CF o ~LE~E f fi Royal LAPag Mloçwpge Company in offérlng the. fluat baortgesu avaUile for homebuyer. Cali us for full détails. This iu another Royal LaPage Advantagel -~CAMPSEILVILLE CHARII $444,9».M0on , 1912 - STONE -5ACRES PERFECT HOME FOR THE VILLAGE PARC ON IV OIG C and imec 'oU hovv3 fredrnoni' 111, lust2rv-.t-hGOIGFML ioai ,w- C,.. idt._ tn ot on a On.acri, lot 459 ONTARIO ST. . arna Be@Ut8Ay r.onoaiead -o-4of- .- ýj 4 / id .d pl.i Feaiur,ng pond 1 2 bedoor 2 batn. A.,n h !h% ln/m gaa. 00y 109 ai.n Tcmn/ie Puc e , rng md tnroaho fo aI nry n0rf n.0FP t0hî'O S1 02 brr 9 bainl- -si7 flia> Pm. tond~on./0 roc inoe b -/ carnet. osI ein 0.18. etaece.e t'eanr /neht 1.4 n, a ornp Il- es n .,th Fn P iono s icn S2154 900 2 n doo /0 l n/aberl O tmp/On. se faM nî.t igr. a nni mitfr, cb' os i0 l is nar o ed Abn rrsi h Si/n 10h nom S679 000FrMot to icnoi An i0rtneoy alirsècno biy foi f in- .a,ni Oge on, oi/siN ,,di/0n aod otF.. uInR. onf' 7 o anproa do .*~ i9,. 8 204 900 El.". Crcnr 8 78-1 I A LoaCaîun* 878 OIc01 8101 878-8101 X 5hsii .. a -/ tm o-i EXECUTIVIE LIVING Yn mrifod of. ablng mrraing lei, i@I ois thslreylo rc l"Thre q.lity and.arret//0 Oak and HOSSYiTROUT FARM $54,00O. A SMIALIn RICE TO honFOR rfts2 liits sl MOI in8amrost a 1 /2 Ffna vcl Nuhu.Dè scý 4BEOROOM CUSTOM BUILI a bono hoem/f r,. f0 n- 1eOC A 3 bdimi d.='-/r. fie,.it s-n 0..1 bilm ot Teopn fmouni Feafamo Rn. an vinsr Onofrn Omain pe "" fin. src/ad. suia it aroîng roc.> fonnat dinng one a/. sus rvaflg ton/m. 3nd et It a Brick il Cedar nom. rosid in the Inme. .eicond honte Club hMi & i.rge mcher kilcfr*n, rodcm.ff bar . .nt sir,, e wn~ U, O secluded in-la*or nanny tait. 3 car Main 00flo i 1/1 F >1 bO 2 psond. d arcôn ai] th11e e9iprnt Io condtîoning tard atcuuam apaef n np.eoa okma.ra lc a Scrig RarlC/c r.mmkoifl /0 tme yonr ovin Large pa0ne amis. nmglnd pool Noan ucidi 177 90 Cet o oiePlS s lm4 iernsMI floo. on. hl." mn sodm 3 bar gorag 849,900 paie Slaaled on 25 gojecu aneC iircn olo 009 dm do a/aeRselrmr ilmoro omrr office ad ceo9 5 l r Lon a C.mfe4> BsalmortW878-8101- cor-i/n NormesacrrEd Pus4878> 01 a Norm1u il ool o re cisE o a 8/ne P7.lesrois for moeinotain OeLWW tP 50ClGr / CHECK THESE TICKET ITEM 4 /redroo,. 2 faplac.. 4 baiiroci. ql contre' air/cail c.C /inranhed raC - % I garrisse on. hago 1500 lot, lVndn Pou IMMACULATE STARTER 11135,11M. large dcl.oaolii murihnprr front & bock.I End oral eaut*i35i deconsted baokoig cnri lae.dy o nit oubl w gaage23 m IO pa r c looo Ici. hostl 004 *OJOî Barfebre frle-dr. oy oubl d Sc /en, non fo2,.J pa/a' Clion. toir s0r ada .0.010 a1rba AI for S274ý000 Joyce HagecW 878 8101 maià&m? 876-810/ SPEClAULOR OITR IS1 bu/do .griffctat ooad.d 2 3 an o? t r 1nd.capod gourK. ssr poo fot -taub caban. fitrnme court T/ri Sam/iltel/y dessgn.d 2 stom/i off*r* :t, tonique teltare, sucem etaoning shaker Sgardon, sieste beso structure, cl/edra r carlinsa ao/arsla le/. tom ca FlF*. *etc Vory cliraif* ao 97398 logen/ Wrrffer8l-8si P rtý - BAUTIFULLY CEMTJRY STONE HOUSE , ew ild" » Noisiel on. àsspecaec oe 49. tirest l t/ COUNTRY CHARMI & ATMOSPRERE rr* l' o. &v.e a th Blue Spring Crée'r 1irhgrolsBrtn!i/rormI 2 etfmy 0.01.1 rough Tri. Canadien& eî. on ablA odd2 sc lolt/ 9hPond In F~ Pt in L R & £ m >~ sepramO dining oooded ancie of onlr, 7 sfotas FEa/a*rng feoni, don lorge frOc/m, mit/ cear» obrd & lar Wrgvigmoir e.sop dinrig -n f.nrilt - b./r au. 4 bdm.i tc Pofomaga e."n mO/r FF P&4 large b.droornn $389.000 loge bain srna/i atan/c cil & large orground wiavm? 78-8101 pobol S690.000 Irrge W~tfer8 00 WOW. WHAT VALUE AT SI169,Q900l TO 12 E; Wnr ai*. car0 yor fiala4 blieirofoni hom. Look ho foT/rr T/ore hm. basi ml et hp"N Phtl Orne, fa/arue. airctuae si al. casentfo aan of.M otrya~./ 1cor familr, set- n kdonen, upgr.ded min unrc laori and iawrdry mrnne and coPeta ond lconng. cset a, o ai - aer, i4agraii baedcrntWO0r Locetoa nM rnace Localed or. a WM loi noir aifchocu. popuir &BI, t/mfs Caes comlsn~da b4oackns Don'i mis. cOut - Ca/I tcdii Bar/ra colo thm para L.ated ai I S368400, Caf1 t6 Llbfrhem878-8101 sse. BelL*Ibf.'818-810l 388 MAIN STis EAST 6 878-8101 (Tor. Lino) 826-9218 ë, Toit Free 1-800-263-4 176 Broker I0Sil Wpoeta/ve RIS yen thât counts the most. LAMONT LEONE - Managera SgCRETARIES Glyb Farda S/le LJU Ba U c/aIrO M& Lnida 8.od/u - J u re * Ifl flèt eri O S/w/y Vauf.y muL&O 19T8OUULUU MA/a 0.0. Add/ton .--..870-7079 Karen Infnita . 8764f154 Rucl A/betêç 87838 Sondi Kinulae 878-0392 V/r9rff/a Brazeau 878 128fSa/b Lallecfre 875-3303 Canoler Buorth. 87$-8545 Den/il Lawsarence 85.1944 Les SB»er (519> 85%-4352 Au/m Laar-Costgan 818 9151 Wayne Cassent 878-046 CM"y Love ý.,ý-ý-876-4930 Sa/b Crame .871117875 JosOpltife Peic. .878-7849 841 Citmie 87-94Stee Porber 878_85511 Sandr Del Pa"a 870-5229 Ed Proveau. 876-1707 Là- ien. ... 87-1 Norma Proveau. 876-1707 Essai Gooding ,., 875-4009 Bal/tua Ramun 875-3 Joyce Ilageflk 876-11M4' ROSS Riannails . 87846437 Haer/Hardy. 878-3915 Pe1Schueite (519) 853-4871 S7d/ ogs 81-1881 DOM&~ SM ........ 17 -11 S7 a/bwe Mallebou,...87488 "qillimmý- ff-is Màw. RI: 0-wa el nW41ML1,:ý