Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1992, p. 29

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* your classified Hotîine Ci.a ss fie i VSACLSIED HOURS:V a siMo -F.. 8:309m -5pm 15 Enaaemnts RUTH e8TANseuRy Of Millon, Ontario, aleste ta anmoaice des engagement of her soin, Chia- loiphaer Richard Suaabury sa Aime Monais. the dautgharr of Mr Lase A Mortlei of Las Angeles. Cafilomia, The weddàng ail tla place in May, 192. 25 Marrips WEDDING CHAPELS rnOur chapels provide an intimaie setting for the bride and groolg and their gucsts. For you Specla Dey cm"aa us: "L ILTON -35 Hm S. 28-397 DJLNGTON -2012 Jam 333-1907 GRANT, TERRY MARCH 13,1985 'rime striai ae ua together Brothae and aiteer férever Lova Awaya 1 KELLY -l YMCA DAY CAMPS The exper*c'ibtire fba i à Uifel tu Whelher il's two weeks or fao months, YMCA Day and Specmtty Camps pranicle a bactipaci fuit of W memnories for yaur chikI Af a Y camp. kis lcarn about themsetees anc how ta gel ai9n witfr olhers They ride horsies. sait. swim, golf, play garnes. faate hires and discover ings aboutl the naturel world around them For more informcation. contact the Norlth Haiton YMCA for a brochure and application lorre YMICA Day Camps iclude Ouldoor Adveerlre Camp. Sadei Cam iing Camp - Sports Camp-*sarn ralv s *Golf à Taens Camp - Krrter Carm - Cicu Camp *Comptant, Camip Fmns Ails Camp CaO tbe North Halio. INCA to4ay! 1400461.oe242 VTF4E YMCA C lasSgIegjd 78 Mrewood FIREWOOD FOR Si Hardoood, $70L par and G.S.T C LANDSCAPING. Bi I SEPTIC I (Formerly Glue I11110 ALE.- Ail beaaoned. Noalh. face or i ncluds delmeary ail RAY MvCKINNION 5096l E SPIlUCE >ANK PUMPINO iSpruce Enierprises) se8711-11480 ears experience BRIDAI. DRESS & Head Piece, sica 9. ee wom, reguiar $8W0 aili sell for $350, Cali 878- 7603 aller 6 pm DO YOU NEEO CARPET? For the besl deal i lOan, corne t0 JoOas Carpel Warehouse! 264 amiea St., Uval 07, Fniday, andi Saturday, 9 a m Io 5 pm 878-42800 »NoGbar. iRSlT qUabity FOC mom carpeil $5.9SIsq. yard. For ail your clapet needs. Cuit Jim 877-M02 20 years eI axpecencel FUTONS, Spring Mairessea. Waterbed- Guaranleed, Bsl Mm.es tas indudeai 1 -80-56. SLEEP, AFTER 5.3o. HIGI4-BAC CH4ESTERFIELD à matdin car,' anentautour, $M. Mapie, cpolealet, masching tad tables. lamp table, liftea $40 Vial enfle, booircese a malcwvg entaain nu desk uni, $=0Pair. Walarbad-hybid Oueen sas., brasa headboard à foobard, $500 Sis drawerf chant & malding vaghl table. $20 875., 0445 alle 5p va SEPTIC TANK PIMPING ROM~r Noble Ltd. 1 ân ai hase lor oossivg lawns, -3 radio deaPaated tlnàdua serve you. PumR bellaya lia& 10 fatal (Shaulai punp ai faut every 3 yean) Neyer Usa calrqai or doubla pty IoilaIs paper> <518i) 1153-0800 Aclon Aillaare Service $784M0 1 OVEA 20 YEARS EXPERIENCEI VACUUM CLEANERS. New and intact parts and repaira lor Mnt maies, Compati. Eurêka, Eleclrolux, iHoaver, Fille, Ousen, Kirby. étavnom, Tristas.e Sillia, etc. 873-9240, ýstaIus. race, cocd. nationality. ancesry or place oI orlgtc In campliance wr10 this code titis newspapor reserves the nght ta mate necessar, changes tn advertising capy FUýL/PARI TIME NloaFrmhas immediate openings Fli cbi fuil and part lime hours No exu perionce necessar, Grade 13. college and University students wocomed Scholarshtps avaîtabIe Car heiptlt Opocîngs in Milton ares. For appointreent cai beiceen 10 a r 6p m a!. IP MÏLTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION qp MILTON HYDRO Raqrs a MATERIAL HANDLER lton Hyd'o hms un cpsning for a Materai Handier in tas Ssores Doparimeni. Prelerenoe Mdl bu given la pensons holding a co6lege diplocia in Ma"ea Management or with equivalient training and aspenence Cani- peleet aperallon of malerîi handling equipmnl. a valuid lm *G licence, and a knoivledge of fmteual usad in die ublity i- duatry *osld bar an asset. Interesled pensonsaehoulai apply in vinaing, stating salary axpactialfona, by MARCH 27, 19921o, Ille.II Hydro-Elacule Commisaion 15 Thompacai Flod. Soulh Milton, Ontario LOT am8 Alli: Patler lCrolluy, P. ÉMg. Mgr. Engineering li Operallons Due ta the anllcipalad voltane of vasponses, only thase applicants se[ectiea for an interview wiitibit contactied. THE OFFICE 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION WILL BE OPEN ON MONDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. TO SERVI YOUR CLASSIFIED NEEDS .1 i w uuomînc Events CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 31 FuneraI DirettOrm11Fa Eu e The Canadian Champion Classifleai M.F.e SAE atltaar dasble raiff* te.2yr 1 th Wenesd Edition: 9cIesefTnr(-[m CANADIAN POWER à &AIL SOUADRONS aniJDmruapadr85-37veeg Clasf ied Display: Mon. 3 M awesi FiuMn rarsom SAFE J.OT.<I montur sIiace SAlI36 SEMINAg Claaaified word &de & GarageSale.: 14MtSrt dm nai AEBA1= ERIrSI EI0 10PtS-C Tuesday il am ' 878-4452 Four EvenIng Classe R 3PeStc APAIL 7,14,21,27,1992 (7-10 P.M.) Veadltce fprLhrEIrîdavEdition. ('omplete Funeral Planning , Georgetown III1lguke~Gepis.PTRCA FR' Classified Diaplay: Wed. 3 pil * Cm-mations GEOROETOWN DGGelh i OPEIE C E SCHOOL Thursday Ilam -.r ~Pre-Arreflgemena The00.O per prtionor.nlhreô 25u YEAR OEPEIENCE *4MILO AE FAX 87-44 Thpeyeropin Semînar wIli caver Compass-char.s-boa! Nec! cession - Apnl It FA 78443 ~hancling man over board le preserners.saiîe Equifpment evdcuded in pcice AUMâMUJ S DEPRFRzg i, 51 boating-buoyage syatems rules à 'egulations- TraiIfg WIth love anld plaise", Ermnr ad Omissions aides ta navîgation lies & anchorrng, bseervae nowl Thir o 9ý _ fi4-1 l.bilky at bis exceUjent seminar ts îrnlended t t.kàph-1 .l r yon.î b1 tîle tamiliarîZenwbaritsle boating rue 416) 335-5584 ei p .m p . th ",- th . c th ,,, ' j fb( Oyn 4 fo r th e s u m m e f î ri 1sor t rr. or b-,,n.ne- i l cg $(ci nohe Cail Graemne ai 877-7454 13 Pet tock mad por ,, I, er punî,, fadw ar isn thei. itr arra iStric or>yçI 7-3 0 01 Binh eevend anesme , 854 -9 07 Ol irhs ~ 55 otces POM PUPPIES, 8 week aid, 2 maIes. deworcred, * KEYS IN I4ANDI IMRV «>lJR CHL FUILINEf Grae sit nlopapérs $200 Ouaity Greedtng Pams. 2 57_In______________tomates,_1 bla" maie, bsliaen 4-6 years aid, READY TO MOTOR! confidence, self estoore and self discipline are reg Wilb CéSe-tý00 5 monuv aid Blackc Pom, only a few of the bertts receiveai here ai Su, GreoryWilIa Sedaron rrnodon h.GRANT, Tarry - January 10. 1985 - Marcti 13, Perktds Karate Phone oda 875 12 cWft-d~rned, shots, tenmais, o paliers. $ 150. 3. Grgr ila adro rie nte1985. Year aid temate Poe, o Reaers, $100 878- wcne MaraMrh ,9,ghing in ai g !bs, 4 airs a! Credit Valley Forever Ioned -. OMAGH MINý Bi§EBALL _________________ +Iospital In the &Central 0oo1 are hts Parents- Nai ondcaylorgtlen MEILTTON 13Mom maoemn Rab a Joyce (Jesch). Proud grandiparents Uc A * G. S> MIL ON AILff moov Stan Sànrsnsan md lsittme -Gracvma" Audrey Mom, Oeil à Famly SAT. MARCH 21 10 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Intentors and Meradl ____________________ For mare information cal enlors Geai rata on comice, ceiling centers. _______________ WARMING TON. JamBe. -n loning mcmoyoapae olincumsrstatn r, OSBrhasdca, uncle. James. who passeai away Match12, _878-2222 or 876-4566 frpalndm cur . eranwork alu dsg o ___________________ 1980 al types Of planter wr f rom drywalf 10 sWuro He fias ou! gone frore thoce ha taved Cl8280 Nor has ho warîdered lar. 65 ASt Or Efle DESIGNED TO BLED. Proleassortal ardutec- LiiiW 'sHe tus! entered Gods eternai honte LOST-A&M. MARCH 9. DowntownGoBus Stopý tural drmwing. for Home Additions a Permit Liid Whos An le theMer jar- Gold Ring, f dusiand. $50 Rouard 1-416-60- Assistance. 878-790. 50u Alw oeap a n re5CkAF e IlM ____ ___ ___ __ Hazet JakFml LOST mac's back aet cntaclng I.D etc 1 15 Gen.ral Hely W nted ~IReward S"sc Chalet parkitng lot on March 2 NOTICE TO *DVERTtSERS 853 2814 Te Ontario Human Rtjghts code prohibits dis- A ~ ~ ~ ri M. f ~ ___ criîmînatian because of age. sert, maritali

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