Area youths give up -food o feed worl1d's About M0 Muta. Disnet HI* Scbdol saudcaals discovewed l<ow it (miae w so haaagry lm weekend. Mmc tomsa tank purt i a 30-bour fut - bai pumiatcd to onnain only fli" - io blp nise mnoy for the waddî atving. Paicipants pasacdm bomin e * bish sehool gy laiton. .peviscd by Sussa Canway, s volunlee wi<h wSwl vision Canada. Who et- x e pU- die fbsdtaiur. wd,- ie stodeup lmu haid lsud * Saasdy's banga ob*e culgagaý n meaioni actvitie. flac biaic wus wOl belaaved, accordiaag lao Mss Canw&y Whoi abuedy hm plans fer Mtl yenrS eveliL 11 didn't bave to go ruainn ail over lbe school loolduli for thana." she saud wkid ief. *"I didaa have any lrabkesakes oqmy huais" By about 2*30 Satasahy moraing. most particpanlts sai goodnight and vere drifamg aif in thefr sleeping ugp on die gymn fant. But nuny veto awakeacd wo the nsoo bel vhieh wet off aeSs&m. Nieteen tce. sauck h outin ie school gym. wbile caes pus- tiiposdi in heïr homnes. 'lham who mmu <y GRANSOntDE wo&Wc resumed o lb scbaol afte lifton GeIgot Hl Sehool alaudonta wsnt vhout food for 30 hauts Io flght huaiga lms uaalsad. futl ef- ahes shifts, Mss. Conwayrceiled. A forts mssed $WC0 lo.World VIsion Canada. vel.dcserved pizza panty followed Schools recycle eyeglasses Halton's public and Callolmc school boards ame joining fotcea wo give thne gift of sight ta nccdy. flaw region's ahani ste collectins sid and unwaUed eycjlase wiie will be refurb"ae and sent Io hclp aom of lbe one-in-thic peuple in dmi world vii necd them. Lamt yenth iaOve die Oaft ci Sigiai Ptogram provided (tee eye este la 8700 people i Casa Rica: Thais year, lbe peuple of Panaas vili beasefit from the program. Ntnis as sdIl as aadentu are bring encaaarsged ta brins uwm*Wau eyeglasses go Hilton aclaools. Mena- ber of thec publie'aiao, cmi drop off <hais ON glasses at eilhe of lbe Baud offices, or à sesby schoal. tioa~àr Boha wa thviletojorl. aid, diisedsd gLs winl moite a Tirud Y4add daidoam adulis flac Hakan Bodamof Eduestion ia loaed st 2OGuelph Lin B ut- lingon am dul Haie. Roman Culiali Spaaie Scbao Bond a iimud ai 330 Dnury Lme in Bus- "Iis iejuct anc of dha many es- ample* of laàw Hiltn schools con- dnually mach oui su agi- dma caa- mnity, lacally aid ~I4aJy." adai Bob William&. public achool baud Thle Duligsn Cassi ons Club la bclping witi lb projsct. and LesaaCuaftcs bai commlicd hufin rep@Wla deia e e tslu nomi . Dis il a -aec ia wileS sveybody vina." uid Pma Metl a. toembero de abom Central. Liens Club Md chaimauO ail am die Gia of sihu houm<' u belp odrs. vils people. lbm of Mls sua, ba P... Pt lb . ,u.giftaigL" hungry lb 830 bai. will (ud. husim u (md aidui lm-uas cosnmuaslydoeast wwk in uV"ea 00131ii5 bnoudins. MeanuMe a IundM af Grade 7' Sid & gludens in die ffllîm Allloe Qhurch yo<utI goup (mmc"d dieu - own wold Vrision Cnaa lune- wms Titi fat began hi -n mmon At mm ee *0 ogaitseraof &0 mmen cSida't bc nasiai for comnti %t us gme(ul 1 au the pople Who look pan or sponuslsd par- ,ecipasals.caïd Don Saco. preWednt 0( YSxI Vase Conade. -Tbey bam suaitCoqdu ecm umouga Io make a diffun in lbe lives of hungpy poq* sud the WOeld students. cbwtch congregation, and uacmbers of community orguaza. tions - workad <ogeuher dais monih Io ais aoncy %0r4 fihhmgr. lIn 1991,87M 0peuple asted nd raised $1.8 million, and duis yew's Irnndraisiaag forenta= a doules diut numbe. "Baud an lai yearsluo=e rd the nunbsr of people wbo regiasi to paticipète tbis yen." Mr. Scou. added, "'wc expect Io oiase 2.4 mail- lion <hm die evema" NO SURPRISES ..; EVERYTHING INCLUDED BRAND NEW. 1992 CAVLIER 4 DR VL 2.2Litré VS iElroMar ~13~945* ::w a *çWFt m à"hi &M&Mi $ I St#464Autmt O o Lcb Power wk StM 4624Ru id» DdCBIS 4 WIuI A*Loà* Braîtes Bdy f Mk% Daéu. Whw Cou AU SoUM iM T~ires fl...6 - ..h mai. flicS Seansa <5W Ssii PfIWB BIS ~l ?~ 05<80 Un-~izz~ esar 45 usa. iii'..! RiSC 0* HWY2 . AT DERRYMHTON EXPECT THE BEST 878-2393 4