Demie or Peppàan& PIZzE meat or Chaume Tortelini Chcknià e 499.t 299. Wicners Apple Criop à« 16*w l 420 MAIN &T. L. HOUWS MLTON MON. FRL O 9:30 Lsa. 7- -'i * Il j mulon mvinor Hockey Association 'Rqquires COACHES for Rep. and House leagues c - ALL LEVELS Send your rosumé with qualificall Milton Minor Hockey Asa c/o Coaches Uection Cc Box 37 Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 Pick Up applications at a Applications close March3 Book traces 150-year history ofSt John'"s A cuttiay andi fiv deraduet have pasaud slnoe an John Grirnshaw of thse congrqaton. Ans lan cong iait was ueablishti In the rural lThe book alto contains a beaulissil four-pae laycut Townhip of Naugawe. Andi todays members; of "ha chutcis stajiet glais wlndaws - eichof would like totell you &B&bout l. thé4mdediatedUthhhthe years by membrseotide Through a teries cf avents and prolects, thse cont- ..grgalOm tgcommensosue decaasd lovait aosa. gregation of St. John's Anlican Church is celibràting Aie well, tae pssblicpitio lista Ite-sames andi dates is 150U blrthday. b of cervica cf Se. Jon'.ý 37 rectop fusasi Rev. -George One of the proJocte ha, bees completei - te pubi- Grahamo in 1844 sa today'e Rev. Charles Masters, cetton af à OC-page bock caflat Foe4srntc, wec Côpica of FbHtrepir are available ai &. Jahn'i A;g-' traeas the 150 years ai coogiagational ife in thse licari Church at No. 10 Sideroci andi Cuelph Line, ce parlss. Complleti andi writteu b lunes And"cs of wei as ai St. George's Antglican Chutarh in Lowvillt -Campbeilvile44s book il W the hjbuey or. thse The book caon alto be obtalned by calling 854-0275 church andtibts parishioners ai eil as tise hltorical or &54-2234. lThe price per copya wstil May 31, 1992. 0 dcevelopment oftheAglcansChurch in Canéda. saiti 515.1 )nt to: oclation îmnflte reia.' ,1992. W PLYMOIM CHAVUEn USED CARS -The new Saturn coupe isa big 'êalùe. The new Sattrn sedan <s a littie bigger."-- You cati pay as Uitile as $9895 foîr the new Saturn SL. Or $14.620 for ant Sc, the sport)' new coupe. Either wat>, price isne of thse lsvst l'catures Iisted on the sticcer. Ansd suivie of the features standlard on that list are options on inost of our competifos. Like a four- speaker stereo systemn. Other features aren'î evet availsible on aîsy otiser coupe or scdin. Làke denit-rsistsssî bodyside panels. Sa inatybe tise biggest deisioît vou'Il have to malte _ at a Satuns showroom is jîs lim- big a A DIFFIÈRENT ]KIND 0F COMPANY. A DiFFERENT KIND 0F CAR, VcFamsi. v.n Tha, Sem. 'sr- .ý4 SATtfl rN [,%: D dcj 507 SPEEMNOA #03 AKýI[LL 61 845-10011YZ r=~ '""W 413.WB 'SUN 87.4W 313,3W f0913 311,4W "-'N 8 7,4W $11-'. 'IONS 310,998 * 4,3W S IAN 8 3.3W 8 UN st-SU e - * 5.1W S 4W * 1,135 * SU S 4W INTE ST4 TON 2580 A swimmer 's If swlmmlmg la thsa baié fomai 6 e- erase, a lot 0fol aein battu chape elnoe Ous» Laiscue 'Rece: oa swim pronams h 1ave been swa awithp01nlcpa - many ltrlyatntgtn Som childressdrive tatecse by their paerbT have borts lIt strandei because the pool, is fullta it limnit (210 people). Thse Town of Miltion, avsgt par- ents dropping off their ts walttot tee if thse pool is Accepting swlmmcrs beoeleaving, or phscse aheadt. More people arc allawed inas athers leava.e He's anather tip. Colit-peratati Iockers are available Ws bring tome .ha e. The snack ber ls open as At far as thse g mat recresation of S wimng goes. t he Town la current- ,y offéring nine different Pmorao Early bind Swini fo :d=s m youth tre a great wey ta start the day. Chect&e.the campetitive pool from 6 tai 8 cm. WVednesday or 7:30 ta 8:30 Tuasdys and Thurtday mopsîngs. Thse teisure Pol is opet in this progccm front 6 ta 8 a.m. d nesday or 7 ta 8:30 Tuetday andi Thursay mornings. Sunday mors- log swimmîing is available as well fctsm 7:30 ta 8:30. lThe sauna and whrposl are alto available. Pioneer Lelture Swlusc for tbose aged 55 ansd over are helti cvcry Mossday and Wedoacdcy frais 1:30 ta 2:30 p.m. Thse prmgramn isscludes use of braIs pools, sauna andi whirpool. tarent and Pre-achooler 1lebute Staime are for parents andi therpe tchaolers,S yqÏrs cf cge anide= siqrgsbord ILYisure -I huom 1:30 toaR30 p.m. flhsaidysansd 9 ta 1iMu*iday mansinge. Lalsure Pool ny Aduit Sw4se for ihone 18 yearc af cge antd aver have use af bath poosls, saunianmd whlrlpool Monticys, Tues- days, and Tha dys hm 9:30 ta 10:36< Wedinc6aàys humn 9 to 10M p.o. lte secte? cOde is Omo Noon Haer Swlma tan be anjoyati sy peple agad 13and ovar Monday- toFia rm12 noon ta 1 M p.m. Bat Zools,;euaa andi whiripool ar lCray Kids Swims are the thing ta do Friday &Ms Scturday evenings. Meet y aur friandis fmom 8:30 ta 10 p.m. Frldays and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. Scarticys for -fun anti excitement. Adults walcome, too. Use afitcl facilities for certain aile gsnups. Ali Ag ai Swelas are for everyone froir 6:30 ta 8 p.m. lThursday anti cuays and huom 2 ta 3:30 p.m. an weekends. AIMaclIlties avallable for certain age groups. Laiera Swlns Omly are opens ta everyone in the lelsute pool'Tuesday marnîngs from 10 tai Il andi Thursdays fmmn3 to 4p.m. r For more information on iny af thete progrants, ccli thse Town of Mil- ton lelsure servicecs depausosent at 878-7211 or the. Miltcn Leisure Centre at 878- ýW1M (7946). t- i Cc Ccken -NuàËgets -Ledsy Broaded -AIl White Muai Un. 55 Nuggots M Pork Back Ribe Il Oyrrasly blue. '91 Dynutyry I4 Oynacty. dsy rse Il5 Cols Vatsé 4 ir ,gray Il5 Acclaim 4nk, btue '9COon* Spirit V6 4 dr.. anir. car '90 Sitadoc 4 Dr. chempna 1i U Old Rya 4r. Io itier 8 lfm Voyae VO W014, bisa, air 18 Dada, Cab E: piup. Iwo-mma gon~ ecap. U0&CIIIWON Énam ck 87 Plyrmseui Pelue LE. 16 Plyrmefs VoyagerWation. gein '84 P lhi Tteisa2 dr. twow , a&M. 14 Pessi r hrsas. 4 d. brais '0 GWC Pi 3/4TeasMbi,3& 01....... »4 PWuulffealMort d, m ....... 14 Doi Alee 4 *., biais 141illitf Teaten, 2*,.. ' rS ',. 14P se eaa4*red-,..ýý_--- MIL 876- a a tri X Y 6iîM_ý - _ _ __ - l ý -9_1 - iÀm