14(110 ~05~ 1 DECOA.N H.D. MULLIN CNARTERîE5t ACPTNT ANTRIM INTERIORS Colet. Rér i eoem&laSer 1crSmO lBuimeeu ced ndrordi PROFESIONAL -Feroo Planning PAINT & PAPER HANGING 107 Martin St. Talephone 2.5 Yeors F.aerrwae Million, Ont. L9T 2R3 (416)>878-0558 878,1 784 M.A.R.C.H. HO itraaparg- Ag Gieur po-a.Frc à walle So.,- -Ecoor . AC"an. 785 Main Strest Fast 876-41130 l11Seriroeî 875-2700 (Saies) DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED *Aurn.rnAwîrgs *c-anos -E avuatougha *Slom0, .Roohng *Wnhdmas -S,,n *Fac.a *5off. n Loîr% Colouis Alla a luir ne o'r~cn rwindows 877-5M8 * M.A.R.C.H. PARTS SALES 'SHOP AND IN HOME SERVICE' Wan.m. [>Y-m - anrge .4 acr MOUY MAMf ,j Coi os foai your clefT3nM ds Molly Maid 876-1672 ELECTRICAI. SERVICE *6ecfrW Constructin & Mbwnanne-Macia Ai Oas RICI< HAGEMANS 2093 Brtannia Rd W Milon Ontario 1416) 875-0699 YouR 000 WOwT sTA^Y HOME? WE HAVE THE ANMEUI PAC ELWT-RONIC FENCE clairs m.mui -AME7XA;t)WNS A SONS LTD. 185 4117. 487 Laurier Ave. Milton, Ont. 878-2881 Complot& Fiorai Serice Oe 8&Sot. 9.6 *orExtra Touch F/onsl* I 878-0554 88 Main St. E., Milton BEATON & CO. ROOFING Residential Commercial.- Industrial Fiat or Shîngle Work FREE ESTIMATE klAre a Protesonwal tlit, Insu,"d for four protection (519) 856-9784 RoCICwood .yoidJr.;"Ali, ITA04F' .Ri POlti --A ' rit'Ruýn .RA ROOFIN( & SIDING 1£s IL Ed Williams (416) 876-4984 1 m*iI si. Mmntown 878-2886 ROYAL LEPAGE »Untçg s> AFFORDABLE COUNTRY 329.900. Tha homne ha. ail the 'bel. ahd wh.Tlea ed a oaleii on a gorgeua treed cor n habto lita 4bedroon' 3 bath. 2 lirepilacea oee ktche aird Tram ioco ry aind ayo are amuriga1th tri telauaCm To ,aig y-, Perleons Tour Bart Laheorre878 8107 0O V08J NEED SUPERB COU#4TRYI NEW UST1NG SPRAWLING SIOESPLIT 4 Érg. bmroei iau 3 bd-r C.0 4lt rn e,,,- F.r Amt. S2 1.100 Sat.fy y-i, dre To 3btmTTir. 5n 8 acrae Eat in wi. th' Al ... ian th-re beron'rin on Aea-ueuLR Pr -teeplace mPorrY 8' 20 irlongpe.oray NOW IS THE TIME ToiBUYI huge trî 1 fi f7 hi prrpery The hon' SnateRgslctoenrtafg .@apej groe Sand ool 2' 12 Ca yne Gaa.oe 878 8101 lOr detait. Oi teature nie touche. .0e enu't Large SOT iher, Et b oy In.-.ý. t Ba e a. arge I valfrai rirte. teir1oonr bréi, batrrhonlaé %rhoo mon y reIs ce Fu,eTmu b-.eMe .orkairO & coid r-oth tac roo- ha. lfuolTo wgh a iemlorrur I sO garlag.end moe Th,. a a 0eln Citrifi air -AI lAr $204 960 WMiac Screeed er Fiorda ron, Acarg, becrnri bedroori and a large prneate yard opporiunly e ..cr ,nm SI.-e, "oII K-ir -rri 878 8i101 $38gi00 For iner roceti Lard Ai. -aleah .1$17 0 PW.er 878 Al0I fil uý I ~ BEAU eY TREEDo PROPEN UE COUNTRY LIVING I RATFAMILY HOME On- or: .rinrrri hy th. -onot REDUCEO EXCELLENT STARI Tii c krtclrer grear toniy Ti, il brighT riteror deaigr of th. -Ipr To rie 47 acre. ut moud.ý *lr 3 bdr THREE DEDROON FAýJNILHOME Large kîtcher fneshly taiited Thtougro,t close Tu ochocte large terTced yard Poo complele mdl, Krycqht.a yu8ed cederg tait bungalow, dil garage r-c c.untr %M'Y rait lut0 eequ ca SIr Sl7 WohtT Acion pece $1630 For detale can Stece .oe Priced at a low SI8 Mg800 Der,, windoma tîreplace in macla, A ca bc.lon 5 brrr o 4a dO Pleae casolr à.T FýoelcaliSteoeJ Porter'178-80T j pcoTm878ý80 ATO low,Mie' 878 8t0t R*.1$d369oett O Lamreece878 8101 $3rroAîiTlS25000 INVESTMENT MI TON 401 COUNTRY BUNGALOW CLASSIC DUPLEX 'CLOSE ACRAGEIND~TRAL ARK Located rErlh of Miltont. thlis home TO AMENITIES 1. 117 acres close tc downtown offers sbaisemet in-law suite. 2/3 Classie duplex close t mnps Auctionieers. monument sales, acres and Ml zonrng. $229,900. Dedrooms. 2 baths, acuzzt7.2t MîtmMey osibe se eternarrans, kennel operators ilDonna Syms* 878 8101 appliances included, Cal) Audra 2u 79harswhahg ulig vl re onie of these types of us. Les' Costigan* 878-8101> sit 79 e for actes I îhbîdîg then cal' -0w and look nto putti g THIS ONE IS SPECA yîoyr business here. Excellent velue , IL UPGRADED TOWNHOUSE BoIth these properties open to ail for the building and .68 acresS 850 $137,900. $osnbeeft 315,000 Just waltIng for your Sorinig mone Wh ceac tes nuredbdoN'. LISTING reWislehtr 3eai ianeta4bdcý 3 bath@. criy a 3bdrm .home close Io GO Tra i briedlon. FR, garage antd bacle M mon' met central 80 ced ucoe Cell Denzil Lawrence* Ask for Lawrte Grven' and 401 & James Snow Plswt a onto a quiet Park. Barbae Crowe noulT Tro Pieco cafi tAr On 87 8188101.. 878-8101 cal todevI - 878-8101. __ aloi 388 MAIN ST. Eai-j&ST 878-81.01 (Tor. Lin.) 826-9218 Toil F-r. 1-800-263-4176 t.BND MASONRY KOSKI FEESIwr a;;«;;. 878-9452 LM/ CufclJus rvc _______________________ BScà .~e.ba il M a l. h ACONAT MAINTENANCE SERVICE R8MDEHISAL . COIROAL - FARM *HMbDI)VUAN MAINTENfANCE .P aOPERn 8 Ain IFN001GL i1 AN 4011A8OIEN MAINTE NANCE aFCKS PATIOS à FENGES DENNIS McCLURE (4111178-11>93 mm- ý ri R