-Merchants raij t take 3-0 sttang4ôM)din series Di smomiân(l M'tm)poisod ce, swoep tho op powerful Murchains, the Iwo teantu will face ternlinaut do"n by oriy orce golIbyW c ~.SAI afi hm~~ position. off conight Oeniday) in Milton et p.m. ýoiskat amd ourtnaournuly Drandon Alter a dinppointing fin pemod Tuesday Peritapa 2j»0 faris poqued bnia MiI'I- 'JLan d had a lof odtffiuyhudn If reoge is swet; th-- shuld be some night. c Murchants staged an excitang corne- Mroonal Mena Y in t chour dho ne =i puc[In liwn eni d. voiy sugary gins plasaored on the faces of hock 'p a crowded Milton Memorial Arcca to, tawn mmut on to mendhqiacing errs a. MîIloncnShawn Hoaley nd foewaat Milton Merchéats Junior B hockey playoirs. score a 5-4'win aI6d gain a 3-0 lcad in ic De" of lookors"à tomale ta Ibid ais bod Mleeah W gond scaning qapor- 1> Murchants are dehernined to even the Central Qntado Jr. B Hockey League wcat alid méy yowgstrn bmbk etafe*r lawc tunities in Uhe opening hran, but woer doniod. score wi<h thcir old rivais, Uic BranptonCapi- dtYlmion bestof-savon finial. <ho Metchants in amon by "oid goaltending front Capital nounaindr ' ul or pjaya«f disappointnents suffcred at %li Capitals farnd oliminiation auBrampbon Mfilton waa anything but cxciting in thce Ralph I'olicori. Branpton top u~rMaty Yhe hands 4f the Capiualover the Smi tico Memouial Mena lest night Cfltwiby). If they opening periodil howevoe, ani wua fonaie ta '-Wlls notched Uic only gol of dho finit ai; seasons. Auu-pmrsinence asegying off, wui mna orhicasel aNgam away front dhe escape tcothe dressing moant doeing Uic fi n- m COMSACC on pope 20 KARATE WORLD GYM S-POTS Mai et875-4257 for other wrestlers ini secuuve ù prvnc champîonshîp an heprice was an high an r E l C. Lh beterotinuryon cm ciller oae ah salverfo Atui D Frua moff aer mea trmn jauni pec Championsh up n ad coled bye Uict Scar- hughcme it uirlvl Bheau vies oen th way o Ma Whic coac Lavr riy a br onzei"Hajbe ngo i lo aht cite Mcachueonirit 15 andohh loves s 100 oieS. Mîhn as gs aplin guuis of cn -acsnroe un 1:15.9 fon pag 2hi scputaiv aoviciat minmscue paefnh.ave sotanada ot h 9-as aet, "a chan.nce aiUg.d Perortmda u laernh ticd uil àecrhain's Adria n due. BrdSalnte1 eodpne a hank oa btpont lee <minhrOw latiuuj mdtsy aponalbi Ui fcechoo tin urn chta bliMok u un n le 0mueb <h hsix cas e mnior an mcae ouey stro wî< a finsy h for 45.e husro cationsi. o Jlo a me Milt-seon S e. m lesimn Mnille ruld ho le <o tWhisde KimuRleioved o n traion befo and < ho < iroir." igws faiiyatteIcsr enr n poitmstioda <ho bronze w 0 medlprom.pni rouefst md 3.2 ticoca L nclan hz. Vi-cton tbe m he 50 m nelos fiS pin oves retuaent tyle. ri olas Snce alt c -omot favuril Ana Saentagid of ion hip gro. sm t Sarso Hamilson. amp ionfi tomnam t e macksttoe mt<Ue a30o omnî,Sposrrv3-4. ,io<als 1:2.18 17to enrl n 130 m akihm <i on h second . ara jswilubs. aIn seho 10 m Ri ooku e alle jir vleauin in ths ni d thmoe brast.sro Mil-M ai sWca vîonatch2 IbaWlw tonu wh arns oa b9 end me i L clmair u I' oUo ea iiaOtloValêglvlnlle U aoiot«au bialSal o< duc arhivtg 1 52 cnds.D<hMchnli-hoU abone (son owli>Jme llhoU aOivr Coe ra.(l100delaehi OUmda;(bc pMndits by go[1ing» gu rn wa hO pc ain 1:15 for me a bethirdk a. oa o opm d an' M ik ong M uic ace fiih ~oDav . a<-- o B<na Jf Ha l nse i Cacst hke a 12-I" chand ih gont N o n ami for ane finshr o o w s R y l ' a e t a ae n 1 0 min au hoeniv at--2f mwmninaa tus finimn tic ,,*prm drani unien ira flua l Uic5emond e p lace cfdPesntmdludRdahRyl a ulum oia.R~gdwa lhgMlu tho fr choe t Jaiun goallod w on bis cime in the 50fmureabock- die~~ whsd ..ode 1... Wuly .n.ew.& inshin4. 7