Exercis not watered gownsnso hand-in-hand, uniess a swimming ber &lclasses missed. To registror to poolitaentere into the equation. ffid out mare about lelsure centre When an extarise routine sio.e tams oeil 878-SWIM (7946). fmint the gym ta the pol t butomes aquacise - a tmol. ls strertuous way to get fit. Aquacise came tu town a week ago when classes began at the nmt Milton Lature Centre. The -nine-week prograni has at- w tracted a vaiiety af participants frumi grandinothers to pregnant wolnen, maniy of whome ame "aquactsing" for the first lime. "You're ail luce for duffc'rent ma- sons,' satd.1hstructor Laurie Wil- liamis dutng on intrmductoiy talk at W tht start of!h Friday setision. She says tome Sml involved on a dcrsrecommcndaion, others want tai socialize or enpoy.a time for themsclves whtie soame are uqing ex- ercise ýta supplement a weiglat lots pmogram. 11. TMW Of MRNI W # Pat Robmnson poined the prcigranri for the exercise and la meet people. lINM GIrhm o She finit experecrd the aquatir pro- grai tehen stt plned a frtend at a dM10, (MPOunpo hol 1»fl clas, in Markham. h~ When Kim Gwillam says sihteOliOttlma Od jolned the clats because a frtend tked her inta it, the's ta Pat. The tour the took onW centre alto belfd con" nce~r ta IIS geinvolved. lateneru. i aot tue tee had aoinething lîke POSTAL CODE tht, and III dtfinittly use phase two as telI," LGm but. - PHOI (MOUE) Il love the watre buI narrer learnad to swim. With setwn ktds 1 A df never had thet irnt," says Grace PIS rey Vanderitet. Her daugbter; Marilyn Trento can- FUErc vinced her ta join tht pragram. Aftr their (mast seasion tht pair admttted Wy gM you're dolng," said Kim Allat a tht relaxoi in the Iehirlpoo aller the ona-hour session.hmaà A swinino &U of hr ile, Kim sald . k ula h tht', imro"o wtth the nese factllty ie(sIha and caent watt for tht aond phase a0 usdorway. 3 ématl "o t woenen bâaispent their final 4. dot SeU à~ lests lea'nlng saine o! the bte ie.- PwsapIu menta af the pntlgram. Classes mtari by wanning up mbtacla wlth morne ~ i ~ ~ * brlsk walking aind >,olng bacli and foath is the pootl. A session af stretches la fobjpoed by aroa&,c exer- à blo qRd6 cimes thal include vin andi kg wark The inmtructor explatned dhises àwésM .I naaaosing behipd the wanm-up and waM il levl , m * deacribedathe wfltsaofthetbottin errises that folIote the atiuos. Floats areused durtng the final ag ment asd thon'. backignound maali throughout due closa ta hclp par.-- - - inaS OCO l or Pomem ttdpaents n die aquacime pgnam. sIau ied Ici miort rusa mns 9.30-10:1 a.m. Mcaaday, hsoewr' ,=,ne ar )cn in; ollu soldoas aie aII..m10noon Môn y; 9:w t 10:15, a.m Wdn.ay; undriday.li1 &ian. tu om.'an:cmls S4 for one claia à wek lt ine wefL onee AIS poin Mu9 the proposa hM bqu w ül ________ Ilclwani cboomo à lkm oc -w" - a cool dhang@. '11M nS-e oIfo.ai il h. new Ummn À. Labour. Contire undor the guidanceo f ituor , Laeurle Wlllaeme <photo r1gat>. Uhn brIngs 10 y«Ma ol aquaio Nuel- PM RFMP lng exparkono wlh hWr. Puas RÀM tc Your 1 >tle Mffiloton!oay I oq mïm"IKS pm on a N OIIFZf« UT, MAI o ($USINES$) de và W" tk helm 1o:3o0 c.NmIh 4:00; g.m fl, pkh up M1 uoqui Id dwi N"ISIN6 WORES YA& on Tme bd ilio Fil 11 m~mdh ImMM aient adu #, -at mu NIN SOuA il lMuua.àbm Imm, oh.t"ObmmwIo *lw~doaft u.Iimma P. 0. la las mg~ 00 1 III 'IN NIIAx MILTSU NEATY Sw SATU&Y 2.4 Pm ROYAL Lamqft MAL "STAI LàD SATUMfAY 2.4 Pm 741 yvodsd Am'*.0an 813.900. But»s vihOsa e Aibondancee ROYAL LINGE NUL LITAIE LTD. SATIJNAY 2-4 Pm no0 BEcS Aw, $0.900 Durit Lcranae attandanoe ROYAL LEIE MAL EBTATE LO. ROYAL LiPAE %EM ALlIAniS LTO. NOy 2.4 PM 618 Sxnnym1. $22.900, John 1.19 P Pus .r sninan RIMtAI MILTOWNE NIALTY CONP q IIIOAY 2.4 PMi 461 Bail Sire 1 Jole Talne in Silandance RE/MAX MILTOWNE RUALTY CORP BUNOAY 1.4 PM 550 id4, One Uni 5 $133.9m0 G., Prilmnn Silardarce RIAIA MILTOWNE REAL"Y CORp BUNOAY 2-4 PM 61 Tiona st $357.000 Rat Lafisoe in afflandairca ROYAL LEPAGE REAL EBTATE LTD. 8784101 SMJOAY 2-4 PMi 344 Willam, A"C Sendi Knsal in Stedanot ROYAL LINOR NIAI. ESTATI LYD. 878-4101 SUNDAV 2.4 PU 774 Caboi Trai ssao ROYA LIGE NL "TAIE Lin. 5UNDAY 2-4 PM 2192 De" Rd, <Jm W1Tei Rd)îafo 92u4,900 Sancy Dei Papaîn anenduac ROYAL LIPAGE NIAM EITAT! LYO. 87".101 UIAY 2-4 PM 720 SAdalal Cramsnt $164.9m0 Rwai Shaj.a in artendae ROYAL LINME NUL EBTrATE LM. BIJNOAY 2,4 PM 710 KMmm Cr.aont SI $17.00. Baas Rad.n in sioaend ROYAL LINOS NUL crAT LT. SWIOAY i.4 pu 592 Stiriny.ale Ciea Mar im ens amsnami OOYAL LINGE NUEA 18211 Lin. U5Y2.4 PM WO 104R , unit 39 8135.600. Lon Osiacamer anerldace ,ROYAL LINAGE NURL EtTATIÉ LM 8704101 UMMOY 2.4 PM 415 Lins. Eau f A.m, ROYA LINONI.n ùB"IAIS TD IUNOAY-2.4 PM 475 teailase Cim. $171.00 Aailisî Loa-Ccsa N Undaiç. NOYAI. LINGE IAL £87471 Lin. 070.101 IIMDAY 2.4 PM 774 Câboi awl 8l89.000 Joycs Hfflrk in acesnc NOMA LINOS NEALEUTTLTO. sOe8EOY 2.4 1011 so1is Cride 'w $124.000 Urin o R 0.9. = 070.122aua L u