3 BEDROOM TOWNNOUSE, Close ID mai NeW iy caqteta. $1.OOOAiionth. F1,1 and lut Avait- aNs May lat 876-1290. 3iiBDOaOM, on.sloc me room. large lot snd dock, close to scliocla and shopping, no pets. First and lut $ 1.O0imonth. 878-11760. 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 10 acres indtudea 4 sLaat horse barn with hydro, and acer. North of million. close to 401, $1,295 monlh. Reterencas ploase. (416> 877.366 days, (519) 833-2573. CAMPBELLVILLE NOUSE, 2 bedrotio $700. untifes included. 3 bedrooni. luxury apartotent, appro - 1,50 sq fi. saîing SM0 plus utilisis ý2.250 sq hontry hmds 01*,h basement aparlniant that le renled. Asking S 1.200inionth. Pieu.e cali ScolIiB. Pnior. MMu Milowne. 878-2365. FOR1 BALE or 11107. 3 8edroomi Townhouae. $1.050/fnontfi plus udes. First and lust Avait- able immedslsly. 878-1035. HOME, Prolesalonal occupation, for rent In- cdudos 3 large bedrooms, fanlily size kiésen, finishadt basement, good aile space suitabla for office. Locatéd in busy. con"a ares. Available immediataly. Contact Jannie Fraîz, Sales Repretptleati RaJy Wold - W.J. McCnjdden Real E ,talle lnc. 876-1133. or res. 875-2727. ffl-AP8frnts Fýor Rent 1 BEDROON BASEMENT APARTMENT, very bright, large macna, pszling.fo 2, dlose ki aIl amreniîbes. S60 pkis ulies. No pets. Available Apui Ise, Leaveneaasffl 876-1941. 1 BEDROON BASEMENT APARTUENT, large. bright aid cleuai Sutale kir quiet terient. Cal Gloria 878-2616. 2 8EDROOM, Bright Ornement Apartment, stove, lridge, saparate entrance & driveway, close si town. Cal 878-2095 or 876-4552ý 21 MILL STREET, ACTON. 2 bedroon, apartnsnî. Avaîlable Mardi 1, stove and tnidge, 1 parking space,- dose Io shopp1hgý $600/mnonti plus utflhîjes 83076 BASEMENTAPMARTME*T in Miilton, AIl utilities excepi talophone. $7»omoiith. 416-444-9107 sny aime. BRIGHT 1 Bedron Apartlment at 64 Ontario St N.. oser levai, controlled acas Available May ,1. $lit7month plua hydro. Pleame call 519-822- 2267. - fCARLISL E COUNTRY, large 2+ b1drooni sang, $850 par month. appsiancas and utilîties included, referencus requinsd. Cal Sylvia 854- 2294, Countrywide Campbîefvdla. DOWNTOWN, 2-1 bedrSon apartients avalt- able April 1 and May 1. SM8 and 8493/mnonlh. bodi ,soeny redoor-ad ai sujtbbe for singla bents. Màta VAItlan applicaionts witit sa dletaila incluing prevlo landiord rWeiancea Io Box 1879. do Canadi Chamipion, 191 Main Street, W10n, LOT 4NO by Mardi 21.i FOR RENT on order pant of t0*0 2 bedrooni Aparbniant, 4 appliances, paring for 2 cars. Avablble Apffl 1. $860ý00 plus heal a hydro. Phono 876-066 MILTON LARGE, belght.aid dlea 2 bedon baisement KIldien, alonludy seg sapéase entrance. Pusntl ei a 75- HOMS TO SHAh! al modemn conveniencea, satl t. plionaît séparale. $450 lncdiattiNte 876-086. IIIMIIEDIATE OCCIJPANCY. Sua-e large ountry honte, 10 minutes noffi cg Milion. Use of whole house, Poel jacuazi, saunla, sadbtaN V. and lsundry failltes. Lots of privacy in à peaceul Iaifoundng. 8460/mardi Plus 115 ublifics. Mr. OELKER M662904 or col 05Usdci 416-690-7771. BOMAVALAML, downbwin MitUon, b0 shar aaielSl0OW*lt Cam Jl 875,0»43. 0E1 eiintn *AITENTIION - Rooms. bachoeor "i ne- bediomn apatiments ai id fumlshing. ( T.V., bed. nid "),o> utils and ksn. SlOGM"ekMi up, For god puea. 8774086. PUMM"E BOMIII, »MIdn pateon. dos 10 ma. bu MWd WL AvaiW lie*l.C 87111-1175, 87478. FU«ISHE Om la country homne, Parking. un of 1-4i à bueiéy MoMM&Ate 7 p.m. 47&M00. PUUIUHE BOM "0 v l l aili. Star -4uan bi. etc. NUsilieck. 78070. LAu« MW8N (oMfrrn Cen" &MOI P& ellaima.. - - gan, ttcrov. bMoi fîas aipplai sM Fif 1 - ald usaw a * -wWret. 117&M8. - BOM IIIIIIIITS a M NomE, ou cg hum". Phmns Dam 073488 or 1-4184e- 4m34 wue aMoIa-, 315 Conmmercal & Indust. Proo.. REASONABLE OEDUSTRW.L UMMT lom remN. 1.060 b 3.200 sq. fi Secrsa"d Services on prMices, 875-1200 or1-416-275-034. 3 BEDROCU HOUISE, llnhaed roc room, large lot and dice. $164,900 Open houe, 827 Menifiti Drnve. Satijrday à Sundly, 1-5.,878-7860 S3UY wlt $2,000 fuil down payswnt. Super 2 Storsy, 3 bedroonn. 10 minutes. nortfl of Miffon deai for young familias S1.lU3month<519) 453- 2M0 IFOR SALE 8V OWNER 3 Bsdroom Townhome. plus finished bamtert snd unit 5 appliainces Mtt air a contrat va- Endlosad yrd ait sun dock and aIl exssing drap@&, new kitchen wîth Aafdng 83,0 878.1079 or beavemesg FOR SALE, Vla Parc ceoni Pond. 1 PRIVATE SALE $19.8,S 3 Oodroom aIl brick ra.sed ranch single Garage. central air, family con wiUl fireplace. lare lot Cail 878.371 alherS. No Agents '00 tnt. noeabo33 sq. Il. log rim1e le on 20 wooded acre 5 knis tron the 401, norlfi of Campbellvila This charming blouse s in s 4matUii wild location and ia cet visibla frore OIe quiet oeuntry road on whid, ilis located. Enargy efficient; tiermopene windows, solar orientation, R25 as, R60 aflic. hast racovery venlilator. Cross country skîîng, hikîng & mounitaîn blking on or off-roail klortuy et your dmsoesp. 100 praperty, taxes wera only $M8 <radood 53%) due in oonter- vellon tend lac rabas. PRIVATE SALE 8380,80. CALL (819) 824-7181, GUELPHU #11tIVATE SALE A CAMPMLL VILLE VILLAGE ESTATE This beautiful 2,700 sq. Il Georgian style home sita on 2 acres fully landscaped with complete sacuntly systeni, lighted tennis ourt, Lazy L concrets, pool w/spa. four car garage. sprinkler systen & £ ci rculer drivesy Just 25 minutes front airpoit $790.00t) Hom 854-036, Bus. 67-1444. Il $188,600. 2 stry, 4 bdrm.. esl-In kit.. parit. fWt. baae.,abgrd. pool. vsc. Sun. 2- .58 lotOres. 875-468 $244,900. Imniso. 2 elry, bIa se.. vace., 2 flirepis., Iiterloc. bOL. esc. foc. Sun. 2- 4. 334 Klngwoy Pl. 878-5812 249,9110. Loir. Cape Cod. 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath. Ind. bu.. paos. BIh àdrm. air. Uirepi. Sun. 2-4. 215 Lptdoy Cil. 87844 III8III000. . Çhamm. 2 stry.. 4 bdrm, 3 1/i lthi..be»., 2 Oepo., ar.vcg. . Su .7M0 CIlds Or. &Ml-U CLASSIFIED 875-3300 MILTON M ' : UONM àMf"a "IMPORTANT NOTICE99 ANY TRUCK WITH A REGISTERED GROSS WEIGHT 9F 22 THOUSAND KG. OR OVER, MUST HAVE A P.M.C.V.I. SAFETY STICKER 1BY MARCM 31.1992 THESE CERTIFICATES il STICKERS ARE AVAILABLE AT OUR LOCATIONS DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE, 500K VOUA TRUCK IUN NOW. 854-2180 X C.ýT IN 24 HP704i EE LIGHTs & HEV .'IG 5-0 GOL mi,]W !PE- EARLY BIRD SPECIALS IN THE PRO SHOP e Ail top-lin, golf clubs in stock e set of woods - wholesale $25 a et of irons - whol.saIe $25 e Tournaments w.Icome -a36 champlonship holois eDriving sang. *Sp.cil lntrIoductory memb.rships for 5 dey & 7 de> (mo initiation tUn 1993) HIDDEN LAK GOLF ltCOUMMTR OM 1137 #1lSIUi - ' *336-3660 -;u &. mai, B - P_ - mai 1