878-2365 m - GREAT NE tis 3 beorn omer gel yo eld Fi effien Wood Stov $169,9O0 sa ues $164,900 3 bedraam, separate dining raom, eat-in SMALL STC kitchen, finished basement, walking dis- Great opporlunity fb c tanc, ta schaal s, shopping plaza. Came business Close te hC ta, IOok and ompare. Cail AI Valpe. Csaas $54.900 * CAROL M. BROOKS si OFFICE 878 2365 if RES 875 OD67 TOR UNE, 82&103 0 i r Ci LINèDSAY J.ci MLAREN - Sae e.g, 11k Office 878-236 KINGSLEIGH COURT F Detached nomne, large backyard, bard 854-2451 wood floors, finished reC room. side Pager aritrance. 878-2020 Tor. Line 371 MRONTE UNIT 33 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, central air., - fridge & Stve. P OWER FIRST-TIME BU' &e pOU que, 0F SALE- 5 iacg m$1,225) -mUe of RIRSP Fund M.g#A - Il b. happ1 anda 1 ohe question conrewning th, purch home SUPERTO Foatures 981tm lkOchen 98 ACRESe" oomu mese sedm, me, Beautiful 3200 sq. t. reslored stone Cou Sharon,~e Io bouse. ingroundf polol, geibue barris, sugar bush. A fantastiC view. ASking $899.000. AUDREY * ~- -- -NEWELL 8499000.Associale Broker TRULY MAGNIFICENT > - CUSTOM BUILT 4 beckoomn, WIuTet ldtChen, Oak pani-_______ elled llbrary, main Ioo famlly room & Iaundry roorn, fully flnished roc roorn, sauna. If you are ln the market for a country home, Inlake an appointment to sus tis one. $174.900 RICHAiRD WiERMIAN Sites Ripresentative Office 078-2565 Toronîto 826-1030 Residence 078-500 3HBORNOOD in tire hearl ni~ own wll niShed reC roorr -thi is jus? one 0f tie rs îat >RE IN TOWN ) vin an 551001 iSfmd bmil me, Cali e o0, al thSe KATRINA WALTON offica 878-2365- Ras 878-1588 24 Hour Pager VORTICKET To PARADISE TM41 19 UVINGt ber,.., . 0,s Pal,. letr s - &_s m, 2 -~ çgsir preýý - uS si sslveses . ngo ý p,5 .±oi us,. Ma. àa m.s.ubut 't - EXTRORDINARY VALUE \YOU COULD DE ie foi11ld in lrîdeci lbedrseifr 4IEPROUOWNER laligtaOlCot Trait (oSd sizp cid sp.re, - loen Tr. teusrn e r[C0 ie lr n, m y it ti enrefi 3 buisoS bâiavssrrî bruh.d Mc M. e 51CeflCy hfaiic, large lot. 5505e uh corer hîSpèle sewu af, u-rn conr- orrdpsuaandrrMU&rmort tri sec. w5itou10 dee oi. good sureS lot %dury J. McLaren $1104.00 cle u @Il uemes Usdeay J. MeLanis $194,900 IrS THIE RIGHT CHOICE ahi loWey raiseSl bungalow mil 3+1 boit rooma âriats your arrival FinireS lamier Sairrerer firegaceI re n. brut a feu Of ,à ansfactures cone anS sfe tm rom.s Scat- édn pareequel Camlpbeiiaie HARON ~ERLEYle q us Repreeenmve - Office 878-2365 rorontoi Line cu, CoSJtRfy COMMTER iion2 plus am badrg mile rawule Syreco r 826-1030 ing resusmI wihreplaça. eta lauge bitph Slidre. 4 bodron,, pius mers 800<, don. Verycsssemeni tu efiler 401 or OEW. YERS -m'GET MS00. citi Shar for mive Érborirussir CTS 8frfor. durîd (as mucfr tu1 answer these* 1. us you might have âge of your tirer THE GREAT ESCAPE 35-1I2 prîsate acres luit 5 minutes north of NWMECarepbeMrle. Thtis propel ies S &0 - gorgeous seetbng. Iseparate dln.ng POnd, stein. forest and a cut10m-boul brick bungalow ensie, upgraded rels mamn-800 lamily room. maetter bedrocus witi ensuite litale. 8132,900. and aliarcled double garage - prioed in sait et $319911.000, 1Cali Sharon for more information VACANT' AND * 4.8 acres Moffat area, $179,000 * 12.8 acres, 4 miles to Mohawk Racewa.y, Stream, bush, approx. 1/2 mille sprinting t $239.000 s 1.4 acres, Moffat, in area of large homes, $159.000. 1 NEED IN-TOWN ~ LISTINGS If you are thinkig of Sselling and/or buyîng, please cailme, AUDREY, a) 878-2365 or 878-5339 -- for prof esalonai, ,frlendly service. GOOD REASONS FOR GET7ING INTO THE HOUSING MARKET! * lfterest rates the Iowest in years. *Land fransfer tax rebated (in most cases for firsfttme btjyers> Y our RRSPs can be used to a total of $20,000 t0 help4urchase the home of your dreanrý1 This could be rour dream hotiet' EXECUTIVE HOME- geautiful secluded country properly an 18 acres of bath chear and waoded arels plus pond. Georgian style with large pillars. apprasîmately 3,5100 sq. I. finished, graciaus, living area wîîh large- principal romrs for entertaining Five bedrooms, three bathrooms. -brick tireplace in tamily raam airtight stayi rec. raam, hardwaad floarsa braadlaam.i neutral calours, doubl garage. Plus additianal 3 acres o severed land may, b. purchased,with thi i prapety. Phane Betty for parfýuIars an appaîntment. % $25.000 DOWN FIrst liétigage ai $150.000 Peym.rrlti $l'tu886 aues SrSOmnwth Touai - $1,318 W, 3 BEDROOMS, PRIMVAE BACKYARD Ostaga. fin-shed tuiserit erg bau. ongii surs.. ,rnnrio4ae. Si 75.9O Phoene Ileuryi for agpr CALLISO AU. TENNI OKYMF le NIrr eM 10 a roNNSr I rs hS fl Aet & u l N e4 LA*COVi »on e brr i ls 3 cho taese al brio. * t tain à iiurdi, Mu MU e. aint: b &ux, g&r 2 ponds ackTOWN ouf COUNTRY - 0504,00 Afilet O acpsr 3sbrr b ~ lusm n, 551i on Ilb ah551 fer &MeSe Mâ; A2 VACADi q CET 0 HOME s smquedidgeOse sniQ .eaulssr Mîltowne Realty Cor*. SoId more homes since 1983 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365