Opinion Fromrags tornega wardrobe clenchid flercelyin my Futla wld dis II Raum h ribealizitions in aant Iiîe lt's lime tu ifir a VV V ibuy ciotsa. . t r Naw, if l'mn lucky enougli tu nord a basebll with mi5ff new a sikes, a hockey stick, or, perhpe BRAO REAUME dinner, I saifI happily wend my say tri local shopping megamaîl. l'hem I saill check tIsa manufacturera' specs with th. actuel puoduct, I laed bie p npid for dulis but I l'Il ask 1h. salesman for phione nuanhars of 1h. ahocked at = oh. itea rtil. Rumeur of last fesa guys sala bougie the prbduct ini quai. determination tc, bu>' ranl up 1h. mail Il lion and l'il visil tIse plant and talk 101th. gu' save. Airet retaileri saould lake a <aew t saho made Il. 1 ulous stops outalde 1h. cosy confines of t Aller being absolutely sure of th. product I establishmnent, tee nmy fiaful of dollars wll coniperisan alfop until lin convhnced Ibat scurry back inside te prepate for un> viil. the product cannol ba boughl for leas money The hubbub gaired strangîli as rumou anysahere mist of the Mississippi.- Thes and tomune speniidm money natched the rm only ihen. saillI 1lhink about Il for a lasa days. of my> spending spree. No litile act of self snulling ovar th. opportuniay costs assoclatellieua sas this. I needed a newr loolng an ailli the purcliase. and 1 was williris t0 pi>' sala prices loido il Hey I could be using tat uone>' to go bowt- The rumnour of iii> passing gained str Ing or someahinr. I dah those bopes and This buyer sas for ral. apending hard-eu drpalnsof ny evil twin and slapdoenîthe mo- honesl-to-goadnesa catsh Mysalf, I sas net righl quicli. saealing off inao the nigha, my> <rani>' of lrying.things on and trotting u nosa widget clenchaxi firmly undar iii> ann vanious cash regisiers. At one sales cou Whes il cames tu clothes shopping l'un just people sacr so hippy tu ha maknu sale net capable of staring et rocks of cotton for unasa felt bad, Ihougli 1 chokai ~k ar houri on end. I can'f do il. les agei i.tmtt a ulpi match.So noie l'u n the ame boit as everyl .Sa sahen l'm finaîlly uducod tu rage I decida cîsa in this recession. Braise bit saell-dresse ta, anuiter my courage, aid clench uny loall i n I lhmnk Ihinga have bottounad oui. I nul siec>' detarmination. I like a fesa luti deep aignificant bapa af clitlung were mi rmît brille and plunge hmdclong mbtc ah. cliae in price In fact, 1 even bsught stime. Wite L4Bo~JRW o _ saa My> in a 'e.- hae and r of ahi>' leff- age gali. 'ned in a star, i- dy iced tut' conr,IUSRKA.Itýji5 u.aOI A O UWflA à5 ILdu flCws Stffl JJ1fl lviifl. Our I nm O.fifl l 1 spend maybe 45 minutes casing the place. tumned a cerner. ~~,*?. n e n Good deal'here, going brake sales ltere, nice Perhapsi l hall! Northi Americans ame chang- LAU W o CU ij erUl product samasahere else. AU is duly nated, in their way of file. fThy are aarchlng for à Muat pouis people assume t e wn hae aeared int my mcemoay, end ready for total balnce of prduction, envirninent ad<n- d cntmoleywn.T n he àa moail 24 houri later. sumption. Teinformation &Se la wiîh us fllcil dayiety n, " m, Aller enlitng the heiplil à coat/edllcency force and nasa we hava a new world oni,~ putil on the back bumner fra wù - le lm- - Psychology expert, addresaed defcemntmally as Mant, 1 both politécal and econosnlc to balance with i l . I heir financlal condition. pursue a trociped off 10 reap the bancfits her expertise Good thIng l'Il mont thîs new horion in sup- caier or perbapa lum to pua off bains lied and myresaarch. py newduitdLe bhnkeynm aflhmqmîby - dh Relentless pursuit of leisure Mayofde popile amrebu<W àshock- l ata;smttn rsmoeo Twentyeght houri. 1 ade then op - &Upreciedoented numbiers duiing thie past few belle value; self-confIdmnce, campetence or thosn minutes our tbroe chuldren ame iIWolved On e pe c ent a im ne oupl aretwnftie 9 mi Tod mak matrawraucupgiali o ini leisaar-time activities durlng any weel No On th ll per. cet sftmatoul èe t i alsanen a T cotakemteswos..ulaotndn Wonder 1 amn fired anad bumaid out. Hom els tisat they caùld not onceive after ai luit lalk about the pnublém, at liust nsat apeny and l', a cumulative lun6 -a hall fleur he, H o erront one year Of unprotZKmd. iqular smaual inter- haneatly. flsay may hold bock bomeaa assm ame an hour these. Thsa childen, naturlly, wol wil ESHR course, or thay couldn t carry a prenncy to a 'wafraid il saili make their we fel worae, white double or triple thone hoeari if thoy had a CiAbLDWELnL hn Ii mn 'an 0 aa choimi but 1 mise my hand ini desperatian end CADELlls not thât il la occurrlng more Olten, but ah"e a certain point. - yeU: "No mètre, 1 cani sake anymoraf" = rather there are more trestimenta available As a meoult the relationsiup becomes Hosa have icte naa intceasa altered our the nape of hier neck. But the punts, coiffaI (hormone tharaplea. varlous kindb of sur",n strauned, ukd any other unresalved pobliant houselaold? We could start wilh piano lainons. dancer's ready lin her black leotard and plnkoAl vitro fertlization. etc.) and thes. an baung ame magnOWe manyfold. Becouse of tas central location in tisa living lisadhom souglil oui by these couplu. Fortunatey tIsai. la a good dma oayclo- maint, the piano is rapeatedly attacked as Miaf thiscllfd walka purposefully, lakhng lim to In thsa pas. pe simply lied 10 accopt thsai logical land otsar) lsalp avilable mssw Mle of saalk by, and of course, th"e argue over saho place ant (litle pointed taie aller thsa other, infertility aId So on wlth Ide. As nesa liaI- course, la te help the couple exploa ail dhm ai- 5etàflrst dlbs on Il. (Any excuse lor a siblîng sire stra(ght and haid held hlgh. Obvtouhly, ments have conte ini play. hbwevu pls teméatwvs avalable le 1h... ranging frmi lapuelahenme o 1h gane.)LitIe unge athle world's a mtuge and ah.e inslis on per- liapea stay alive indcflnilely as thea try onsa- adoption 10vrasmao, ehiqe 0pr are drawn tu 1h. yellosaed Ivories and cannaI forming lier demnI-pliles battemnents tendus. approacli. 1h anotier As a resuli. psycho- soins a li ieu without childrei. - reaist playing outla lune. echappea. and ail thate allier Frenchi moves, logist5 have begun la play an important ole lin There have bien radical lmprsvesnenu, Scouts and Bmwnlia inpunge on the oreo'y, evmen tia h. washes theadhnnerdchh. counsalling infertile coupla. during lhe last 15 puars hnidentllý,lnprb- running af the housahold when twa hours, And let us net forgea figure skain - are Of The affecte of lhfertillay con bu lruly devis- loems &M Irumnenaocl& at i rti i U before meeting lime, a frantic Brownle or Scout the mout eiapaisive sports around. W. <.11linta latins. Cquples Olten undergo a roler caster wbicli of course marna Ilere la more hope Wa sailI annouunce thatle 'heah heu badge me- tiNa one t0tally unproparad. Allliough I min- of amomman (sahicli reanbles gievîng) as more couples than ever beloue. quirementa that nord la, b. fulfilled immaiI- agad te atuer aur daughter away from skating mnood sahngs vacillate uninercfully- wldly Second, la is important tu assure thete alely. And sailli1 hclp thaun?' and into ballet, sahicli bas piove so fer ta b. optiislic one moment, liueling depresl and couples that their feelings ire normal, and put Most mSenty, the elghl-yc.ar'old begîn at- leas expensive, lthe 13,tear.old, laceti Up in has hopee tisa nt. soure mythe turemt (eg. duat ilî la ir fuIt). tending art classes. She comes home sptted in MS skates, cordes on. Taey often led gulify &bout hnferUtlli Third, relxilion and bohaviaur modification a riabosa af colours. She also hia ta give us a Funanclal bazarda aien't tisa only dangers wondering if they causaI th. problem. They techniques saU often be usid 10 bellp couple dettied rundosan on the techniques of wedg- lurking in tlbiaadevour. This kid bringas <crlsyaedsponigt.rprnaTsycopisil hi mr dgi os oî l its saben working wih clay. lump home ;jlth hlm, ait five fiel and esghît miy oet he Iom as à calamîlous break in the a i lctaýn aver Ihair lives. \_Tienle are 1h. sain clasaes for ail tbre. inches of hlm looping f<m one ailait, crawdid life-cycla. the end I 1h. family nain, or their Faurtb, trioalmont wll h.Ip tisa couple ta Vomp towellaand bathing suite adonn 1h. roa. te tisa neet whacking into lurnlluie. role in il. wlîh noa legacy 10 lSe. They May comnaunicate nm oapenly and horestiy wt bitliaom. Va'sm yet, tlie badiuon Rloote. knockin plenai off shelves, and aritzl foel cul off or allcnaled f(mm faanily and mach athir, ini an attempt to prevent lnlertllty Ballet anather nasa one for th. eight- elb cama. If. springs boni Axel tc, Lu1z ta e -fins front cousins aollier porsonal and mailla aid, brunga tlour houudiold a reflned Mo- choie, obliviotus t, the vulna'able televidon Rocan rescorcli pointa ta, ighl speclfic types psrotem. Belore every clama. we hurrladly sco up hier iren and tisa low-haling ceillng ligite. 0f personailIois in infertile couples, iacb of Fily, for thone couples saho colnat have hair aà la ballet", nol as masy fut sunce bier hair Whlr. Thunip. Crash. lle'l xecule oine any- sahicli le knasai ta be a major contributor t0 chidren delpte &il tlie litest advacs ia la tou long tebe short and laoshort tu beIon. lime any place sahen >'ou luit expect il - depresaion, lncluding thlm oof: an important may needsorte hlpin deddhngwhni= ul We end up saill peculiar ponytaila alii evenonthe orrnthesliç. relationshipaelf-estsa;heakl; statue orpie- la enough. They nmed lsalp la anav on, ?i itralghl out (rom mach aide of ber limd and Wliat do parents-ai gymnaste bave tu con- lige in th. eyes of atLien finanal socia Or job perbapa ta Imrs hosa ta live à full and eny itrands af hait fails onto hSe face and dlown tend, with on theïr bione froint? socurily; th. hope of fulfllhng an Important able lIleu salhout chlldren. The Canadian Champion Cbomlw - I* '0- OLive M 4W Puo.ST-m4 EUM "lol NIiý@ U: sècend *» Mue RWU«m~ e. m$, Jane Muller - kta mm Ofiver - £dumblan Mr. Trari lâaa - Meu &W. ' Ko u w Iahi- oe m M. fia Coluee -Coa è UpM. EDITOAUA: Noms: PA* Kally, ADfTIN: ia aBePi .11JUSUU: &*Mey DM e.llindai CIRULATMO: IaiaileWaWitte COLMON: M" ille. haie Ccil- NaaSm4I. 1gaetsed natioms. MAibewle~, Tead Ludsay, Dmi au.Is Lblda le. laanen mms 9a04s' Tad Sitr, -laa~m Citai P"n. l'laftd T-ss Mie, JOa1sluy. CUUIRU : M'eanCananon. ide ai. lias lentills as.P*Imw M u edmâ é Fu a loi &&s coul §M. cmlu b W* fl oow l Tie .~l5i , f.isaau isvns tete ie lttel M.a E. 2 = 111 pu, WTlI O2. la et l. e twmn P s aint %S doait sanwima luma Lusu*" â eia bd teuune -. Tam F1 Battudd w.eul U& i ffet e*m avuwl owbam bbf $Wb% .ads arts"su anEa u~i l.l w . ol5m flux coeuws ovow.s. Ewm amdv&dmsdm sd GuadsojtaU -~ .U IUe ~ suwaa A* W. QispEma 'ai n-ak Fma Mm. 'lmiuRe Aite0lq ~ aa e ami lU. ft in sit am W a ai aeq w t.iaW . 1hW~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~! am,ê MuS OUMli Eeuulu lu ~ an- n te lu wlug aeg UKV Wu Emmu W