What ft look no am twism Imi oourage star m e hcàné tao nallsIofahlngs that miake Milton m.,rvelous. Thorm are so many positive_ aspect tu tth community the lstocould 0ona"don ... but we'r Ioavingi tha ta our T h. Chwrçion wiII publlsh your additions ta the lst in April. At that timn yo&fi'l b. asksd tu $haro your good dom about Milon and the resubt wiMl ap- peur in print. maké .onumfor m à ý"W Ra- Heres some insiration: 2- - Ih -fm &' Milon Leisure Cintre whlch V Glor Eden S ci Area on our opened in tis month doorstp VjWMdOpsfn nraIupmcss in Close proxlmltyti Toat Centes8 fi. y progruit VMI.Pnd- resqu »Minthe h of taw V Histone home. restored wlth cure VO Onta"l AgrlcUlturui Museun V Nurses ut Milton Distic*t Hospital who stii memrber you and say 'hi- after helping ta duiver your baby 13 pears ago. te Hilton Rogion Musuni Ve KWws Cmonsrvi.mes roeuroir, beach, water spor IdetfClilties and picnic grounds ab i Om V Terrifa peole E lmon maniE VI Mgir Escwpmtiaà Ve main Strevt with bt grest shope anc fdsndly merchu V Town-hall, a showpieee whlch has won architecturl V Canada Day csebrations &V Rotary Park outdoor pool V Crawford Lake Indien villagé Ve Elue Bou recycMg rgr V Milon Players Theatre Group V Milin Ful Fair V Plckc.our-own stmwbery - . -y - - or Ve Milan Choristar V loS of the annul Stun Era 'union V beefton Faits Conservation Area. hlln traits V Jogging trais through urbmn Milan re ulrd W I b.W a a sb b u i a u at i C - 0Il L I nlam Tio"W foa OIN Ihwq, Pa b» cab C L bpb eboiu Ou wm M Dolu o C#mm bblu Ohsw»CM l.aa m WlM m mmms #gon a laqa assa "sms db bu a dsM 05 fln* m t-. - - â * m0 960Mi b iaSuaqmimg GocsdNe..,für».i Cad w uc l du ~ afom Fu m m s hi m m Cd nu Omu ofde é.g rUà;ý