eèWi*ldcat girls fight for top spot in north basketball Ný As thse isson begins fol wind clown in niai over Stesearttosn seiti 10 points white ing dosen 10 and Dan Partello i"lng Brook- Allait doublet ler taisnsate Dridget a, elemesstary Ochool baskabIl nothing has bees J.M, Oge0 nda oe 3frAeeitsn ville witlssix. Campbull's four for Stewazttown. decidini in thte northvisivtbn. Sintil ry¶mes Si Sherratt buat Mceze Titing are closer In thse girls division with Cutn»nili squmkad by Deokvllle 26-24. j Centennial hais a substantial four point lead Smtt41- Dive Dolliver itad 10 points for leagu lesîng WlI. Dick clairning seins avec Tanya Martin scoed 16 for Cantenntal sehile in the boys league whiile W.l. Dlck itolds à slim. McKenzis-Smlti and teammate Shasen Hop- Seartn 1-19 and McKcnzîe-Sntlth 52.32 Amndl BonneUl added 18 for Brolville. singe pintmarinin thte girls lSgue. làt botis kins had eigitt. Hîgis scorer for Sheratwst epteroepiteg ntesadns hratmr hnduldMKnWmt Ca&sis Somn Sherati ukn nscnwi-uaalbe The Wlldcats'got 10 points tronm KeUy Ivens 51-25 locd by Kelly Pièrson's 14 points. Sweet- 1 n fé Si' W.. Dic squemed pas Stewrttown39-32 nd eiht motisenilandy rownriiedrilndsan Friedich ish ad dosendonssix tn ls tbys took wins over Bnlokville wlts Devin Richtardson scortng 17 points for Stewamtown sein wisile Alliso is, Bridges Md(enze-Smlit got eiguSt fronm Siondra 54-17, Stewarttown 36-29 and Brookvilli &gain thse seinners and j.M. -ge matchlng tise total C ampi nd Blarb M s Di tise points Stroad. esgitt more fruo Heather Trotter and a 54-12 ta pusis theïr reodt-1. In the Iint for thse vanquished. Richardson's teammate frts aes M gs rn uie us eBraokville sein Centennial seas paced by Dive Steve Roy poured un 15 for thse Wlldcats. WlI. Dlck got 10 points in thse Wlldcat sein Druokvlle edge out Centennial 22-21 as Welburn's 12 points. Kyle Martin had four for W. Dick stayed in the isunt ieitis a 46-32 sein over McKenzie-Snt whiile Hether Hills weon Donneil ied the way wits,16 points and Karen g ie lasers. over McKenzie-Snsitl to, lave themn only four tise week's scoring tille seitis 20 un thse losing Farts poppad six for Cantennia. Cet.nil J In the second game againist Bmookville Rysis points out ot t rst. Richardson &gain led the lut cause. bounced back to crush Stewarttown 39-10. SHowatt druppel 12 points, Miaf loliffe isad Il parade for thse Wildc.ats but, Dolliver out- In otiter gantes second place Siserrstt crssed Shsannon Nolan notched 12 for thse seinners and DerekD&Owney potted 10. Both Robin Mc- pointed iin 14-12 on thse day. Stesearttosen 42-16. Kelly MacDonald and Jen- sehile Kate Potoaky hit 10 and Tanya Martin Ca11 and Shasen Postins popped tive for Siserratt tooks the points un à gaine eitis nifer Sweetiand scored 10 and Kimi Friedrichs claised, elgist. Amy Clark led tise way for, Brookville. Mashinter led thse seay for Centen- Bmokville 27-21 seitis Daryl VanLosen knock- knocked dosen six in thse sin Wihle Heatiser Stewarttown selt tie. ) ' à AEROBIC CENTRE 'GdeYr Kk6S. o Sp rts "ty 875-4257 vadbl AS ntuelI Pnices Frdaoy, Fsbruary 21, 1992 Unit______ 7___ 875-4257______ Dan Fiôrita blanks ~ Milton District 5-O n7 DRAD HEAUME Just a fittie posÉ-seson tune-up please. The isigh scitool hockey regular season ended seits à sehmmper as Milton DistriM hooked Up wîtis Bisisop Redintat Memorial Arena on Tuesday in seiat amounîrd to, a meaningless gante, Redifig won tise contest 5-0 but tl affects tise playoff ntatcis-ups, not one iota. Tiese sarnt wu teams will square off in the first round of tise p layuffs on Tuesday, Feis 25 at Memoial Arena on Tisompson Road. Came lime ils3p.min Wisile Dan Fionta recordedti he shutout, tl ws against a lackliistre Milton District teans. Cuunterpart Ryan Peddie in tise Mustang goal ac- tuîtly isad a spectacular gaine making numetous sares of point blank blasts. Most of the goals against im came on second efforts. 'Veais, Ryan (lkddie) played well.' agreed Milton District head coach Bob, Pitt. "Unfortunalely tise teant didn't play well in front ut isim.' The Mustangs seere playing witisout the services ut three regulars seho were evnga suspension su consequently Pitt dismnisses tise L-C. Dity's raeM Dugai. (31) woehe the otalva zorte agahsa Uiehop Radin a k ban dw polegs ils il EC. Dtssry on Tuaaday. Rading woan thse mdl eS dws Speetan wMt a ffl1 %Is In tise junior gans. Reding tafces both ends of i Dy PAUL ZONE sltis hec tesmas effort~ addlin ope" ata %a climplon ing togatiser and playlng o- ' Tis E.C Drury Spans droppeti bath gaint ofà bas- dldn't niaia too miac out a katbal doublehoëlder flauday so du visltlng Dlithop site did say, If's MtMl nice ta ffl4i 111làais Blisop lleding's jurnior Th is dgs boyq ptid la off for the Royale, belâtg sweep ov Dnuy sellas ~~eru4227.Nl D go ttihgofngord Tise jlunior Royals, wlo ha sakingoo on tseo 9"list.letsslnrtpew ldb wnt on to ehs tum itoryseulu25 ton a.lee ard RIcix O'Doneil Blisop Rading oachs Joanne Maataolula sm ph"aa Drury gante even as a poitent of things ta crine. "Were not atraid ut Bisisup Red ing," ise said. "1W can beai tem but tise guys are going tu have tu turit it back on tu do il." - jin Wood opened tise scurlng for Reding attse 1:00 mark ut tise initial trame. An assîst- seent tu Calebs Powell. Tise Royals scored agate at 1:01 ut tise second period wisen Brin Mallany knocked isome a rebui4d off tise back bourds tesirs Roi Harndon's point sisot. Powell put tise gaine away for 1k-ding wisen te scored attse 1.40 mark ut tise tird, tipping in a sisut froin lamie Galway. Rois Bednar.%ki tinished a nice passing play eitis lue Piazza at 6:23 as he flipped iî Up. staîrs and past Peddic for a 4-01 Iead and Powell knockedime a rebound aI 924 tolend tisescuring. 'lsal a trotter ut whietiser tise kids. wapit tu play a disciplinrd styjL7 Pitt said ut tiseir chances in tie off. Miltunt District setîl go int tise playutfs seitis mil their players exccpt Crai6 RintomaIkî wiso was given a ctarging major and will isave tu sit out a une gainesuspension. Mer'chants begin their second seasop tonight Once burnt, twmce sisy. Lave and leart. Don't count your cickens before tlieyre liatcted. An adage convention? il yea, sort of. Actually it's tise Milton Mcrchanta cocites' office, but tise simibrity is strong. Witt tise teain comlng off titeir but mson in tise memorles o f t"se seio stili hsave memores, aà _______________ record 63 pointa on a 29-8-5 record, tise front office is Ieu eW t Tisere sell be nu looking A Sports View past tise task as land, nuo seildly optimistic pisîdlc-wt R EA E tions, no grandiose planswl RORAM no mention ut tise future. Tise Mercliants hsve used lte lotions ut tise last two saisons to guide tisen un their qssast for junior B hockey supremacy. PW W1 n Tise officiai lie front Mestitant coach and meeai mange Rick Bince is é5 1>h hat il doesn'tt ma rfwto thyfacen te pos,b Utrampton, ias to id egis un ie mind. Tise Capitale. sehic iDne coached Primrto comn't Milton titrue seàsona ago, isave ddettd Milton two years lit a rose.h bihso Milton :o every season serles. cscept tiseir sentes wt b i l Brampton. Tise Capitals woan four gaines Io Multon's two. merly..Ciancy Seymnour, a Mwinger o sl Milton Whio playod wt ;h Masteolulsi Brsampton lest yeàr, clamsu it doeSn'l malter seio tise Meseliants play Prod »tw WLhlm a bit and lu sili confluas tI ssntlng to piy Brampton, in ta rullaingt Igor tise d opportunlty sisould It corne is seay but ist anaseer stili holds a concrete md% joyssrs~ ofpla thgdt soud persvade &il sport la ming a tise Mer- ce atfn chants~ st atouenr for tis job alsmd. Ail s DiesM lu dlaled dta 2sePo ere ise th. . fliedd J. t" stading ses unintporlant, sa long as they alusfr aCmde tie playofe, - long -a tise1 dld seauin th ployo& - 0»MERClAM1 on Page la