FANCY DE0001- Carpot à Vinil supplhod tend instaitd.lauo 1.rutad875-240. i45 a I el 8n *NOTICE TO ADVERTSERS » te. Th. Ontario Hwiiai Rigi code prohias dua- rîimiation hecaurs of age. ex, marital jstatua. raca, oreed. naionality, aicesiry or ot OZg In complianco wult lhos ce Zi ro 1.o roerv.oi nght Iomafia xahaingas ai -*eni capy IDO 'VOU SffOP CAINADIAN? AI grocery viei <>doparimont siores? Thon harm s a pari imo, busiess opportunrty you ho proud b0 &hare Iwith fInonds and assoctatos No rîsti. no 5 iveflory, lui a am<iple, iraiglit l.admto of geliei paid lai shopping in Canadal Faý mone Sdotails 416-M-8244, DRIïVERiyuçýred laur l or-part time position Must havie a vahd 'iceusa wltIr dean record. Thic os not a truck but rallier a car, Please cati Ray aller 6 Pm and Saturdy 9am ni-9pm 878-. GREYSTONE GOLF CLUB fT.e dl ho openig et doors lau a fll playing soason comnploe mai01 new dlub house aid il le amenlis We anttcipai@ a stalling redi m1 tllaling arae: CLUSBHOMS: Chef. OCoke Sup.rateiofeU, Sarlodrs Closhtg Sff. Mutit I lu,. positions a sesonal, nJnag Irmm nltd-lMrch tc, Oco 31, 199 _i_ rece cap&Wltry Fulteand pal lime positions and tomo lt shilts may ho noaeary# , Somi ai theieme posons oeilho ac paticifar i lereit I taw emrd personniel Oappicont mev ho roeîeved i porion or moaylho maied Pleaso oxpreia, ares ot intereit Groymtono Golf Club R.R. 43 Mlton, Ontarlo LIT 2X7 MOHAWKBKSTRETH KITCHEN roquiroo COUNTER PERSON GRILL COOK Please phono 416-854-0441 MOVTIOTCH A lo lAlg E a W1iuuigIi NG Ho S T mAFaF el*idh ned MIEpaeconcASay33-0R PART TIME H.A.R.P. C.D.A. Needed Mondeys only lor busy Pracàce PIeea colt: SANDI 410-1761100 Miln 1i ava DAVCARE AVAILASIE in my home. unettes entd onraclua provldod, Reloluets Ovalable. Clan 87&-079. PRIMAOR COI.OIRS PIE-9CNOOli hmopi mga in ai, 2 or 3 daysa o» pioli prgu. 878 5092, = ELABLE DAYCARE avalUbl in my homte. àtd sacks proie . Large fencoedin yard wih playhou a nd swing at. Gret rlaerins 878-0840 URGENTLY NEEDED - Bobysitta Io l" affi< à sen mantt old à£a2 lisar a1i AM. - 5 P M. 050.7y tird wook. Cal 876-037 Caiorine oer Shamn .17ý5 DmBtIC CLEANING LADY ovaiat" Mllion, Spoyalde, «*clung rural aras Io Georgeown and Actort Pnvtale. Releroncets 519-863-4m5. HOUSE PROID SUT D0841 HAVE TUME TO CLEANI Cal nu at 877-1722 Reasonohie rtasn RLALE cloaning ucrean with dlentel in Canoiobît. Mollt arn. 5194622-25U3. lac Qarulii RESUMES llcresaeo Job Oppodrnllo wlth a prolesldonal romumoi, cuataanlzod coverlng loueor à Intarvbeung tipi. Cail 827-0079 CAPLAN CONStULTANTS XI~ <'.rnaar Tmlninn - RAnWkflV WORK mmu ià wortion .111 - voices wWWte et I" e me M m mom hU of ai euUhat. lbu for spots tiens tralning te warh on eir For Instant voice évct hy phono. computer ansore, " do 1.416-02-63 1110 210 Pelrsonal ABUSED end ald For help calI 876-8556, 1 800-387-4027. a024-hour cnris e riafo abusod womnen Haton Womenis Place es an enefgency shelter available lar abused women and lhotu chidren in Haion Region AIH calîs are ARE YOU SEING affectait bit Bmeone elàé.0 drinklng? AJ Anon Famill Croup metta eadi Monclay night 8 p 'n at St Poul's United Churdi, backi door (parking lot entrance I IS DRINKING causIng yeu prohlomne? AI- cotiolics Anonymoui meet Tueadeay niglita aI Grace Anglecan Church. Mai Street aI 8230 p mi PREGdANT AND NEED A FRIENO? Free preg- nancy %est and confidenil service. coi Brthriglit PSYCHIC READINOS ANU CONSULTATIONS. Péeasa cal Kaulmo 876-0337 230 Vehicles for Sale 1880 FORD T MAC, Midragit hlue. auto. Pi, p be, pouer windows, amais. lodîs -Loaded-, en- collent conduition 878-9970 1888 FORD TAURUS, station wagon, air, Psa, p be w eil maitainod, $7.81X) Cal 875-3171 1987 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 4 door. automatic, P S, P B . air. AMIF M. cacellent condition42.650 couslled 519-863-2696 u416- 720-7692 18OU CHEV CAVALIER, 4 doix, wagon, carled. dlean, oucaltent condition, &Il flou brahes, shodia, 'nufler. baltauy. alternator $31100 875, 4208 1808 PON11AC Me0 LE, ps, pbi. air, new paint, $3.500 cortifled 854-058 18MO FORD VAN, raased roi. 4 captaons diairs. noter ong nm -351 WK aid tranission, Ai e tort $1.500 878-9970 CHEAPI FIWU.S. SEIZED. 89 Mercedes, $200 86 NA/il $50. 87 Mercedes, $100; 65 Mustang, $50 Chaos. Ironi thousaide staring $25 FREE 24 hicur recording reveals dotais 801-379-2935 Copyright 8Onl62JC 0 . LTD. 410 STEELES AVE. MILTON OVER 75 CARS & TRUCKS WE 8BUY CARS PRIVAJELY AND WILL CONSIDER CONSIGNMENTS 875-2277 Ç lassfied, «ONCE IN4 A UFETIME 0PPOATUNSIT' W) SUNRAY, 205 HP Stemt DElve "Mo Worme tmineg "Mut sal i 2 intes or vie wil S"k tl ci us. FIRU I $1100 ALSO 1979 Cadilmo: Sevillo, sod leathor. goad candaon wil ouhfp $2.80. M rta s N..d Mny Cal MCA Marae (416) 5024«0 260 Incom Tex MCME TAX PREPARATION. Ron Nowg $15 par roium 878-251 or U53-3423 ROMN FOR 20OR MOREI Solo & dean home. Inondit oerniment Pari. nowby, tuly loncod yard. Detine. 875-3167 285 Folr Rent 3 DEDROON HOUSE. close I0 school and shopping. Ho Pets, $I.OSOlrnonlh. liW and last 878-7860 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOIJSE with iroplaceý Availatilo to-cay CaI Marki Mo8au. PMWlt WorId McCruddon 876-1133. 3 BEDROON TOWNHOIJSE, central au. ýtesr parti, quiel n@ighbawto. mettale MaY t CatI 878-36 anybme 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOIJSE on Heslop. n unit $1.O50fmnth. 5 oppliances Aplit ist 875- 6786 3 BZDROOM, 2 storey houso, AcroaCe. garage Availatiue Matcdi i $1.125 month'ly 1 si and lait .Ublîses 878-9580l basanien. upacéous yard Avait"l Apol 1 $950 plus hydro 519-853-0710 ÏEAUTIFUL. TIIREE 8601CM btufohu. immaculale condition and decor. praeSionaây tinisid rec rorn, luxurjNous broadloom.i aPPlif- eu and garage $949 878-5019, COUNTRY. Carlisle area, 2 semi-dotached homes 1-1 bedron. asailable Match I $650 per morAhl 1.2 bedroomn plus, avlallable mrmed.alely. $M5 per 'nantl AIl utibes andl ap- pliances included. lots of parlung CatI Sytvia Bursey, Countrycîde Carnpbellville lnc. 854- 24 EXECUTIVE CWjiRY HOME. 2,400 sq Il. lacuzza. 2nd 11ci laundry Bmamenl,ocap*d by auner $1.250 monihly 876-2616 FOR PALE OR MENT, Wtln. 3 hodaomr sans,. 1 M battis, tinushpd basaement. f, ,od in yard vie large due. $.16b plus utilies 87-4464 HOME. puolossuonal ccupation. l an trei- dudes 3 large bedrooms. laily sizo lutcho, finisuhed basermnt, gaod stie Sace suitatile lar office Laed 'n huay. central orea Avlablo Mauch lit. Contact Ross CescOn. sales Repraantatrr, Reatly Wo.Id - WAJ. McCnXdden Read Estale les 876-1133.,or rom. 68-27S5 2 SEDROOM APANTUENT, ae~e untt in downiown matin. Aettable Matci 1 - 850/mn- lhtrecdudint; cugte. 876-2851 2 DEOO BASEMNIT APARTENT.nrt of Seele Assabblo Mardh 1 876-131q o 0853- 2m9 3 aEoNO LuxuRY APANTUENT. Avabbb enm.Mduay. Aaldng $900 Plue uMte Cal SMl Priair. Remt iu lauow . 87112365 o 826- I030 ACTON, 2 bedroom apouilihnt. giataid 800< ère- clu/es baemnt aid dedi., hoah up lot warm aind c",a $B6ohnaudt plua udito. 877-4443 ornr 7p .m UASEMENT APARTMENT, 1 b.droam. saparata entraico, 3 Puce bat, no Pu,. non- smokaiWi ulimes, uadudod Scenx: propaly in country. 1 yeau aId, Air condltianing and treplace. pte kien. 84e2575. CLEAN OASEMENT SACHELOR ApARTIMEJ4T, sv""bl MaUt I. $625 'nni uiti icludeol. nanomallar SuIgls 0amacY only. an bus routa. Contact John 870-1843l. LARGE 2 DEDROON apaulment. Stae relrigaW.i carpeled,. nuusti'onta Windows. Parking and faundry lacéaets nRai SM5 par monte Ou ilisés. Asadahle Mardi 15. 1999 878W2@04, g-6, 332-S6l4 5-9 p.m. MILTON, dlea I hsduoam. graund flIou aptit.t prWate entraînes. no pae, non- smahar, bus'ness. smi Iý Sm2 evenag 87e- 8679. MIAiON largo, haglit 2 lit à-, bumont Kctein, wea*aOm, wxta1y. »PMopr elta&ie 0"lo poaplo oely. S OOA1l pia tum". Co 875-2486 evbOnag. ONE6 IEONOO SEMENT APARTMET. Compact, @4itable for single, non-amokei. Furmithed, A/C, contrai sac.. Cabl@. laundrY tacilotats, bopéaoe ontranco, parking. Reloroncea lat and lst $825.670247. SUBLET - In Cloo kiMogq. larg 1 bod-., Apalmont. April lis poosession. 87700hioW i- cluding uhitios amd ceverOd Parking. 8754957- £hW iS ar. p-a7-- n-ýý HOUSE TO em461 ai Modem osrocs saielft, phonos saoparato. $450 inddea utitM» 878-9856, IMMEIATE OCCUPANCY. Shore largo coutry home, 10 minutes north of Milion. Use of wholé hieuse o« aouI, sauna, satllite T.V. aid laundry lac/me,« Lois of prwvacy in a poacelli surroundîng $4501monll plus 11S uilioaé. Mr. GEIKER 565-2M04or cdt collo- 416-490-7771 ROON FOR RIENt. S400IonOl. Hat 6 .hydro éricluded. Paul, 878-3752. 3WRosAvalag ATTENTION - Rooma. badieor end néou 1 beomo %pinent lh &0t ai undh'ng ( T.V., lied, and sofa). uiito and [inter 5100tweek mid up, For goad poopIo 877-@8M6 FURNISHEO, waulng poison, deassn. surmener --ci central air. noer malt, $95. lsi . luai wooka, 875-1269 leave message. 315 Commercial & Induit. Prop. REASONAILE ORMTRIAL UNITS lau reant 1,060 10 3,200 sq IL Secrouid Servics on onom. 875-1200or 1-416-275-fi34l % ffce& isins Sae GENERAL WAREHOIJSEtOFFICE AREA. Warelioms aace Ulm affractere offics iitualed ilown P"eamcontact Doa i875-0012 322 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO *UV - Combination wooded, pashare. wel lands, no buld.nges nedod 612- 435-7297. J.W. Kahn, 33 Maple laltand Flod. Burmel Minnesota. U.SA. 5637 325 Real Estate 6UILDING FOR SALE - $599,000 ý4 Iloora. 10,000 sq fI Downtown Mlon. 416-293-7500 Oui WITl-14 2,00-0FUU. LDOWN PAYMENT. Super 2 storey, 3 bedrooni ulîl garage. 10 minutes nord, ol hatn Ideaila frYoung tamthec St.185lmon'n 416-875-1416 COUNTRY- Stonohoua (1879) baoni. diing shed. 1 0 acres. 25 minutas Iran, Millon, noer Guelph. $286.000 519-856-9645 DORSET PARK, 2 siory, 4 bedroomne, 1-1/2 baINs, large lot, abovo ground pool. noutual de.r central sac., akunini windows, solIdes. lasha sas and apmus, $186.900 CaU 875- 4568 in sors No Agonis Plat. FOR SALE, 3 be<kroom iOonliou. reducd NO doon payment. Coniplotefly upgraded, lintihtd basement. Cal 876- 189, PRiVATE SALE - 3 bodrooni al bc"d Bungalowr dlgarage, aut conditionid, fiessted mro m .utl lîreplac Large treed lot, Cal 878-5178 No Agents PRIVATE SALE $198,- 3 Bedroom aIl buick rareord ranch, Single garage, central air. laiy ioom ilhd tiroplasce. large lot CaU78-37l Alter 5 No agents, PmAl VAE SALE -3,300 sq. Il Cenfury Home i desîrabl aria. Complotely renovated, 4 bedroo'ns, 2 batooma,,m ma o fly mmon. format kuingroan ad dieigtoOIl. 3 fireplaces, On large lot, dos Io adise clown-at MA-n and Rotary Park, fI369.00 332-0614 ate S p.m________ TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE 3 Boduoo'n, 3 bathroam. upgraded broadoon. cen" a r. oa" sac. saigl garage, soparata dsuigAlVpo paitry i luichoni, laiohed hnimel il buIn aadiy ro'ii Fmr biqil ei l (416) lq4-2862 VILLAGE ýARC ON 11E POND0. noo wIý bedraom condo. Olh leer. 1 parking. 1 siennge.S5 appliances $144,500 874708 165 osg..Mtdicai. Dental etc. DENTAL ASSISTANT roquIred- In Orlhodontaut Practico Cutba aloîcli4 saing RecpiSnt PWMoase repl iwmt~ Or. . Haird SUMal. .E, O LOILT IN4 166 Careers e E.C.E. ITEAER E.IRED Plase a fos ile s, t0: THE FAIULY PLACE clo Bla"o PRsng HIgh Uchool 1000 &Wn Shoot, Eau MUflouI On8io 1AT 496 3r M M