»1dCIPAL. BANK C flO. TRUSITEES A OnERS 9OLIK, Kub.ta. Ford, JO Tridents A Loodari. 4 Case4âcima 4WO Loader.. Talonnés Eaoevit.r. Drease. MO 1 I Osa: T»"0 Toe lydat UMM;~i TrillA Eqsip Traitera. 8 GMdC SM0 Dump. 14 FordGW 1 lT Dmp.U PA4.S 0i4 m 4 Ptup; 84 SUC 2W Vai Ferd MIUO Sfrurpab Curbage. fes. Weeetrs, Poser Tsl. Getofoi. 64* Eqay. P asais. Smffli. T;Dc.TlcAdi vtors ue masu Camt kt*lr. et. PARTIL LIST ONLY VIEWIN: FM. APSIL 3,10021-4 PM TEMd: n3010 ASHOspei nequfu jMAR. Jutri à Co. - NUO atJ lu 0UOtv »le) 84m411 FAX (Sill) $«M$13, AU)CTIO SALE TNURSAY, APAL 2, 110 P.M. HISotS AIDaKFAI11111 00IIII 1b LUEa giSs. NXo u à Auci 801dian TE RiS sil on! only A Aus i AUCTION SALE Of2 E9TATES A OTHERS 0F: Clocksi Household Furnishinge. i did0lo.hi Carda et& PTON UIVESTOC EXCHANGE IC. AT $:D0 PI. a. Este. of thre Laie Atir Maxin,,. i Thromas) COCS: E N Wetiil. 3 r. (.ght> English drap. Jorone . bir >.Menfl Chéri.. New Shait. Wobrbffy. Gilbe.t Canaibid. 2 Shuai Sui Thamas Canaibadi Laver ace New Haen 0 dey, Anions S3 Annîvirtery Cloctra, Cuc>.oo à boit parts a CIcas a. EsLaE af the Jar# Graeham Elvey Bramai@&) oi Furnituri. Antiques. ii. t4ousahld Items Alto Cups à s, Hand Pointed China. Depressoir Bras& tams, Tays. Old and Rare Alto qy af sports cardi ast Oriars lancers nat responsîble tar any ta i conevwren ailh lé msl *Cash or tînoron cha*u eveîwlg of y V.wingfront 100p m defsale Il verbal announicements shal taek@ Dma aun oi~ria maturié daiass: DONALD W. MENHART (4111>1146-1071 nted Cý WANTED g Cn fil> Acbon, Georgetown & Miltôn. If you arcecxcavating. I > wîIl provide mjcks. Cmli: (519) 853-3158 80 For Sl ASHIOM1 UPSUIO WIEL, aiil suplie.s $175, perivawieh, . chr$7."ra "Wbte i tîu OIINO ROO SUFT?. Deuf t ainit buffet, display cabiet, table ad S chai 87"M04 0O YOU NEED CARPIE?? For te boit dol 01 tar, coma si ties Capot Waifiasae 264 Brante St, Und 07. Frday and Salurday. a - m tri Spmi 878 429D 1Io GST.« FIMST qushty roc mam carpet $5 95/aq yard For ail yaui carpot nce Cod Jim 877-6302 20 yeari of iîpinirlail FUYONS. Spring Matiesses. Watoibeds Guvcrnaa Bau prmo.. tSu giduded 109-8-6 SLEEP. AFTER 5 3D GAMSAGE BAGS a Weser Sotoers Sai Frie Debvery. Geargaan Aclon. twltt.r, 77-6116 or 877-700 PREFABMICATED GARAG1ES *91 Garage Pacliagi.. gaonficid ntailet yca'rs prioe. white thiey tut 3 ma $4,555, 2 car $3.755. 1 car »15Instalation indudcd Concrets wortr aitial. 1100-307-lOOl amerrie «VACÛJU CLEANMN. New "i usid parla and rcli for mail itreis. Comrpact, Euri>. Etictrolua. Hloover. Fille. Outen, 1(irby. ICauroe Trubfare, Oumia. aft. 11711-0240. W!COING 0OWM - Vila »s haVWÇr à acuidau soile of stckd ' a'0 omn IMM ar UMrai stck. Gourunideod fion SM9 Io 8690. vmalu 1.2w*0. Emoan gow in a Mmis a Mm"a F ' . at BurId Spodil. Shoppers WauM. fêay lIUatn. SI- IPNp5 467-3M. i . GARAGE SALE 523 MARCELLUS AVE. Satuday, Apdl 4 8 &M n- 1 rn APRIL IS DENTAL HEALTH MONTH Halton Peel Dental Association will be holding its FREE Mouthguard Clinic on Sa turday April 41h, 1992 at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel- Time: 9:30Oam - 1:00Opm ACI'VE DAY CARE Van Driver ASA P AP- p.ax#matuy 4 houri par dey 075-15 AffERNOON SANITATIOIN WOMICEM, roquired lpr Mdtan ame iod phat $7-Ixx bitas., n expoenne Cal 416-607-0421 betweur Il arnd EXPEAIENRED PRESSER LOIS - 876-1446 enwry ievo poionsr aval. $10.00 %0 stql 13. OCaMETKEM "reqmnr sid af No ex- dayoièei 6 da". par if»k .iftait have referoncai and espoervSic 875- leu. ICENSIED E.CI. TEACHER riquaut .01mw for matermîty absence Septamber 1992 10 Febnfay 1993 Pss semd rs.ee Io Mmta Convnsauty Nursary Sairool. 123 Mm. Slreet E.. Wt.n. Oratro LOT 1N4. MARKETINOIADVERT1SI SPEMALIT. A young ivisoabve sam weh idoem and praducls is meeting à partis ri limre evenngs for rr». Cal Kaus (416) 854-0430 aller S p mv MEPRESENTATIVES WANTEO ba cCidwC ic- colint card promoléoru for miao roail stare, Full aud part amo Cal 1-600-567-2211, UNIVEMSSY 041 COLLECE Studait req.wd la, woul an a vegleabli tron 878-2002 WAlIERS AND WAITRESSES 30 op 40 houri par w@Mt ltuet bi ivaldu o a ai> wiard a WVLDEWOOO GOLF CLUB SALMSON daoiUr "d 2 nWala Cam PIIKMelmn 15I aesHl MILTON DEALERSHIP Rapures AUTOMOTIVE $ALES PERSONNEL - We ae foo"n fSr à 9oi-mmmiad rîctvsduo at a positive &a"s selling ns. and -nad ym 01f iv pleassnt wovfoeu ondiionu in a smoke tmmrie namM Esxcelinfommission plan aid beils Prefsr exporloure but adbng gtam th e nght person 1 For ai appomntment plonus Conta Mom en Coultr North End Motion 010 Merda Stric Millon. Ontario 8781l7 or 821-3513 (Toronto) 11103 4Zsra off lu *5 S M4M Hdo ivv fRockwel *» lterrnaftional RaiaiS irisna Suspeion Sysiernu Cai. a lesding supplier oi Automnotivi Suspensi. on Systom parts ta the North Amicnca Aubwamal1 Iiy. Wb have ai apsrsg IV OUALTY ASPURANCE The suocessut candidat@ possassing. U@WWl Scianom. &Mctisaoet or eqiaet dapi aritt a ocrUkd Quly Eoorurti Diplama wl have 3 %0 5 kcei indUWa Experience, Automotive retoed and priagrnnabti, compulir oill h as b. dhano ieSuu blaka for tin k Utru Su pça*lon ed a ofea vory compada..iv raiitnrs- thre pmadin vi tr plâcernmit s.WO am s.ur- obfl dvmd« - 1. Sum ALnam [ L-SSFIDJ 130 Pet Stock Te hOtroHuanRgicoephbsde FOR SALE - PUREBREO Bladi Lob Puppi. fut- crimination beouse 0f agei soit mental ly mgreg fd plainte oei effet ô p m deys I au" race amm. d, ntonily. aioe.by or weoirend 1o ny e, 064-987 place ai ovlgsi In cmoonrpar wi this code tue nousapapir rouf rves tui nght b. mi>.. 142 GgaHe n ntd- y changesai adv--Mising JOIN THE WINNINd TEAM SHELL CANADA' Has 2- part-time positions available immediately in Milton. You must b. hard .working, reliable and able to work weekday aftemoons and weeksnds. SENIORS WELCOME PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN 8 A.M. & il1:30 A.M. WEEK[DAVSAT:. MRON CITY CARWASH Corner of Martin St. & Steeles We look forward ta meeting you WLALFA HAY, e0 - - I~. squats boi. rgnos&uM ptéos D.Su.od. or pe- etp i Day. hhaia. 41611-1977. FARMIERS MARKET. Tho». wtshing 10 par- doafls in the soits of paoduce et Traitlga/40l cet 4 lô-0742ý 115 Farni Epiulirmen. J.O. MAHUME SPREADER, 51h ~ue lia bed rader 8544X67 wiokands end ovaigla DICOIIATIU " MASunO Irutouimd eiteulors, kilt ru n ,omma ,ao ,odi Pa"o moutdng, columna, ristarailn W0u4, Iuulas and cltn worI> tr our duigri For malltyp bmpewwortstram byud t.osm Ç41 84248706. 'MINED TO BLENO. Prolsniane. araiutC- Moi drewing. for Home Addtitior$ à Permit A"M.s.0749