MANY FACETS OF FINE LIVNG ARE EVIDENT IN THIS FINE HMEM Badtung 01110 purland, th1e pli- voe, els ici mintain yard mi11 inground Pool ca a delight Thtis lovely home also citera e superb roc rocot with bar ele- gat oprete ditiing room. 2 'rpl clesre closet. central air à Vacuum and mucir. mucr more $276,900 MCoi Court Oedarbrae Ave. INERE 18 MORE T84AN MEETS THE EYE Vou, toril oui love île privai@ bîcbyard suilh docb, patio andO ungrouno pool. Thie mmaculete homie hall e lamîy 10001 0111 tire- place, cotrrat air plus a big rec rooto, double garage and te an eeil 5101 I siopîmgý 8194.9S0 EASY GOINO ELEOiS Jus! i1sie14 in à quit. Cougi arva close Io Parb. true elo br,cb homre wiml 4 splCîou ioomls. f.iar 1011 011 tir ad muur, more1 could be roui v been îî11inq for - $211 ,1". - . - Beaver Court 1LtL LIST TO STARBOARD A AIGVL IN FACT l'IL LIST IN ANY 4 bediroom home bacd ' DIECTION!! onto pal<... failyr Sa if you*ro thinking of listing wîth fireplace, big kitcf your home. ploaso give me a huge master bedoor coul Sbriously, 1 have pur btbooo o chasors in vonious pnoce range% ahoos o for both town and country garage, in-law su homes. $189900l JEAN SSNOWDEN Sales apieusenmatlve 878-2365 or 878-3155 K E MOpe spore.hi C wm ms, Asgll rour e el Ofet pfl 878-2M6 878-8W93 artdl uch mor. NOW 1190.90 Otimae Ir eenvepy OREAT VALUE nielehtsl r>oe. ose Io scfols in in excellen ichi.n laeoly roOOatwlotWi nght.Csod, CeOv.p.if a0.1 ho a15 ro-An o((rth berý fourth W.rom and0 fu ll 0001h*o bolide eO roor ish oodtoheý arig n a o corn- oo age harn y. Cal Il. N.« -idSlC0ovptecmuldbeet go. 9O you*re Iooirog Ici $239,00 MacNFI INCLUDES Thsi MORTGAGE WASKERIAYER Io s RATES New 4 pc. bath 1992, baCks Comp FEB 28/2 onti park, fronts onto apple ment, 8 Monlhopon 8,50% lieorropen e.25% bas upgraded broadlloom etc. Pc i po cîoseo 8. 126M throUt4tout. Vey comfortable a goa0 liu lsed:2 living. A pleasure to show. Contai 131 Ite cood 11 %ASdn $134,900.00:. showir CA I l'IUMALLY î*MULUUaI if YourOAoe h>ý ft. Oet Ver spectae home1 trua hos grec! etyl, oullide and riside rve11'Ol.î homes fopluîb. in megezis mon01 you M0e il 10 yoiursl Io se thie Onlt home1 Upgrade ro0 riuill -us Io mion5 Ci Mulie SI 84,100 To vie. ti, firr. homo phliafft à seibout from th* living ro001. 50Plate , re, est-in bOcmn 3 f reme. 3 W.sho. îFîUNl pêîfl. le, polt b. mprbsod $129w0 onEA WAY TO START For the wouple Who hbke cmry. mhis 1-1/2 atirl, 2 bodroom honm. can rea gril beginfag for Vau. Gusi frei2aoe on Ont liig room, lurgé ie vil lors o1 f OjpbOWd andO an OVéreZed double garage With a nuge Jofeori WUe. S.Maled on a mebil. lot in 9&e Uiton. Co Ibl $139,9 MONEY FOR FREE" MN0E5 SHERYL G MY 'OFFICE 878-2365 RES. 875-1121 24 HR PAGER. QUIET COURT LOCATION ew custom oak kitchen. nos up.gradod ,new bah ond mmr laet fl ou wil a in hi a lt o vd +bclo, uglw 1< m bEaNd bvic E El urbd oeS. JOH (JD nilr peint. Véry moat, fire. d - A5belment aised WMNII utie- d fEe Wdl thefo ma13 faau éc. lae. omevt oil frIC l leoit8. . grlet 5 i sco i 1 be lflOrIf4e îdtoomee P1e3boomengarii0(.e g.ea2emo g..u rINa jLordo trenus nr.o p u do. eo ogTytc. r~ vgtt t.1 OoGqIUMk CU14one. Py' boli 0 Adu*q Sf0.000 pies a elparte u. game Lt. 10 chelâ lit S OI* d m1. m ecs [ - . - , 1 Azron-beauly. rw»d buemploix. - mimmmumama Mîltowne Realty Corp4 ; SoId more homes since 1983, 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365j * TATTRIE LOR I Si. R.esoaueauv 87e235 bm.878-2365 HOME ras. 876-1575' 876-4577 Bnaler Ass. COZY lBUNGALOW could b. ght for you, thro. b.daomans emodoloed kfch. dinng rm. lving rim NCE ith fireplace, self contained in-aw NCtlE, LAST CHANCE pertiment. high efficieuîcy gag furnae. ni 14 Belore it's gone - f hree*bedroos entraI air and directly acroas frnm a mark-REOULCED $169,900. Contact aplaecet~kîcen mnse stîng bralcor Maurice Miljour 878-2365 wiirec. room, includes fridge. stave, washer, dryer and built-in dishwasfi- WANTD: er. Listed ait only $135.900 and worth BDRM BRICK BUNGALOW looking a. Cai Jon for complete I LISTINGS NEE Interest ratels am ow o soI o'ebeen puttlng RM R A L off maklng that mollia, don't icutrbil îwalt. The market le starting 1 hree bedroam backsplit. Beautiful 30' to move aguin o dlon't 1 amily rm. with caet ceiling. i hesitate any longer. Cel l rm, high off iciency gas furnaco, central Jonfor a confldentl, air, central vac. nos broadlaom, El~ î nground pool and pool hous. $@47.500 N n-bltln Contact listing Oroker Maurice Mil jour. market evaluationPNO MI 4 nyoiur property. 7.5 acres, wiait, foundaf ion plans for bl teTime Has Corne. bouse and garage. Onty $145.000. Moe ew. Contact Listing Braker, Maurice