OPÏNI Bos 248, 191 MaaSE. S78.2341 Teseato Lins 821-3837 Fax - 878-4943 Caanified Advestiun: 875-3300 J an Oliver Pabeigher Neil Oiver AiaurtumqDiww GoedriMoauw ~Jmam Muer UèGe Ratas Halamea Cimcuk.i<on "rec Tari Casa Office MuagN - Tim Colas PronuctaMasuger ib bd lis% OW P*ql -b hw f. .1 m. LWéq "Ou.ow 5 0.m. WwA Yo u've jus.t gotta like a greenho use 'Mlc mou as mLing. ic Mou as mebungi Owmng somelhing w Oc Wicked Walch otfh %uic~ s suansong. someingN L a modemaid mor uplaca version of Chieken Ule, and noihai ta *Ài mmso operàeors, dbis ct> bas becu taken up b> mDore and more happy darongs. JI,!&oeo ,aros praarie.'ratles anong hagh nie office louas aid can bc wliliC of evil0!. Mil- ang sow. unang an nymtalets labeis nid alens I ivi. ies~ REAUME evcntiaally dm e ias aà____________________________________________ pimaent way la celebralie WITH- Uic reaicual of the summer A VIEW T ~ ~ ' f ' r sc&_____Th_______th me n's movemern Of course anl this wster ' umill only tbc dumped on us again in cight months as ue spmin nestle downai Te 1970s and 1980s brought ma> speciai bospital Wo a our four monthu of bell 1992-93. »units aid outpafient llierapy groups for ugmea, but vit- Wc canlt camplain &bou ibis paie umite. il bas bocai mid ultie feu days tuI> aaqcorrespoaidiaig programs for men. Yet. mcli'. of battling Uic cllements, duc, mmt proliably go due greenhouse Ciffee uhC ere cds aesure:y as différent fromi uomcn's as uoaaen piollution traps hem in thc uppcr aunosphere uarming the wholc pluriel. bave c mcd alacies arc (ton, mcen.Ç Y T H I O Cndasaré ysai4Iy ffrme wc benathUi environsaenal dnim to a m of fli tb4n.c for mcai(ism) bas corne. flic 1990. Win uâa PS CHOLOGY lake pollution. said ai., gumn wssppics on dic bighays. and sanif lie duit. ini ne leeauaicn programs conccmcd uiLh Uic epcal INT E'0 Houever, CnaàM tic big uincrs in thioglobal uarnaung thing. problents oif men in Ilicir miles as father. busbmaid. fncrad s. * a a s We don't need ail* arsablc laid uc've got. and incrcascd lemperaturc and uorker. sec likely wo oaiy increase i amount of Cinadian farmlaid aid/or taise ils The radêeiona vicu ini ahray as w sec problems Il uWin Lake tim. People don't change over nighe. But production. In addition uc gel milder wantcrs uhacti means feuct tooted in tic ividual, die marriagc or the famaly. cases lake John (betow) shiow diii men'. groups mel a automobile accidents, crie isure Lime because uc're not caoped up ai Feminisi thberapy. bouever, bai cbangcd abat - it inixro special ,accd and dbey cai tic effective. hom, aic bueg.mled d Mcducatcd and betaer moals becausc sait isn'a duced Uie notion ehunthey ame not jusi individuals, but John, wli only à bigh school oducatuon. hâda biga nSod as w.tl kep hn cleW différent genders, ai Scinder ilsà crucial concpt in tie paying job baidling dangerouis chemnicals. Hc uns deep- l'm mm chdere arc oùu«nd fohrspin off efTocts fromn a couple of undcrstanding aid ercenlit cf humai problemns. Our ly conicerni Uic job u lazadous ta bis bcall. If ho esara degecs. 1 suspect tbat even tic constantiy vigilant ecological coni- culture must stop teaching filie boys wo ignore their ini- compLincd, liowcvcr4a would ho labelleil es weak, à munity can se aiese basic benelits. Why cisc uould lhcy lic su silesit about nards ubile tacbing litele girls wo do aise unner uork for uimp, b> bis co-uoakcu &Md supervisor. sio buuied die Liat0 o bal uasiing? tuo. bis feelings, Hec couldn't quie bis job - wiih bis educa' fla tistic communie> often jumps on dmea tanduagons. IL bas been Wbule womcn bave bencf'attcd froan mai> uw treal- tion lac didn'î bave a prayer of rndiig a job paymng near- predictcd abat a feu degs= junap ini average lessperaire woltd macle sig- ment progranas. me have traditionally nM participàteti ly as mtaeh. Hec couldn't bandite d odi f aubug bis nifacane posion of Uic polar ice cas,. riiang Uic level of die ocinas a n theripy. Ataci anl, a'*"a mani" doei't slaou bis féei' uîfc ta uor, as l uould bc *lieiag bis role a Citica on Ibose occins could tic dareeaned. CiLies hile, sa, duc meca of ingi, knous hou so bandle prcsum and mret, is thc provider. aul assista Neu York. NYC is tac selffabaouid to notice àT;l noy sesias provider for bis fanily. aid ho ives bis orn problenis biHe fqipcd.ç Tis res1a u drivhng bim csazy amI ver> uneiaced an tclling thoni. Sange iw tec New York Uireincdl to lic Wbile socaca> bas oppressid uomn, it bas a ic maie rauiaiang bis fle. Suicide sceineil like Uhe Lully solution. uaslad beneath Uic uaves like à modq day Ahlanais aid nobody realI> tmc confiacd men Lu riei, restrictive roles. Mmi sodiy His uifc pcked up on bis suicidai ideai, but dec didai't comping too nach? *simply, cannot fudfll aboie traditional mieés and expecta. ne iî as acîlfles @ci SIc did net aunmidcsd c mai In fwti Uic politiclani ie silent on Unc issue a ucll. Pehs the ti act dbat tiasis Il is dill'icultta o e"Uic" provider ulail bousug is féleu ho u ".ctflelng my fle for my family . . .' WudWShto is close Io Uic ma. lias guven those ubo miglat çsicithe uari- out of rcab for most young couples; mcen have to accept Uiey could ai lema bavc Uhc Wnsum auney." ing reàson in pua. onien ini ue mile of provider lithout feeling hle à John joined a mens àenray gucup. AL Lait ho e x ail a Mlaybc Claicken LiUle. uho wu &fier al mor dhan a ltde cilicken. wu <Ïliure. Men have wo lelp bring up Uic kids. roduce oui. lobisà ampra (and dae). lac wui .am Sil ac- nigbt allier a falaion. flac mcltrag mou mecely suggeml dth Uic cndt cf Uic stress, express Uaài anger in nonvilent. and constructive ccpeed, but bce foaandil fUi cle er -m lad probema. uorld as ue hu i. i nigla. For Caiadians dis is gooaL usys, aid ask for bclp uhon daey bavesa problem. bic fck boer u Landes about il; ho maQ nMW lust ubesi Canada appear tub h avung âme difficulty remuiaing à Unie= mien Ieamn aheangc their expectations, and get friand, ulcho segmdW ut Ls ide of Uic daff country &Il our aims wl wuariy off to Yonkenr-by-fta-ma for Mes ini vcsy bcip uli dacitr problems. Uic> ulilà caplod Mcon lave proup; aid ho got lois of ideas about houw l andie lais cff'iltoduay productions aid our potitican uill tc forced in fin Uic drimati Mll iear rases of bSallstcks. Ty'pe A pet. probleun. Mmo f ail, ho leasmied te a OKC ta tant about diplomati vacuwn left ini Uic nu Uniacd Suies' capital Claca- Chue. soniiies, succecful suicides, deug addiction. abdoho- youw feeligs, sit for holp, shre Uic l, and mal bo a Mamd. isan. biga blood pressure. and a shoLel lif e psaizac. rea nmus. Adopt an 'I-don't-care' attitude about animal hair Eves notice hou you jane caa't Men go Wi thc balle qgaini animal hWra. at àidajeet ablas long fualed" me, even adaa*g I wu foacei Io isarecaer wo il" ya 1, or go eus>y. 'fliccasc. wo hco m kind of Murphy'i Law dma i'tgh-colaae M"as h l is aractal to dut.coassd fiade, aad vice vei. Quaitd yo.e caud sa a non âcddkt vulay of do but gaas à iniauhai no qoning atillaje. Andi dtsi no mu aid- aim ganim algi hai on yotiw ckxing becom broda aid auat, &m'as lai Lais Mn tou sciM& Say you lave one cai (eIllaàbd ay m wSdsor 1h). Mie' kaoln or usiuu àrlihi dut psy Mi wll dellenel> adrafs'm eladiqg aid diserias iuh a mift misty A bue mgd alai cati ia o ter. YouD eqi ullI ladi laies on youe whitei mil, ulle bhs on ou black on. and bc*l cl, îWi shou up bwmatfial igasi Your Paiiauu fiiag mmon faauem Des lait. dmia à stiEt Uzmm dam cul balt, ls e.allY Mc seiacn ls isp cifdisle, Sosie- ammi dos liait i uf t m ai bqm qapro@cK mnd is ielf et m aiode la ymw clodais. nakhg rosoviby baie sucuol> ilil if m km-ossbL hdniegag. y-e muit gay. Uplaoistcred car smi ame voilier uhole aid distinct smc cf iniesat. Dmc animal liai mick toad aisu as tiouga glued? You boer bolmeve à dacs Even your higla ObCie*ue vimun cieanst uill hav la uok cUý~Aa for l hiem, pvtaticily. if you ake YcO)4og for a kg ofcar uides. *....... ..... Evan if you never lav pets Isve ini yolE velaicie, you Wil nse "« ir bair fren yosw elodulig ta Uit carimis uih auizng qecci. Cita shed imenot connaady Wi ai 1cM YS have Uic-consolation 11114 UieY're Iliki uaIl aimais. Somo doga lave muisonsi "01incuba dacddng coploualy ia sriig and fini. Ohoer dosa, aid die Cl0, a Slaqaçr -qariua la aunll> I didlaaiy M assida Weilla tin ~ le!>au lei me yo. pui yurom ou %inu ca feu uays ga makle dic problesa of anmW lai s anmaler One- 1) Groomuini - B"si abat dos or cet da#)r. Okay. tW> for wockly: cvery ide bit bolps. 2) '*%cuumins - hnvat i a reali> gond machinae, onu ca" of suckung up Ma voii"e ia asM& lhàii should MnW~ -m diii haf tic liaitr i yca haune. Tàke cme am lu vacuma clotiunsa dat fivourlite se Mia>dls upadm hom. 3) If. Yo sar glaises, Mmave dmc uhez youre amuossiIe boum. Wlaa y00 can't ne Caa'l uony Ye. 4) Accepi t i d laqgl. Làéf'a toc dam wo agoocue cuir pidily, kid âua flle dos @Wd Nou, if you'Ul excuse me,! l ava wo lao dos i do vul for lais zho! flaai 1 lav Io ciffa oue My me.