STOPP'S DRY CLEANERS j iemqukm' '~~da*m &Saebut mil "in. auMain Situel, Mllloa or ph-n 876-4245 THIE ICE HOUSE RESTAURANT Campb.iIvllII. la nom acoaplln, applications for: FULL & PART TiMAE COONS Pes p WAIT STAFF Paeaply in persan le. 19 MmlIR Street, CompblMlle or plina 854-M97 n Asc for Tonry or Ken PIZZA à ITALIASIrOODS FULL TIME HELP WANTED t FOR Focs Food Restaurant * - Afpy in persan Io: Molbn Mali C LASS41E D 875-33001 *'HERE WE GROw AGAIN" EXPERIECED SALES PERSON REQLJIRED To mark un a POsitive euvwounmenî WeIII aller a competitve commma.son plan miih ompatir demo, Supporled by a lge ivenlery af ieur0 and uSed vahiclos, a gegneraua adarftun budget and ane ai th1e motif madern facd"ia anymbare For a confidentiel Interview caIl or tea ruume la: PI-IIL CIANTAR Phone 878-8877.- FaX à7&465 MILTON CHRYSLER DOD E 81 ON'TARIO ST, N. LOT' 2T2 "HERE WE GROWi AGAIN" BUSINESS MANAGER ' equInmd for a nem ctepai7ent un a successful Autrm- hve Dealersliip Applhcants uil have gittuer. automolsie salas experience, bank finance esperce or a venY comrnelieuive Sales & Finance training -background, Thora us excellent eaninge potential far 111e riglul candidate. For a conllyaniol Interview culit or lux ruie Io:/ PHIL CIANTAR Phone 878-8877.- Fax 878-6553 MILTON CNRYSI.ER DODCE 8St ONTARIOST. N. LIT 2T2 IMILIUNIRequires A MANAGER 0F RECREATION SERVICES M«inv 8Progressive mur*dpMtuY of 35,000 in e.Grear Trouil Aiea, milh an excellent laOn- lia Ior fujtujre growth, la seeuiné an energeltic and mnoivated undivuiuel ta joun uts keisure Services Depamntu Ilam,. Raoli eUaDirlcler OI Laisure Services, dme suoeesatl candidate MIi maniage lacluly staff le ansiselue eficie taprln nid miunlnu of a sevenildi nctuding «muanaad cou ivlls haiaenud pragran si e aure te effsclive management of commursty baied prograin aid Spa- ciel avent pppartureo Reponubuies Wl iclu<le ineracting ith t1e public-on mmm aiofsitereals or a n~ ud morluing in a »ean enVionmnt lin dim develapment ai mesaardu poicy and lon trm panwuig anid oa-ordrum bion in lue kaiure Service. Depertnant. The pralerrad applicant mill have a diplorna ar degre. in Recrigation, Facity Management, Recrestion Leadership araà raialed field. and ha in possession oI or ha eligible for certification throuh le Petits aid Reoreation Federabl Ontario: omuined milu severi leurs exparine in a mticpalmoratln avhr,,eiî.Pracailnwéedge regmring lies opermiou and maintennce of arana. and camn uftns is essenial, as mail as a braadlt of knamlpdge in convuunly programi devalopmen "i aemt laning. Equally important am excellent verbal and mrutlen communication skils mand e s-ong s-adi record moriging ia len anviroanmnt. The salns- rangeoligie poiioan e$X.824. - 3ýt6.030. (1992). mih an excellent begefft palugge. IMILIUN MANAGRoquires A 0AAE F PAAKS SERVICES Milin. a puMarva ,rmMia af 36,000 in the Graisair Torouito Aiea miih mn excellent poagin- fieflfoir future gromifi, la Scelun mn enrgtic muid moaed WndveW"l Ili auiuta Laisure Servces Depargmaeni m einsure lia allaimt operalion of il Mumicipmy wamnmud opermbtd parks. This mi inc'l e plan- n. dosegui onsbuaon, aparatian MWi Maintenance oi parks. open spece. cemetanu. sdcocl Sies. end mav#i alun w 90ll propanges. Rtmpoi dbillam ' mi bihd emcln ab du public an mingé af bitéet or colicern and marun in tain nvrOImeM. i ta dausiop Mdntoa resanii, Pohecr eid long lerni planning muid co-orna- :o in Ona Laeum 8eIvh Despagrnmit Th. prelerred appisat milf have à duploma or degre. li PubIs Managenmn, H4ortculture, lia, Parla and Rioegle FdMrdn ai Oume.e cembbinat miih em en içWa in a mutic. glal reurad en"lfrsmn Proc"c bnwdmdge nmgmr*g playlng laid rue.uiia. parkta dauW, nid daupmaru nid invreuimyW uaisu eaenbdI Equals importainealnt eit @=@h m tta cenve.uloho $tNb Mida sgon guai rcord mardig i a at mU Il Ib ller udf aiige for li pailon 184M8.824. - $46.030. (1902). eih en aenutant iîl pudwag. Pleue Subit* s-oui lutana, i 'ailar. by Aprl S, 1902.4:*30 p.m. go: . : TOWN OF M&TON P. a IIOX lm0 ULTOII ONTANO LUT 41 Ateln:eldlm rW nei, olau USan le ai aquiOppomaulls- 10 anls. 150 -Saes HOIl 166 Caruers PRODUCTION - MANAGER Procor Limiled. a leader in rail car leasing and services in Canada. has an immediate opaning for an exper- enced Production Manager a is major EDMONTON repair facility.. ý The plant employs approximately 100 umionized tradesmen who perform cleaning, welding. plate fitting. painting and ganeral repair operations on tank and fretght rail carsý The succestilul applicant will have good manlagerial tikilîs foi direct th1e worklorce through departmental super- vusors on fthree shifts. Experience iu heavy fabrication and welding us required. Recent training in salety and loss control and a knowledge of appli- cable leguslation are dosureble. Sunce Procor is engaged in a continuous inullyimprovemneri proces, 1 - nubnt must b. prepared lo work witliin a leam environmient. Slrong lechnucal qualutications and good com- munication skulls are essentael. Qualified applucanîs are unviled to apply in wrulung ouluning pducation, experience and salary history to. PROCOR LIMITED 2001 S peomisRoad OakvIIIs, Ontario. LIJ 5El 170 Davearè DAYCARE AVAILAILE. Pralerhl 3 yem à aide Relerwno mealale Cao Mundy aI Sm8 5164. PRMARY COOIUiS PRE-SCHOOL hm. open- ioges i Our 2 or 3 do a mmml progranl 878- EXPERIENCED CLEANINO LADY availebie Wedneaday. Thursdy à Frldayý Asti for Lauie- Jane ai 876.4884. 210 poeSOna A MUAYER TO ST. JUDE: am" 0a pregirrPS Mmne a dey. On lue St day your proyer wil ha mmmmered I hi bu evr blte l -Idf. May lme Smd Nim cg has bu ed glonled, laved muid preterad thraughaul d1e morld. Smormd Muni of Jeaus. paey for us. St Juda. ma.luer, ci miaor m k lus. St Jude, hlper oaf la' ~ . Pr lrus puicatin mabe andmlsr. vagéble fumenhem. Cid Nrth * VP MMOFD K*"my SE OWTANO illaa i., 1U7. 2r tu Ui mon u=ma A Laedlng SuplIroU Autamative upn Slan Symieaate Io dhm Nrlh A=nnla AUlamatîve Indusr s u n Immadl&le apenlng for: ADMINISTRATIVE -SECRETARY The successlul candidate wilI possess modern oIlice equipuent expertise intarpe'- Sonal relatuons slis, 5 lo 1 yenrs of office re- lated experience incdudung payrall nespn-- subilities andl report mauing. RaehmallIIIII allers a very compatigve nenuinera- bon package in ttuus opporuill Plama. mend s-autrsaum In confidence ta: Industriel Relations, Manager, Rackmeti International, Suspension SYStmsi Campany-, 150 Steeles Av*., Mlle, Ont. LOT 2Y5 1980 PLYMOUTH GRANDE VOYAGER LE, iOaded excellent Co-KMdion. S10.900 or bail IO CP-RICE CLASSIC, 4 dm.r autoateaF, p.b.b, mu/n cassette, rmn wae drive lcm kuui., crsiled. 51-53-2696 or 416-720-769?, 1985 JETTA DIESEL GL, 5 speed. ait conituonng, mal maintined, Vmi artfy. Askunlg $3.695 878-5071 greal condition, 4 SPee91 new bras Asking $2.900 or bot alle. 878-8136o. CECIL KYLE AUTOS à EOMIPMENT 342 BRONTE STREET S., UNfIT 417 MILTON TELEPHIRE 878s-2196 OR £75. ' 192 1. 198 G.MC, X ton pidsip. Sierre SL. VS. 5.0 L, aulernal, OIC gamua.on, box IWr 110d box dlean gIrui. 90 KS8. $8.500. 2 1989 OLDA CIERRA,. 2 door coupe. laded, 2 5 engile FI,1. augernatic, 111 ka.. $6.5m0 3.'i987 AIES LE,4dour 22F. 1 autornatc, P.S., p.b, i. vENÀn dean, 90 ka., $2.950 4. 1986 R AULT ENCORE LE. 2 door halchbacu, p.b.. 5 sp.ed must b. sean, blmck. 115 kg.,$.800 5. 1986 GOLF DEISEL. 2 door hatchback, 5 $pue, p.b., 56 MPCS, very clean. 162 ks,. $3.950. 6 l984TOPA G S.speed2 dor.p s. p.b.. aarn Cax, blaci, good condtion, 127 ILL, $1.850. 7. MASSEV FERGUSON, 35.3 cyt. Dousel tractor good condition, 53,5W. -1991 CAR TRANSPORT, 2 aIes, electric brakes rampi. aa nous $1.950. Ail vehiclea certfled "n marranly 6.10 MilIerY Reglagered lImapecttn station autoe, tnicita, traitera. CHEAPI FBIUS. SEIZEo. 89 Mercedes, $200. B6 VW, $50, 87 Meroedes. $100, 65 Mustang, es50 ChaiOae IFrn thousandS Sterling $25, FREE 24 hour reordung reveais leats 801-379-2935 >oPynght #On 162JC. à RRUTD LD 410 STEELES AVE. MILTON OVER 75 CARS & TRUCKS WE BUY CARS PRIVATELY AND WILL CONSIDER CONSIGNMENTS 1 875-2277 250 Businss DOrtunties "AIRLINE OPENINOSIl Flight Attendant$, Medianic. Ently levai position mvauable. Cat ngoinfwlomaiaui 1404491-0733. AIRLINES - Enisy levai or wii trin Tidket Agent, CustmerSerice&FihI Attendants, Ground C0ew, Aoeountntw u Mainagement Transes. 313-932-5900 or 313-932-5901, eît. A-1004, $96 RelMwxble lea. EARN EXTRA INCOME tturough Catalgue Marktisng For more infarmatai cal 1154011011 PARENTS - TEACI4ERs . Evaryouie who laves clsdrU- SMa your own hone bmd buainesa for $07. Cal 878-3307. WEItE LOOICOO FOR PEOPLE aW, aeun eunplayed Or uihmappy migh paumn iob. Cal nosit 1-416-741-14U7. CME TAX PREPARAIIOOI Roui Nemil. $15: per salve. 878-251 or 1153-3423. b WANTE TO RENT, 4 Badpom Nain mili double digiv à lhh bummn Rapaiible pmolesonal hnlfy. Releçncea vait"l an NaeýMt 07-847 i REDUOM kMP Pm on len PondMda aloee *aùaur pool2 pluhu s Pins, $78-1138 or 1171-8.3 Z umomo HOUSE Ilmr fli nHy 25. neigmentBai. J fd 3u. aIue mlolaan 67Mn Wamerva Plaeh a eurac sha valim br abuaid = =ISImudlu chlldren in Mlton 'Regian. Ail calls are ARE YOU SEING mliacied byr somseana ai..'. ddlnldng? AI - Arion Famly Group moise leichd Marudey nught 8 p.m. ai Si. Puds United Churdi. book door (Paring loit ens-ances) M8 DRINKINO cousine you probleme? AI- odiolice Auianymous me«t Tueudey nights ar OrâceAglca Church. Main SIgtua aiS 830 p.m ziu venicin for sale