Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 1992, p. 9

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Developers frustrated, with proces Fmntiaon. pure frustration with the 111wyofte develoçiment YOUR Accordng Le Milton Mayor Gordi Krantz thal s the ressos Town Coun' BUSINESS cil is sceîng a number of develop- ment propiosais put belote it prior te tic officiai applicationi stage. Muddy Duck , -hat we're ec ~i~s she turns back time "p'Lz wUieoprn sThsof lte Muddy Duck restaurntl is why licy're here. Titey're lcx*ing celebs'stng u Ifith anversary by for direction." giving customers a price bcak this Mr. Ki5ntz thers saut litai h wasn't week. Ib retuat a en appropriait frc Uic' counicil In bc troductil ils original nmenu Iront 15 corssidcriag Uie delaiLs of a proposa] Yeats ago andtihUi response lha becn rather "ia an application for great, accorting tri Uic owner., tevclopmcnt. He suggcsted ltai Uic Wolfgang Rocssicz says the olti coflce'5s 0f Cardiff Developmentg pnices arc about 25 pet cent lower re garding Liteir propenly at 68-70 lihan thosc whichappcar on thç 1992 Min Street Easl near Eli.cabelis menu. Cusioscrs arc flot only en- Sîr ie bcealcd as tnforsnatîo hy joying a plrice break, liiey'o wel. lthe couiricil. comting back sorti favounite dishes lite property bad becs involvti n as welil Special pnces aiso apply to a devclopmnt plan which wouid scIecCti wine and beer. alow a mixeti commercCaJ/reslden- 'Mte PaFtY continues until Aprîl 5 tial use wilt tico commercial unita ai tce Stcies Avenue restaurant. and 12 lwo-betiroom condoioniumts. Someting Bu lite official plan of Milto en- Somethig BIse courages mixeti use tievclopmeni in Frec alterations and personal ser- thc west cnatnec in question anti lte vice along with a sclclion of modi- propcrty 155 sr oneti craîely priceti womn's wcai frin Wiii thei recession the tieveloper it fowunatof Thse Blue Room. eIli Uiat adding 10 Uim approximately MilLon's ncwest womea's clititing 120,000 square fcet of enipty crim- bouitique opene t wo wecks ago ai mottai sPace available in Milton 84 Main Streci West Parinera Naz wau a mistake so Uicy "odti ihUi Paie[ anti Gail Payne hati considereti opening Uieir own sitop for nisse lime. The Blue Room is Uic resuit of Severai MonLts of planning.' Thec inveniory includes casual 10 more dressy clattes, everytiting fromt bise jeans Lo office w=a as well as jewcllcry. Among Uic cloth- ing lisses are Hoit Noliber anti ira Howard anti Barbara Semnick desig- ner fasitions. The shop as open daily [ront Mon- day 10 Saturtiay andtiuntât 9 p.m. 'lutiays anti 7 p.m. Fidays. Wh.t'a in a naine?W e t-irkin Brewcry ha a new handlcW e anti wiUi il cornes morte varicties of býcr recipes for custmsers 10 brcw.o c lî's now calleti Hogslsed, a Brittitho e teri mcaning 54 galions, flic ncW log0. 'a warslog. is emblaz£>ned on mugs anti glas=c.se v rvjber are now 53 varicis of becs ant sometiitng new lue mummc: - kcgscan be renieti lue picstics anti o u Parties front Uic brew.ycai-own tacr ouliet on NipiffingRâe Eaater geta lie East&r Bunny wall bc avait- able LO Pmi with chiltiren for plO1gnaplss ai Hallmark Carda in Milton Mail on Satueday front Il ant. 10 3 p.m. lThe Oirsi 200 phtos wili bc frc but ttcrc wýill bc a SI charge for photos litç test of te day. Young sîsîtors wili aski reccivc fiee chocît- le eggs andi ccîlouring bodiks. State of grwth The issurance business is booming for PaUl ùsncrgan's State Fan ti, aurance Oim. He's reccnu iy - pandethUi saff by two anti ex.peels 10 atit anotter bringing lte total tg) IeVen nM counting Me. Loniergan Uic office lim doubfle tin sua. Hal of dms Main Stree building bce owtsa usad Ici bce retar Io anWwt buui0 sinm NOu LonerPa isurame oc- cupiiea aIl 2,.100 squal Slec.F A grand opi i of te office 0 F being helt Fridag irons 2-5 pin.. at Ile wà rumisspMI:41 PAUL LI Mille Clianbcr of commerce. Ths eited ausard wesî In, FIt. 485 é csiTechnique un Main Street arosto asouter buainesa uhicli bam rendy (cosfo gsnwn in aqtare toutage. posi'biliîy of tuming lis WlDlc devellopnsenî isua, a reatiential senior compicit under the Halte Non-Profit Housing Corporation. Wi itis in mind Cardiff's Bnian Holmai camne to couincil toexplain titeir plais. anticipez possible objec- tiona andi enqisire as to the feasbility of conuinuing forwaxl with Uic fui] application proccas. "*Wc'vc spent a lot of snoney trying toi develop lte site," Mr. Hal- man saiti. "We are looking for q lait becaring anti suppori fur aaontag. relief front te piesent zoninig tseougt te Cmisuce of Adjusi- ment or an antientintent 10 te officiai plan." ilMr. Holman answcreti questions rcgardiag' Uic new tievclopniteni wbîcb wiulti bave 24 uaiis. He saiti lite re-developacat wouiti not use an increascti tcwagc capaciiy front Uic original plan, itiat parking aliolmnt of 12 spaces was wîihn lown guiticlnes for a seniors' building, tai Uic heIîtt of Uic structure wosslt noi mat liietigbbourhooti "lits more cxpedttious anti cheaper ua go Uirassgit a Convisittee of Ad- jusiment tIsa titrougit a full blown re-ioning application." sait Mr. Hoîmnta who matie il clear ltaIt Car- diff Developments was looktng for direction in Uic niaier. He said if Uic prajecl waa going 10 reqisire a kot of tusse anti effort ta gel titroug thUi vanous stages of ap- plication then i woulh't bc wmtts pca'suing a[ titis tiare- Asked by couricil what he Usisugt of the proposai Jbs Fio. Acting Dimcso of Planning rand Zoning. ssid "ibn bis opinion the develop. nment would be "an ovedevelop- nient of lise site." "Basically density provisions of the officiai plan and the siz tard scalC of loA deveboMenss are of ;s: Krantz the mom conen" MI.F= a "flic lak of commefl dvlp meint is nota à g proles." Cousicillors ail t"c mmtawport- ing or oçiposi Vaioua sgmenta of tic preposed developmiss before Mayor Kructa -, c r r piO. Gaveus- tite lesgth andi depth of tic conversa, lion it would seeni tlw Mr. Homai &Md Castil Deeloçms got Uic lipt drsy wer lookn for. just a gende remninder toi jog your memory... ail paid-in-advance subscriptions which have flot yet been paid for 1992 are now overdue. Pleaçe either drop off or mtail payment ($26) bo The Canadian Champion ' iMain Si. E. Miltosi L9T 4 N9 Il' you kInow about our paid-in-advance system (unte payment per year) call us ai 878-234 1; thl% method of payment is simple and convenient and saves you $13 off news stand prices. To rte thousandç of cusbomerý who have alreadv' renewed their subscriplions itank you for you continued nerest and paîtronage. 17i

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