~fAKBanquet to raise .ýAbgbucks*for ducks' Docks Uullmàia s "skno Md-. Ummud mnabculmp,.dm anq w~to thé , orplimdo bc* Uio cu.diicer with wim,aux ! préservé Candes wuuimd by ntmi-acic to wM oq~ of abot 120 lu Wmdhu im annuel dimnoe ac- 8011cm. up fer guait n. b v si 6 i to Beo 4.8 salent Mictions, "Illbc held Apil 16 0322. la Cleoegctwn. CRU Weg lWi ai Mohmwk P.aoway in sxmcua775l13. Campbevilk ocal members of dbc orgamamon Lau ycu. Uic boiquc caisd am &Ws collecung c4à donakms. $39.000 - a fimc Docks Un- Anyqnc who maakes aidwOatioo! I .~~~ linad membe Don Ecaish sWb S200or cmeuclapuiut j le bopue Uic Malon club will bc. parof wood ducks.fo3S. 1 If m oi owownin Smarý like fo~r lma cid flicü Fteat Mc.q go ,i IW&in Play for kids which consemv dwindflin ulo r &nsa f mÎ docm Of wslcowl ffpeces by im ll PlycnwsdeIe. l pruvtng haliuaL intelligent Mr. Fm and bis qÉp* ThecRonge of !cnis ormlctMic M gluj faajy. saRchon doemn'ijust >or gsmng 1ê1bcdEtChn7ca- equmcau. saki M. ammnli. A Lm wil jwcm Uic 43-nle neo- wcadu-c v5iO 114111111R IVOo box, duetion, whicIias rec&nncde for an4«ock ar mont Uic items CO chaldcun in &iade&Wt (o Csc6, OWh M m RIPU,~ i hçin4S n Mi Fmn Srcet uanion hall, 'ude a'jW Lujmbo o"u Cick Capebat <citM) danates à "rt Io dum Oule Uhn*motion whiah v»I' Tickels for Ui dm nuo micton, &i liru. Cumin *lnc tg 2 b. t"i 4gOliMohu mm lii umma don ofm pimivtof ai s kwladamim huha a dkjRW wbidi miis frm 6 to 11:30 pai.. Tickets coi. $2. Fer m nioeîIOSE baiquai liai., Dan Uiai0<Imlolgapaopi b E cost $50 whicit iuckdes a Dulb kton cM 875-2665. GuNNI, aGoeMAN à sELOIIS -un e Tv" ro mom Ont C.a. LIDT 3 erg .Jekn CM VR COnNMTel: (418) 878-1394 9eM L ekn J à« FORaUM MW"hdCPG h.Ii SaIh Tu " M.",wm CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Ic & ýSig.£ tih * hhum 143 Main St, Milton IYR sui. STS.O1S lIme Pa48178 _ $ A11.VRL CGA Im * " am ':B ACMO& cw M»AOWI Svic"CK"O ACCOUNTAI(T ACUT 13VCI - Peurd IC@MoeMTMPU A TAX IlTES cWrrK NO RDZN COUT) 11111111%31 ..wUnm 85-56 (416) 878-7145 Servin g Familles (ior Ovèer 38 Years, *We have seen many changes ini our. commuruty since We began serving the, families of MEIton. We, too,*are differènt today than we were years ago, because we have adap ted to the changing needs and desires of ihose we serve. But one thîng about us will always be the same. ..Our comphitnwnt Io serving you completely and compassionately and dealing with you fai r/y and honestly. Honoring that comnutb;ent has helped us build a tr'usting reatlonship wsth this commnmy that w value and n6er tate for granted. McXfîrsi Funer Hom 114 M(ain Stret, Xi(ton, Ontario 878-4452 Dmqo Ko"r YaWi 0usd .5umd"ksa ar14 Andrew Kacher ossmmm e