Farmers capture, tou NP shuffl Off au BufrIIO for à playof. i tNU bu u=iminaoe hockey tmunai aid carne back cuaoeud FlaibomKqh. wath four wmintd <beir secondl loitw. r»te' rua opposait wu Whit- Eveyone bas, <by bed it mn by. who ulmey W. botn li yw in -hem, but wM tbey diquood of theïr dw6cbanp~ gan overûimo. Branaesa vais dhe Mihm Pro Sport la essence <ho r<m gal was for thie Hwincane <owid it jma a But1e b.d <111e as.Wbilby wàa the mluheà go believ. fliey mce hu aid Chic.- <ea 'Milion gmmSny tuied would face.. - R p HocoEY boni, but a dm-et Aller a Score- ___ _______mined uid posi. leu rm>t . frune tive auihid. WhiLby uallied two mintmb to. epl mmed wa<h <ie consecuhavo wirs second period, only to bc tied by put tboit emnilna gWa squaely in Milton 50 seons aj. oc <boi ac pecket. Gudirie cvened e.6 =id fss gong avil im n pote n ho old to buron Murphy Kevin Oeffoeg, MefoialW Arn wlicn Cloodoule. Halto wae rive goals ia leu dma Widi 43 secondslefo in the psi four m"WW hesbeway toan emy Mhltons Rysa Haydabase one i 7-3 win. front die po8.clcl aog heaj Gain two wuametfur T Min&e 2-I1. An mss~aa oGdt Armàf i imunlea md u umda dmo Only 40 ecnd the tho <ud ChingurAcoy tuai opened tho uer. frein Guiri recorded Wi second ing, thus Uie lme mn deo flu pSWod goWals Murpy and Kevia Boyle dat noady 15 minuse of excellent packed up ami. Wbimby caine two-way bockey.èDmuennnd, KyLe- within ocm goal cf tying, but Nfilio Man aid Dong ShMp.d cmi. hung m foc dio 3-2 wan. bined <heur <aean d eacb uoWt fle ro f thie ganes ened to ha tncks. , comn easly as Mihton dawncd Chiaguacâs tried <o cone bock Marlhain 7-3 md Scarborogh 10- witb *ree goalsi die <ho<ird lut à 0. puatang hoa in ta he chnioonship solid deféncc mW gond goaending tondaais <o uadfaW Wheas- held teni nt bey md <ho Huniano 11M 4w YoU hif rlniuli wi<h a 6-4 win. flie tam responded V;ell in <lis Cm"a dmo wu mcl in a ernorja gaine, easily wianing 9-0. flic MVP Arona. .ls <ain Shoppard opened. of'Ife mumnt awad wcat in <ho scooe front Mdrdge md Nu- Hadr aho scood, 10 goails &Md cimbeai. Feeling <ho co@ chili o( add oassiste. Ho hsd two ha[ defeai, Cbing cane roaruag bock trick gaines aw4 one aih four goals& wui two unanswerd goal to niake Miupy 8)0had a lin tricki. his àm e deaer forthe alance of coiag agamnt SCarbOru. Goatl- tho r«ui period nid il Ibsogli <ho wedets Stoyen Humeor bid Cwuaseod Gloo bobpaydwI. Eudy la <lie dilrd Sheppoed pdcke e SaotP tins <oa lia ai e <top coner of iguécousy-snet excellent neaom record aid ame to tic tho ;2<om o t oeaenty int tlie alJ-nuio semai- Mdomdgç ueted naunhet, tieM only marnent crown in Vire City; limmuoi pwi off am a.unassu m id unt bdga ayl ees 14:02. FWauim dmue ilan am i g coilcio d Pmat <o give e ded Wiceo n. 3OhAnniversary Sale S1990 Nissan Axxess l 5 Passengér Sport Van Wagon, Auto Trans with overdrive, AM/FM Cassette, air conid., ne W 'radial tires, power ,steering, power locks, 4)power mirrors. *~ ~1'~Ô Pli Certifjed w1th Warranty.-. 60 Montha Finance Avallable *CaI our Friendly Staff for Deta/s! -. 'ERVWUG I. MILTON & AREA OvkR IUIL? Vol TU UMANIACI3QEAS ±mme 30 EA'S Stk# 9201 5,971~m 4,85 ýa4,75 Autty Dw1aeafboerý3 Jea. GOaU LTD. AAW 1114SIhêGomm.Aanjus¶, ouIsmn ~m UTA* Cail (418). 875-2277' 410 Steles Avenue Milton, Ont, LOT iY4 - *..use.u.uuSi1.aBM..wuuauîahMuhé~.géiMg.iiI*Ia~î - Ml~V'fqUri FMD MNOW